Why did Australia end up becoming much more successful than Canada?
Why did Australia end up becoming much more successful than Canada?
No French """""people""""""
Canada is a much superior country tho
The Emus took over after their glorious victory over the unwashed Anglo hordes
how is straya better than canada
Canadas aboriginals are harder to deal with. They keep asking for free shit and break everything around. The bilingualism wouldn't be too much of a problem if it wasn't a useless dead language.
Straya is only superior in terms of sheer shitposting and the awfulness of its posters.
Not anymore
Literally every one of these sentences applies to smith's aboriginals: original flavour.
In what world is Australia better than any other anglosphere country? They're not even as good as New Zealand
daily reminder that French """"""""people""""""""" civilized your own """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", Nigel Jr
no they made them worse by introducing backwards feudal bullshit
Love this meme
Norman's what?
We keep refugees to a minimum.
Do you have any idea about our aboriginals mate?
>better than canada
Not even in Starcraft 2 m8
>Why did Australia end up becoming much more successful than Canada?
did it?
why did luxemburg end up becoming much more successful than monaco?
>this is what canada actually belives
Ours watch yours on t.v because they can't fill a channel themselves. That and Boondocks for some reason.
Easy: Name one good thing about Canada
Reasonable: Name one good thing Canada does better than australia
Harder: Name one thing Canada actually succeeds at
Impossible: Name a Canadian success that isn't outstripped by an equivalent Australian achievement.
Australia = English ancestry = Successful
Canada = English ancestry poisoned by French ancestry = Trudeau's wild ride
>English convicts better at building a country than French colonists
Ice Hockey
Easy: maple syrup
Canada: Winter sports
Harder: Functional government
Impossible: Burning the white house
Pop of Canada: 35.16 million
GDP of Canada 1.83 trillion
Pop of Aus: 23.1 million
GDP of Aus: 1.56 trillion
Really tickles your nipples
>Impossible: Burning the white house
Canada has never done this
>it's another semantics argument
no thanks
>canada: probably a lot of chinks
>australia: only chinks
>implying glass jaw trudeau is function
>implying the rest of your post national state is functionall
Partial credit
>taking credit that isn't yours
Bad leaf
Canada claiming credit for the actions of british soldiers coming off british ships from britain aint semantics mate
>more pop
>greater player in world history
>more culturally important
Canada wins in every way
>Canadian colonists are harder to deal with. They keep asking for free shit and break every treaty around. The imperialism wouldn't be too much of a problem if it wasn't a useless dead ideology
Canada is french-chink shithole
The Canadarm.
Superman was co-created by a Canadian.
CADPAT digital camo, which the US Military now uses too.
The Instant Replay.
Plastic garbage bags.
The Wonderbra.
Kerosene (modern synthesis making it a practical fuel)
The Robertson/Square-head screw
We might have been global leaders in aeronautics if Diefenbaker hadn't let our aero-space industry be cucked by Americans. Avro might have been the big name in planes today instead of Boeing.
>muh Avro Arrow
Oh please. Australia makes Italy look like a model of good government.
When a colonial army fights in a region they control become known as an army of that area. When the British sent soldiers in the War of 1812 they were a part of the "Canadian" army in the same way Canadians were a part of the "South African" army during the Boer Wars or the "British Army" during WWI. For the time period and the fact that nationalism was still blossoming in it's definitions, it's not a huge stretch by any means to consider the British Army serving the interests of their Canadian territory to be a "Canadian" army.
The burning of the White House in particular was a response to American's burning of York so it was most certainly influenced by a Canadian based retaliation.
>On June 2, 1814, Sir George Prévost, Governor General of The Canadas, wrote to Cochrane at Admiralty House, in Bailey's Bay, Bermuda, calling for a retaliation against the American destruction of private property in violation of the laws of war. Prévost argued that,
> … in consequence of the late disgraceful conduct of the American troops in the wanton destruction of private property on the north shores of Lake Erie, in order that if the war with the United States continues you may, should you judge it advisable, assist in inflicting that measure of retaliation which shall deter the enemy from a repetition of similar outrages.
Hell, the Irish could claim partial credit for it since Robert Ross was Anglo-Irish.
>starving man works hard for food
>well fed man can afford luxury as well as time to consider his lot
We lose basically nothing. The situation doesn't nessecitate such skill (not that Canda has a better gov, but ours is kind shit compared to actual states). Sorry your shit country, industry and geological territories have fucked you.
We worked harder to colonise our shit and you think your state can bitch and moan? Long game pays of in the end friend. You can't eat all your food then complain about disparity because others have food and you don't.
That's literally what Canadians are though
>inb4 Québécois claim to be Canadian
It did?
>You can't eat all your food then complain about disparity because others have food and you don't.
Are you illiterate or something?
This infographic is misleading, as Australia's abos are so depressingly inept that our natives look like geniuses. Our natives don't drink gas and sleep on roads, they just give beer to children
Dief was too much of a jealous vindictive cunt to allow that.
it did? According to whom?
>CADPAT digital camo, which the US Military now uses too.
They've transitioned to Scorpion which is a rip off of Crye's Multicam pattern
t. camo pro