ETH Dip cancelled?

Can ETH really dip in the next day or two? The day candlestick charts show signs, but look at the buyer volume vs the seller volume. Doesn't this mean the sellers have a massive upperhand at keeping the price high?

BTC going up is stopping the dip. BTC keeps going up and fucks up profit margins for selling eth until it goes back down.

if you bought eth at say 220 yesterday, You wont even get your full amount of Satoshi back at 230 today.

Yeah sellers (or whales) aren't allowing the price to go up really high.

That's the problem with ETH, 75% of all coins are owned by banks/corporations/whales who can prevent growth or a rise as they deem necessary.

>caring about the way it compares to BTC

Stop having weak hands

Yeah, I've been watching the order books since yesterday. Do you think I should buy back in now before more sell walls are removed? I sold at $184, expecting a dip and then it mooned at $187.

Right now, I'm margin trading on BTC. With the short gains I'm making from that, I could probably buy back into ETH at about the same number of ETH.

How is holding out until you get back the same amount or more weak hands faggot? lel Stay poor normie.



where do you margin trade btc

does margin trade involve trading with other people's btc?

ETH isn't going to dip you stupid fucks. I keep telling you this.

The very fact that you're saying to hold only until you get your money back shows you have weak hands.

ETH has blinded you to other opportunities in the short-term. I'm a long time ETH bull but I'm now in ETC, XRP and LTC for early June.

Don't get emotionally attached to coins. ETH had it's run, the profits are elsewhere for the next two weeks.

No, im saying im holding until i get more than what i put into it, Not selling at a loss. If you aren't taking BTC price into account in your trades than your doing it wrong.

Don't agree at all. 4 hour candlesticks paint a completely different picture.

and I'm fairly certain those volume spikes are dumps by whales getting out before they pull their buy wall

Wait I think I'm having a retard moment.

Are you for the price dropping or raising?

Cause all your indicators show a price drop coming.

For a drop of course

I said I didn't agree, since he wrote on his charts that it was bullish. Unless I'm having a retard moment?

No it was definitely me having the retard moment.

Unless of course we're both retards and none of this is real.

internet points or something...

yeah I think his candlesticks are way too short to show any relevant information

a real falling wedge is what you see on XRP for 1 month 4 hour

according to his method he would've predicted a falling wedge like 3-4x on XRP during the price force down and lost money the entire time

Do you guys even know how ethereum started.

It's all in the pyramid symbol.
The (((owners))) & the buyers.

Vitalik is just a poster boy, who truly has nothing at all to do with Ethereum and creating it. Ethereum was created by corporations/banks to kill off Bitcoin and those cryptocurrencies they don't have a large stake in. They own 75%+ of the coins.

Notice how the buyers are divided from the (((owners))) in the symbol at the bottom. It's much like the USD pyramid symbol, isn't it? The buyers make up a small pool compared to what {{{they}}} own.

Ethereum is the devil's playground. SELL now!

You're the guy who posted a screen of his liquidated Kraken account because he shorted ETH yesterday, then got mocked and said "no problem I will short 5:1 ETH tomorow, it will dip, trust me I'm an expert in cryptos"?
I'm laughing so much righ now

seems like a good thing relative to the short term.

There's literally no reason to.