You will never live in Kowloon walled city

>you will never live in Kowloon walled city

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Is this the power of AnCap intellectuals?

I was near there just a week ago when I was in Hong Kong. They tore down that block several years ago though, I think there's a museum there now or something.

but you can live in Rocinha

or Villa 31

At least everyone there gets some amount of sunlight

yeah, if you´re a top gangsta

>be third world roasty
>still try to look attractive and high status by wearing faux nice shoes and a faux nice bag

every fucking time

most people living there work in the city so they have to dress the best they can

As long as you cleaned up and improved your specific apartment/home, these places actually look pretty comfy to live in, so long as you don't get robbed.

See, you're assuming most, if any, of those living spaces have running water of comparable quality to what comes out of American taps.

Like something out of a cyberpunk film

>A cramped, unsafe shithole full of rats, decay, diseases, prostitutes, mold, ruled by triads and other gangsters
Truly the pinnacle of Ancapistan.

It does. Reminder that cyberpunk genre was supposed to be a warning to mankind but Ancapistanis think it's an ideal to strive for.

the people who live in the lowest floor build and rent the upper floors.

It's an ancap wet dream. That makes it both very unsafe and full of opportunities.



How is this remotely ancap?

There's no government. Any and all power or services is held by and provided by those with the capital to do so.

Thank Christ for that.
