More pictures like this
Ancient living
venice of the new world
lets go buy some cocoa beans
They all had that weird ass haircut, even the Egyptians depicted them like that
I have a lot for Persians. I believe this pic is of Sassanids.
Maya Salt Merchants
Persian Achaemenids
More Achaemenids
Some more Achaemenids
Great thread lads!
The Incas would totally beat the shit out of the Aztecs.
>fully nude serving girls
I want to be a pharaoh ;_;
>topless band girls
Why is not still a thing!?
But user! You know that Egyptians were really Black Africans! You wouldn't want to trigger a history professor, would you?
You Will never relax, drinking your third cup of chocolate as you admire the view of the Lake of Texcoco
Was it alcoholic?
Nuragic Sardinia.
is there factual basis to such pictures
architecture looks fascinating
>this is what women in ancient Minoa wore as everyday clothing
Check and mate Mesofaggot.
[...] and since we saw so many cities and valleys populated in the water and on the mainland and other great towns and that road as right and level as Mexico was, we were amazed and said that it seemed to things of enchantment Which are told in the book Amadis, by the great towers and buildings they had in the water and all of them, and even some of our soldiers said that if what they saw if it was between dreams and not wonder that I write here This way, because there is much to ponder in it. I do not know how I tell it, to see things never heard, not even dreamed as we saw
This symmetry and planning that so much admired the conquerors, came from an idea of political and social organization, from the quadripartite division of the Mexica (Aztec) group ... Many streets were canals by which only one could travel in canoes
Was it all really destroyed so easily?
This guy could have just making it up to make his travels seem more interesting
Ancient olmecs doing weird ritual burrying
It was a long siege, and the dismantling of the city was rebuilt with the same stones. You can still see parts of Aztec sculpture on stones in colonial buildings in random places. Aside from the Conquistadors word of mouth theres archeological excavations around Mexico City that attest to what they spoke of.
And it wasn't just that guy, virtually every Spaniard that wrote about the city said about the same.
Oh, I see.
I still think some of the pictures seem a little idealized.
Like most pictures drawn centuries after a civilization has been gone.
This is what Cortes reported to the king of Spain about Tenochtitlan:
"This great city of Tenochtitlán is built on the salt lake, and no matter by what road you travel there are two leagues from the main body of the city to the mainland. There are four artificial causeways leading to it, and each is as wide as two cavalry lances. The city itself is as big as Seville or Córdoba. The main streets are very wide and very straight; some of these are on the land, but the rest and all the smaller ones are half on land, half canals where they paddle their canoes. All the streets have openings in places so that the water may pass from one canal to another. Over all these openings, and some of them are very wide, there are bridges. . . . There are, in all districts of this great city, many temples or houses for their idols. They are all very beautiful buildings. . . . Amongst these temples there is one, the principal one, whose great size and magnificence no human tongue could describe, for it is so large that within the precincts, which are surrounded by very high wall, a town of some five hundred inhabitants could easily be built. All round inside this wall there are very elegant quarters with very large rooms and corridors where their priests live. There are as many as forty towers, all of which are so high that in the case of the largest there are fifty steps leading up to the main part of it and the most important of these towers is higher than that of the cathedral of Seville. . . ."
>this thread
I love how they had those weird little horns in their hairstyle, it was the hip meme hairstyle of 1600 bc in the Aegean
Really ancient living
This is extremely inaccurate. Persepolis was a palatial complex, not some huge city.
Nice recreation of one of the oldest pieces of art.
Tang Dynasty Chang'an
i kinda feel like loading up emperor ROTMK and trying to recreate this
Ok but why do I see some KANGZ in the background?
Fucking Chad. I hate that no matter where or when I go in space time, some fucking chad with awesome transport is going to be stealing all the girls
This is so hot. I wanna colonize that.
Any idea if this one is Egypt? I want a round plant boat to paddle about in
Any one a decent resource of historical cutaways like this?
Looks like Mesopotamia. I'm guessing that's a ziggurat in the background.
They were also still using those round coracles in Iraq until recently.
good eye
When I was 14 pictures of ancient boobs used to excite me so much. Now they do nothing.
What the fuck happened?
Easy access to pornography has destroyed the wonder.
Hundreds of years ago, when uncultured yokels went to museums, did they chuckle and get boners from all the naked paintings?
Used to fap for hours to a drawing of a market (which included naked female slaves). I imagined they were in my harem and i could just walk around my villa and pork them when/however i wanted. I think i had pretty good taste back then.
made me jizz
t. Used to have a complete collection of rare and well drawn reconstructions in HD, but lost them all in a HDD crash
the aztecs were really hated for being almost style anti alcohol. all the other city states conquered by them wanted their drank, but the aztecs would forbid it to everyone but the old and retired.
they were moralfags, they even thought makeup was a thing only sluts wore I think pol would love them. The huastecs were seen as degenerates by contrast by the Aztecs for their love of paint and tattoos, scandalous clothing, phallic worship, orgies and practice of taking hallucinogenic pulque.