I'm tired of being historically illiterate when it comes to historical eras. Can Veeky Forums tell me all the historical eras I should know, their approximate beginnings and ends? Thanks you.
Eras every historian should know
remember the hyper wars
Mesolithic: millennia prior to the end of the last ice ace c10,000 BC - precivilised hunter gatherers
Neolithic: ~10,000 BC to ~3,000 BC - Early proto-civilisation, development of agriculture, first cities in the fertile crescent
Bronze Age: ~3,000 BC to ~1,200 BC - Rise of the first kingdoms and nations, ended by the 'Big Chimpout' AKA the Bronze Age Collapse (Egypt managed to dodge it)
Late Bronze Age: ~1,200 BC to ~800 BC - We don't know shit about what happened here, mostly barbarism
Iron Age/Classical Era: ~800 BC to ~400 AD - Basically everything cool happened in here, begun with the reemergence of Greek citystates, ended with the fall of the WRE
Dark Ages (get triggered faggots): 410/476 AD to 9th century AD - WRE fell, barbarians everywhere, muslims, ERE trying to not die, ends with conquests of Charlemagne
Early Middle Ages: 9th century AD to 1066/1099 AD - Feudalism takes hold, Europe kinda peaceful compared to pre-Franks, Muslims fucking everywhere, ERE gets very close to ded, ends with Norman Conquests if you're British, First Crusade if you're not
High Middle Ages: 1066/1099 AD to 1350 AD - Crusades, Knights, chainmail, Venice, 1204 never forgetti, maximum feudalism, Mongols, ends with the Black Death
Late Middle Ages: 1350 AD to 1492 AD - 1453 a date which will live in infamy, HRE no longer unified, Ottomans, Hundred Years War, B U R G U N D Y, beginning of scientific revival, ends with the discovery of the New World
After the end of the Middle Ages, the idea of 'ages' gets a lot more vague, as things like the Renaissance and the Enlightenment were very broad spans of time, the only other really defined ones were the Revolutionary/Napoleonic Era (1792 to 1815), the Victorian Era (1837 to 1901), and the Cold War (1945 to 1991), which were marked by the dominance of one particular nation on the world's stage.
Yes this entire post is Eurocentric. The rest of the world is just a backdrop upon which European civilisation has acted. Get fucked.
>British Empire god-tier
>Poland-Lithuania in top-tier,
>Ummayad so low (yes they are muslims, but really?)
Take Napoleonic France to god-tier, bring at least Tang China and the U-Mad-Arabs into top, include the Portuguese Trade Empire, Andalusia, Hungary, Sun-King-France and some pre-british english in there, as well as the Timurids, and you forgot fucking Persia you retard.
Pretty good list otherwise
This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen on this board
Most historians specialise in one subject and rarely venture outside of it
Pretty good post except for
>Yes this entire post is Eurocentric
Lots of really cool shit happened in Asia and South America
>pic related has no Bronze Age history
: (
>napoleonic france
they lost senpai
>that entire fucking thing
>Dark Ages
>no Late Antiquity
>Early Middle Ages isn't even in the Early Middle Ages
>the rest of it
If you two could make a better list I'd love to see it.
kingdom of jerusalem
>top tier
kek fucking kek
Yes, literally what kingdom
>literally GOD's kingdom
>scientific revival
Ok give me one big invention of Renaissance
printing press and the mass dissemination of information
>Ok give me one big invention of Renaissance
Modern astronomy, modern anatomical study, Humanism.
Damn read a book nigga.
>having any culture comparable to others listed
>no great lakes confederacies
shit map shit resolution
Jesus christ that ranking is repulsive
Never forgetti
All of the other ones in god-tier "lost" too
This must be your first day then son
Man, the Incas expanded a lot. I bet they would have beat the shit out of the aztecs.
Historians don't know everything about everything in history, they usually have concentrations where they focus.
The era after the Middle Ages is called the Early Modern Period. It usually is dated to the outbreak of the French Revolution. After that is the Modern era
Better name epochs after 2 strongest countries of the world.
1580-1640 Spain, France.
1640-1702 France, Spain.
1702-1789 France, Britain.
1789-1815 Britain, France.
1815-1853 Britain, Russia.
1853-1871 Britain, France.
1871-1918 Britain, Germany.
1918-1945 Britain, USA.
After 1945 USA, Britain.
>talks about how only eurasia matters
>Has aztec empire in mid tier
fucking bong have USA and Britain after world war 2, not having USA and USSR instead.
Everything about this meme makes me laugh
Britain has won its last war (against Argentina) and saved all dominions, USSR was defeated in Afghanistan and broke up. But post-WWII epoch still to be scored.
like winning against argentina make the UK second strongest nation after USA in post 1945. It lost its super power status during the Suez crisis. The USSR was a super power during that whole time, it also had more nukes and was competing in the space race against America. Reminder that USA and coalition forces had trouble in afghanistan as well. And the time the UK went into Afghanistan they were kicked out too. Also the US supplied the Afghans and they received many foreign fighters as well. Argentina did not have any super power support, and the conflict was limited to remote island. The Falklands war claimed less than a 1000 lives so its no where the same as the soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
There was way less people on the Falklands islands than Afghanistan, and they were british. So the British did not have to fight a guerrilla war unlike the USSR.
