around the same time as rome?
Was there any black African kingdom/empire that could match the power of rome
The Kingdom of Aksum
not even close
North african white empire count
Almohade empire
Fatimid empire
Almoravid empire
Those are far superior to Roman or Byzantine in military, army size technology, science, art, culture.
I can also add Carthage obviously and very ancient egypt under Ramsès etc.
Ain't black! I can claim Mediterranean and Iranian achievements for my Anglo-Slavo-Nordic mudblood ass, but ain't no way no lousy nigger can associate himself with Nubia, Mali, or Somalia!
Hey OP, how about you give us a list of Germanic kingdoms / empires that could match Rome, during the Roman period?
What did OP mean by match?
If we're only speaking about blacks, then any post-16th African state with firearms and gunpowder can crush Rome.. no debate here
The Cimbri
What do you mean by white? My understanding is that those regions were ethnically and culturally Amazigh before the Arab conquest
Top kek, user's suggestion of Axum is more credible than a literally who tribal group who got BTFO by history.
In my country the law say that North african = white. I'm sorry, but I'm only obeying the official classification.
Why do people keep replying to this thread. It uses the same picture as a fuckton of bait threads countless times before.
Mani named Axum as being one of the great powers of the world. Along with Rome, China and Persia.
Read a book
Aksum was a very capable trading power and pretty good militarily but obviously not = to Rome
OPs question is bait. Very few kingdoms could = Rome in the entire world
Not being = to Rome does not = being shite
no where near Peak Rome though
Probably not on the same scale and with the same capability/legacy but there were stronk African kingdoms.
Musa I of Mali spent so much gold and silver on his way to Mecca that he collapsed local economies.
> His procession reportedly included 60,000 men, including 12,000 slaves who each carried four pounds of gold bars and heralds dressed in silks who bore gold staffs, organized horses, and handled bags.
> Musa gave the gold to the poor he met along his route. Musa not only gave to the cities he passed on the way to Mecca, including Cairo and Medina, but also traded gold for souvenirs. It was reported that he built a mosque each and every Friday.
> But Musa's generous actions inadvertently devastated the economy of the regions through which he passed. In the cities of Cairo, Medina, and Mecca, the sudden influx of gold devalued the metal for the next decade. Prices on goods and wares greatly inflated. To rectify the gold market, on his way back from Mecca, Musa borrowed all the gold he could carry from money-lenders in Cairo, at high interest.
> This is the only time recorded in history that one man directly controlled the price of gold in the Mediterranean.
>collapsed local economies
He devalued gold, he didn't collapse any economies
The achievement is impressive enough without the embellishment
Somali city states
>around the same time as rome
I know this is a fucking retarded bait thread and I'm ashamed for replying, but no. Aksum and Meroe were two only actual civilizations of note in black Africa at that point.
They were absolutely nowhere close to Rome in terms of anything; extent, power, literature, art, architecture, engineering, infrastructure manufacturing, etc. Aksum was a small regional kingdom that sometimes influenced invaded regions, not some massive empire. Meroe was a just a small, sparsely inhabited kingdom trying to by Egypt.
Furthermore, aside MAYBE from Han China, and even that's a stretch, nothing else on Earth came close to Rome at it's height. Don't delude yourselves you Parthian fucks.
a splinter group of the nomads that the han pushed out ended up buttfucking the romans tho - fall of the western empire, initial decline of the east
>The Kingdom of Aksum
What's so good about it?
Yes user, the "fall of Rome" was all done by one small group of people in one fell swoop
>Don't delude yourselves you Parthian fucks.
Aaah, yes, some poster you are.
Not him but
It was a wealthy mercantile empire that conquered Nubia and the Himyarites Kingdom in Yemen/Saudi Arabia. Mani the founder of Manichaeism said it was one of four powerful Kingdoms of his time.
