Was he right?
Was he right?
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But that's literally the opening and most famous sentence of his manifesto you pleb.
>not starving to death or dying of an infected splinter is a disaster
Maybe for an ultra edgy "the weak must fear the strong" faglord.
>implying the ramblings of a brainwashed drone have any validity
Regardless, the MK Ultra trial that was run on him at Harvard was a smashing success.
Deluded, spooked technotopians detected.
Yeah. the creation of great wealth went hand in hand with the creation of crushing poverty like never before. Also total warfare on an international scale became possible.
More a disaster for the planet and life itself though.
>primitivist faggot seriously calling other people spooked
Obviously. We went from craftsmen to idiot line workers to robots on the assembly line.
We lost our work ethic, we lost our standards, and we made it possible to add billions of people to the planet in ever increasingly short intervals.
>not starving to death or dying of basic illnesses is against your self interest
>the creation of great wealth went hand in hand with the creation of crushing poverty like never before
Yeah obviously the rise of the middle class and property rights for even the lowest man is way worse inequality than kings ruling over serfs with basically no rights and barely enough to eat. Fuck off you historically illiterate pseud. The tyranny of kings is beyond anything your puny 21st century brain can comprehend, raised as you are in a vacuum of post-modernist drivel about the "evils" of egalitarian society.
Yeah, the fact that humans have done much more progress in about 150-200 years than compared to all of the 200.000-1.000.000 milion years of human existance is a total.. disaster. Yes.
Planes were created at 1900's and at year 1961 humans landed on the moon. Fucking disaster, mate.
Yeah and even today you have no control over your own life due to technological control over every aspect of society. Great job. Enjoy your illusory "freedom" via technotoys while the walls continue to close in around you.
Lolno. Look at some of the common peoples shit they pulled off the Mary Rose. Its absolute garbage. A blind monkey can do the same if not better. Our perception of things from the past being high quality is massively skewed because all the normal peoples junk broke or rotted away while the few good quality bits belonging to the rich were preserved.
the walls have always been there
>you have no control over your own life
>Everyone back then was a craftsman.
>le starving to death
>le diseases
People starve to death and die of diseases still today, and some of them are even dying of new diseases that didn't exist before the Industrial Revolution.
Are these the only arguments techfags have?
Edgy teenage detected. Or if you are not a teenager, i have bad news for you.
We live in the most free society that has ever existed. Sure, there are troubles and other factors that can somehow manipulate you or your freedom. Even the fact that you are complaining on an internet forum about not having a freedom, is freedom. You just don't appreciate it or you don't see it at all.
What walls are you talking about? You are complately free to decide to buy an iphone or some old ass nokia. What you perhaps call a wall is just economical illusion created by the very big ass companies to make you buy their product, that's it. Nothing more.
You want to feel what control really means? I heard North Korea is a great place to experience it.
From a broad standpoint the dissolution of feudalism is undoubtedly a good thing. But the rise of industrial capitalism creates suffering and destruction on a scale that was not historically possible under feudalism. This is empirically true.
It is also arguable that the serf had it better than the prole. At least the serf had protection from the lord, some land, defined duties, a place in the great chain of being. The proletarian is cast into the hell of the early factory, is landless, has no lord or state or anything to protect him, is effectively a subsistence slave for life, and is dislocated from social life.
The tyranny of kings is a dream for the child who loses his hand in the cotton machine.
This is a good post, thanks.
Also see George Fitzhugh's argument on why wage slavery is theoretically inferior to literal chattel slavery.
And how many people starve and die of diease today compared to before the industrial revolution?
With everybody so far removed from the production of food, I'd argue that everybody is cripplingly over specialized.
A major disruption in our economy and office workers and engineers will be getting sent back to the potato fields.
Probably about the same amount or more considering the considerable increase in world population since then.
That is the most autistic thing i heard today. Thank you, user.
Not an argument.
A-user...a-are you gay?