>1st century: Rome, Han China, ...... (there isnt a 3rd)
>2nd century: Rome, Han China, Kushan India
>3rd century: Rome, Sassanid Persia, Gupta India
>4th century: Gupta India, Sassanid Persia, declining Rome
>5th century: Byzanth, Sassanid Persia, (Visigoths or Huns)
>6th century: Byzanth, Sassanid Persia, (Ostrogoths or Franks)
>7th century: Tang China, Arab Caliphate, Byzanth
>8th century: TAng China, Abbasid Caliphate, Byzanth
>9th century: Byzanth, Frankish Realm, (china, india, arabs all heavily declining)
>10th century: Byzanth, Song China, >H>R>E
>11th century: HRE; Seljuk Turks, (Byzanth or Song)
>12th century: HRE, Dehli Sultanate; (Southern Song, Ghaznivids, France, Byzanth)
>13th century: Mongol Empire(s); Yuan China (yes it counts as mongols), HRE
>14th century: Ming China, Timurid Empire, Ottoman Empire
>15th century: Ottoman Empire, France, Ming China
>16th century: Spain, Ottoman Empire, Moghul India
>17th century: France, Great Britain, (Spain or HRE or Ottomans)
>18th century: France, Great Britain, Russia
>19th century: Great Britain, Germany, Russia
>20th century: USA, Soviet Union, (Germany, Great Britain)
>21th century: China, Trumpist USA, Liberal USA,
Well, in case you want a non-retarded answer.
First there's ages based on technological advancement. These differ slightly depending on the region, but technology ends up spreading in a relatively short time.
Lower Paleolithic (c. 3 mya - 300 kya)
The time before anatomically modern man.
Middle Paleolithic (c. 300 kya - 50 kya)
Before full behavioural modernity, which is when humans started making art, burying their dead, wear jewelry, make composite tools etc.
Upper Paleolithic (c. 50 kya - 10kya)
When behavioural modernity was achieved, but man still lived as hunter-gatherers (some humans are still at this stage).
Neolithic (c. 10kya - 5kya)
Beginnings of animal husbandry and agriculture, first primitive temples and settlements. This is the last part of the "Stone Age".
Chalcolithic (c. 5kya - 3kya)
Copper age, when copper was being smelted, cities and trade started to develop.
Bronze Age (c. 3000 BC - 1200 BC)
Use of bronze, first civilisations appear in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley.
Iron Age (c. 1200 BC - )
Use of iron, second generation of civilisations in Greece, India, and China.
Now beyond this you can't apply eras uniformly to all of mankind since every civilisation has its own separate history. The concept of "Middle Ages" may make sense for the West, but hardly for China. Looking at Western civilisation, here's a good historiography by cultural/political eras:
Merovingian Era (486 - 800)
The "dark ages", still the decaying remnants of Rome, dominated by Francia, in alliance with the Catholic Church. Christendom expands.
Carolingian Renaissance (800 - 910)
The West becomes the cultural periphery of Byzantium, starts producing some culture again, but nothing original.
Romanesque Era (910 - 1144)
Beginning of original Western cultural production, feudalism, and independent powerful Catholicism. Dominated politically by the Catholic Church and the HRE, culturally by France.
Gothic Era (1144 - 1417)
Fully expressed Western architecture, art, philosophy, birth of Western science. Dominated by France.
Renaissance (1417 - 1637)
Great technical progress in art and colonial expansion, but otherwise civilisational collapse and division, Religious Wars, intellectual persecution, stifling of science. Dominated politically by the Habsburgs and culturally by Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Enlightenment (1637 - 1789)
Full blown scientific revolution, and emergence of modern philosophy, political and economic thought. Dominated by France.
Modern Era (1789 - 1968)
Time of revolutions and modern politics, the collapse of traditional values of religion and blood, replaced with nations and popular sovereignty, industrial revolution, second wave of colonialism, world wars. Art fragments into non-existence. Politically dominated by Britain, culturally by France.
Postmodern Era (since 1968)
Deconstruction of both traditional and modern values and structures, including nations and states or even gender, intellectual relativism. Dominated by America.
Pretty good.
Although I would extend the Dark Ages to ~1000AD because barbarians btfo and/or cucked into praying Jesus, and call it the High Middle Ages. Then up to ~midXIII the Central Middle Ages or Feudal Age because splendour of Feudalism. Then Lowern Middle Ages until 1492.
After that:
1492-1648: modern age, part I
1648-1789: modern age, part II
1789-~1870: contemporary age, part I
~1870- 1917: contemporary age, part II
1917-1989: contemporary age, part III
1989-?????: age of ????????
Eurocentric af too, my white friend. But that's exactly how it should be because desu 1) extra-europeans don't matter and 2) it triggers them madly beyond chimp out.
Unironically a great post
So the viking age isn't a real thing?
I got memed on in school.