Its not = to Rome in any way, but neither are 99% of civs, but it was a decently influential and wealthy kingdom for about a millennia
>Furthermore, aside MAYBE from Han China, and even that's a stretch, nothing else on Earth came close to Rome at it's height
Mauryan Empire would definitely be a challenger.
The same can be said of almost every major empire
>MAYBe from Han China
Han China would sweep the ground against Rome, for one simple reason. They had a much, much more organised fiscal house - a war between China and Rome due to the massive tracts of terrain and organisational effort needed would need a steady income. The Chinese bureaucracy effectively genocided or culturally assimilated all the non-Yangtze ethnicities and managed to impose a uniform set of laws within its' borders, while a lot of Roman colonies were scarcely tributary states
shh you might offend the romeaboo
What about its military and technology?
Plus a huge population advantage
Research have shown that they didn't share a public stick to clean their asshole with so they have that going for them against the romans.
We have this fucking thread every day.
95% of Axum, the capital, is still unexplored, but we have some idea about society
They obviously had architects because of their buildings
But they also had cisterns, water wheels, dams, bridges, minted coins, and had terraced farming and irrigation.
A decently progressed civilization with a great location for trade = a very wealthy nation for many years
Well, at the height of its power at about -100 to 200 there was only one power close by to rome the romans were never able conquer or decisively defeat and thats germania
Are you deliberately retarded?
Compare these;
to this;
Compare pic related... this.
>Art output is measured by length of wikipedia articles.
Fucking kek.
Germania was composed of dozens if not hundreds of nation-states, the Romans conquered the relevant parts and left the rest of those tree-niggers to their own devices.
what about the sassanids?
They were some weird amalgamation of city-states and independent territories.
This, Rome was an anomaly, not a standard.
If it was so great why is Africa shit now?Europe and China are doing fine.
Africa =/ Aksum
And many things change throughout the course of 2 millennia
A Ethiopian Jewish queen allegedly burned the entire Aksumite royal line alive
and the Solomonic line and the Empire was "restored" Islam had risen and taken over most of its trading routes
Then the Islamic Somalis expanded west and clashed with the Christian state burning many forts, palaces, and every church they could find
Plus countless other events
Is it really that hard to acknowledge that some political entities and cultures were significant at some point but eventually they stopped being prosperous?
Northern europe was a shithole for thousands of years and that doesn't seem to be a problem for most people..
The whole WE WUZ meme of mocking any obscure culture that was at some point powerful gets really old.
It doesn't happen only with brown people, it also happens with shit like Gauls which actually were pretty decent in their time but
seems to be the most popular opinion of them.
You really can't talk about many people with triggering so much idiots with mental chip on their shoulder. It's like stepping onto a minefield where saying anything interesting or positive about the trigger subjects just ruins a thread or starts shit and this really sucks.
Maybe when you
stop typing
like reddit...
Nice Adhominen. I bet you will attack my spelling next.
maybe Blacks should stop trying to steal civilizations and live with the fact they didn't really accomplish much
Why are you trying to steer this off topic and ruin this thread?
do you guys think Aksum could win in a sustained war against Rome
i know Rome has the numbers advantage, but maybe Aksum has some military tactics that might catch Rome off guard?
Why didn't China invade the west like the Mongols?
Aksum cucked da world. Hataz did! He took an Aksum army to Britannia. There wuz NO ONE left to cuck, da wimmiz wuz his.
It was primarily a trading/mercantile empire. It could conquer nearby advanced civs like Meroe and Himyarites but I highly doubt Rome
Abyssinia is naturally defensible though with the mountains and landscape. Thats what gave the Ottomans and Italians so much trouble. So maybe they could defend themselves inland. But the shore (present Eritrea) would be easy pickings in my opinion i doubt Aksum's army was anywhere near as trained or disciplined as Rome's
There is nothing more bonding then sharing an asshole cleaning stick with a Senator and Proconsul. That's how powerful triumvirates are born.
I bet you are from reddit and you have to go back.