Fact: Historically, no human population, ancient or otherwise, cared about "race-mixing" or "racial differences" until racist 19th century Europeans invented it
We all loved each other and fucked freely
Why can't we go back to that?
Fact: Historically, no human population, ancient or otherwise, cared about "race-mixing" or "racial differences" until racist 19th century Europeans invented it
We all loved each other and fucked freely
Why can't we go back to that?
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If we get rid of all the virtue signalling leftists and go back to a meritocracy, sure.
America is the only country that obsesses over this shit. Moronic leftists and rightists both do this, the whole concept of race is too ingrained in the psyche of America.
but that's wrong
Because we're redpilled
>why cant we go back to that
have you seen what happens when a negress gets COLONIZED?
>We all loved each other and fucked freely
>Why can't we go back to that?
There is literally nothing preventing you from race mixing all you want in fact there's propaganda dedicated to it 24/7.
Like all good leftists you're just a virtue signaling cuck frothing at the mouth because people tend to prefer to stick to their own in groups by and large.
Arab slave trade.
>muh evil racist europeans invented everything bad
Actually the concept of racism was invented by leon Trotsky (communist jewish russian) in a paper called 'the leftist opposition journal"
Nothing to do with western europe.
delet this
10 bux says OP is a black guy that BLACKED a few white Stacy's during a frat party but is butthurt none of them want to marry him
>virtue signaling
Your /pol/ is showing, better get that treated with anti-virus medicine.
>tfw white cashier at a discount retail store in a urban mall in downtown of a predominantly hispanic/negro city
ama about interracial relationships
>We all loved each other and fucked freely
Europeans were racist to eachother.
>Points out a well known and commonly used leftist trope
>Call him /Pol/
I am not the user you're responding to but why not make an argument instead of simply flinging shit.
Have you called any of them a nigger ?
It's actually the other way around really. People in the past were, as a general rule, so racist that they considered even people from nearby villages/settlements to be a different "race" than themselves.
You realise this statement couldn't be farther from the truth.
Ancient Greeks were so racist they would frown upon you fucking somebody from two cities over.
The Chinese would kill you if you tried to run off and marry somebody who want ethnically Han and still enforce that prejudice pretty vigorously.
I am a white guy that has BLEACHED plenty of Kim songs but none of them will even consider marrying me because they want ethnically Chinese, Japanese, or Korean kids.
bleached is for anal
COLONIZED is for fucking a black girl
GOOKED is for fucking an asian
>GOOKED is for fucking an asian
I don't think so
no, but i saw a hispanic dude call one of my ex coworkers a nigger for "allegedly" giving him the wrong change
Gooked is when a white girl gets fucked by an Asian guy
BLEACHED is a generic term for when a white person fucks a non-white
Not true OP. People always cared about visible phenotypes. People in the past were far more xenophobic as well.
History isn't (funnily enough) black and white you masterful retards. Societies had intermingling of cultures, peoples, races, ethnicities, ect. But they have also had mass genocides, deportations, massacres, slavery, and other atrocities on those aforementioned different classifications of people as well.
You realise that the standard artistic depiction of men back then was to have them have an extreme tan that made their skin leathery and bronze right? Almost all of those images depict white on white relations.
The one is a depiction of a negro though.
T. Studied art history for far too long
>bleached is when a white fucks a non white
that doesnt even make any sense, how the fuck is bleach involved. Atleast COLONIZED has actual historical connotations and is a play off a common kink in black girls
the only historical connotation bleach had with sex is when girls bleach their assholes
How did what I've said contradict what you've said? The fact is that the majority of people across the majority cultures in the majority of times have frowned upon delivery cross cultural and interracial relationships.
To deny so is to be historically illiterate.
Read the text. More important the images chosen.
Because you're making their potential children's skin whiter
Of course there were occasional interracial relationships, but you realise that it was far more common for Latin Roman legionaries to kill black men and make sex slaves of their wives and daughters than it was for a black to cuck a white Roman.
Fuck of with this historical cherry picking so you can satisfy your cuck fetish.
Rome, during its rise to power only deemed Roman's to be worthy of holding rights to citizenship, they even denied this right to other Italians for as long as they could. It was only after the height of Roman power did they grant everyone in Rome citizenship.
Why do cucks always choose the "White girl, Black guy" image to represent mixed race unions? Ironically if you want to accurate choose an image of whos race mixing you'd choose an Amerindian. pewresearch.org
I will say that I like colonized as well though
The text looks down upon the rare instances as I do. That's the whole point. When it rarely happened between a Roman women and an Ethiopic or Blackmoor (as the Romans called them) it was controversial.
>majority of people across the majority cultures in the majority of times have frowned upon delivery cross cultural and interracial relationships.
I suppose if you want to take an aggregate of people, sure, but that is hardly the point of history.
Societies have had cross racial and cultural breedings, it has been accepted in the past, so the question is what societal influences or social influences lead to this. Saying it is one or the other or trivializing when either happened is just /pol/ memery that contributes nothing to the discussion of these societal constructs.
All of you that breed with niggers need to be beheaded.
I wonder why
how do you make skin whiter with bleach
cherry picking at this point
goyim plz help
We are too inbred
look at this nice Jewish girl isn't she lovely she hates Islam too heheheh
plz infuse some genetics okay?
t. Greatest ally
Ah, I see. Good point, I just didn't read it because I thought it would be thinly veiled cuck porn.