It's not supposed to be. There is no point to argue with someone thinking feudalism was better because ''serf had land and protection from the king'' completly ignoring the laws, the jucidal system, the moral ethics that were established for the working class protecting them from the tyranny under which they were with the king himself. Sure they wanted more than they had and we got Marx's ideas about the new economical system.. which didn't work out well. But whatever, won't argue, feudalism was better expect no human rights, no freedom to move anywhere, no freedom to trade with foreigners, if the king decides to take your everything; he takes it and you die, if he decides to steal your daughter he takes her and there is nothing that can stop him. No social system to protect you in times of poverty or help you to put your shit together.
It's easy to look at everything in black and white. My point is, there was a reason that the industrialization happend and the people didn't live the way they were living for so long under kings ruling.
Whatever man, i won't argue.
>all this pure ideology
>feudalism ended because it was immoral
>workers benefited from 'ethics'
>droit du seigneur actually happened
>human rights before 1945
>thinks it's a competition between which mode of exploitation is better
>Yeah and even today you have no control over your own
Compared to what? I think I have more control over my life than a serf did.
Kind of true, 2bh. Also Ted never advocated feudalism or any kind of society more advanced than small-scale primitive hunting-gathering so you miss the point by bringing up agriculture-based feudal societies.
what realistic scenario would possibly cause this
I am allowed to follow my passions and choose my own career in the location of my choosing, rather than being forced by law to be a farmer who is unable to leave without his lord's permission.
>I miss the point by discussing up an actual historical mode of production rather than a non existant utopian fantasy
Relevant short story written by him.
>I am allowed to follow my passions and choose my own career in the location of my choosing
>he actually believes that!
>what realistic scenario would possibly cause this
-A big enough war or financial crash or internal instability involving the united states that disrupts global finance.
-Not handling automation of the workforce well.
-A superbug caused by anti-biotic resistance, or just a freak virus or some other sudden pathogen emerging that targets either us or our food.
-Global climate change and water scarcity.
Indeed! Don't try something you're not allowed to do though
>follow my passions
I.e. be a slave to your base instincts and manipulated by marketers
>choose my own career
I.e. have a limited range of wage slavery options and make money for someone else
>location of my choosing
So long as you can afford it and there's a job nearby
Sounds positively liberating!
That's all pretty plausible actually. Israel has already been engaged in water wars for a while.
You sound pretty miserable, though.
Do you honestly feel this way?
I feel sad for you.
That's why you take percentage buddy.
water scarcity will most likely not be a problem the west has to deal with too much, Canada and the US have 2 of the 3 largest stocks of fresh water in the world (brazil is the other one)
sucks if you're arab or chinese though lol
You know how much money comes to the United States from China? just from investments alone?
If something happens to china or western europe, thats less money for Americans.
A water shortage in china equals massive layoffs over here.
>Western Europe
the midwest has more of a risk of water shortage in the next fifty years
fifty cent army go home. We need flags on this board to spot the chinks.
Kazinzki has been the world's best opportunity to create a genuine comic book villain. He was a super genius who got completely fucked in the head by shadow government psychological experiments, rendering him permanently crazy. (That's not a conspiracy theory - that's literally what happened.)
And what do we get? A long-winded primitivist who blows up mailboxes to reverse the industrial revolution. 3/10.
I think he is. Too much factories and shit.
We've been given one measly planet in the endless universe that contains billions of them and we're still fucking up. Couldn't even care for one little planet yet now we're fucking looking at Mars and as many planets as our fucking tech can detect?
>china faces a severe crisis and is
>this somehow causes the US to face massive layoffs because we're SO dependent on chinese investment that a huge number of businesses will collapse
What books should I read to learn about pre-agricultural man? It's very interesting to me
Stone Age Economics by Marshall Sahlins
In 2,000+ years when the world is an absurdist hellscape controlled by AI, Ted will be vindicated