How good was life in 1970s Russia?

How good was life in 1970s Russia?

Seems pretty comfy by Eastern European standards

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The last part is what's important.

Bread lines 10 miles long every day
500 million Ukrainians died of starvation every day
When you bought a car you had to wait until the Soviet Union collapsed before you could pick it up everyday

There were less niggers and mudslimes, so better than Europe now.

the 60's and 70's were probably the high points in terms of standard of living in comparison to the west. But given the constant decline of agricultural productivity and the constantly diminishing reserve of hard currency, it was a way of life sustained on borrowed time.
I do hate to say it, but the USSR ran out of other peoples money to spend.

first off, Russia is pretty big, what you might find in Moscow will be very different than what you find in Yakutsk for instance.
secondly, by eastern european standards it was the greatest that comfy living has ever been by an insanely large margin up to that point in Russia, but don't forget this is in the context of Russia.
Thirdly search up 70s/80s episodes of "eralash" or "epaлaш", those will show you how most urbanized cities life would have been, that was the shit for my generation back in voronezh and khabarovsk

Freezing to death and being murdered at any moment/10

I hate this fucking meme

Russia and the USSR had a larger Muslim population than any country today, and Soviet-era Russia was full of African students and diplomats.

The Soviets believed the Cold War could only be won through Africa's full participation in the socialist cause, so they made a huge effort of showing off their cities to impressionable Africans

If you did not have any glaring physical defects, you could get laid any time you wanted. No one gave a shit.
But then again, soviet sexual culture ensured that the most exotic thing you were likely to do in the bedroom was doggy.

I have never seen an african in voronezh, they were an exotic myth. The muslims we had were good people, raised completely different and with a different mindset than what you might stereotype an extremist religion of peace type today, also educated well.

Posts like this should be bannable

come back

plz come back

we need a hedge against global neoliberalism even if the standard of living isn't stellar and the economy revolves around making tanks

>tfw innocent but prudish girlfriend
>only done missionary and oral

Neoliberalism is going to get a lot worse, user. When it falls, it will fall hard, but something amazing will come from its ashes

No, Soviet girls weren't prudish, they were totally down with sex, but sexual education in the soviet union was at times non existent, and when you did get it it was awkward and medical. Y'know, foxy get unsexy ideas of sex but they still gonna have sex, and the result is boring sex.

I'm talking about my real life

She's qt though but not very sexually adventurous

Oh, my bad. Well, I guess you'd do alright in the Soviet Union, then. You could have oral and missionary whenever you wanted!
But little else.

so shes sucked your dick but hasn't rolled 60 degrees?

lol sounds like you're just a dipshit

Remove the family from that picture and look at it again. That's how life was

>being murdered at any moment

But that's true. Soviet Union had the fifth highest homicide rate in the world

Why don't you like global neoliberalism?

We've done doggy but never anal or anything kinky

She likes it when I'm "bossy" but has weird ground rules like no cum in her mouth, ever

8 people are as wealthy as half the planet

National sovereignty has been replaced by the whims of the elite

You cannot enter first-world politics without being a billionaire or a billionaire's cumrag

>8 people are as wealthy as half the planet

That's because the bottom 30% of world's population have negative wealth, and the wealth of next 20% have a net worth of something in the region of $1. If either of your parents has a job, than your family is already in the top 20%.

>National sovereignty has been replaced by the whims of the elite

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>You cannot enter first-world politics without being a billionaire or a billionaire's cumrag

Define "billionaire's cumrag"

Source? Sounds like revisionist bullshit.

because he has to compete and no one has to carry his useless ass.

>by Eastern European standards
We considered the USSR to be a complete shithole compared to us, but above Romania and Bulgaria.

t. Czechoslovakia

>Seems pretty comfy by Eastern European standards

Life in the USSR was shit compared to Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia

>National sovereignty has been replaced by the whims of the elite


>above Romania
Romania was on a half-day power supply. They were the biggest shithole in the WP.
t. bulgaria

>glaring physical defects

b-but USSR galz were famous for their egalitarian, accepting, and in-discriminant vaginas

anyone, no matter how defective, had access to sweet virgin vagoo

even manlets, lames and limps like Stalin were skilled pussy grabbers far beyond the exploits of Hefner

that was the way things were


also remember that the iron curtain kept out all the materialist poison of the west

what that meant was all men dressed like autists (Urkel-style with pants pulled up to the belly) and were drowning in pussy

and ladies were properly innocent, feminine, homely and nerdy as well

Out of European commie states, only Yugoslavia was kinda comfy.

I wish I was born there, not in this first world hellhole!

Posted from my iPhone.

This, best post ITT.

By the 1960s and 1970s authoritarianism is reduced from the Orwellian nightmare of Stalinist times, 1930s-style famines have stopped completely, heavy industry industrialization has been achieved and the state begins to focus on consumer goods, taking advantage of its captive markets and capital in Eastern European satellites whose economies were entirely geared to making the Soviet Union better.

The 1970s were probably the peak of Soviet living standards vis-a-vis the West, since in the 1980s the Soviet economy begun to stagnate and eventually collapse.

So 1970s Soviet Union: No illiteracy, little poverty, massive breadlines and shortages, still a better place to live than all of Africa, better than most of Asia except Japan, New Zealand and Australia, better than most of South America except Argentina, better than most of Eastern Europe, still far from being on par with the West.



First map shows literacy
Second shows urbanization (red = more urban population)
Third shows phones per capita
Fourth shows government forms

They are from the 1960s, not 1970s but it's close enough.

I hate it when people post static gif's.
Thanks for the info though.

>still a better place to live than all of Africa, better than most of Asia except Japan
There's this thing called 2nd world. It's much better than the 3rd world, but it's behind the 1st world. It's a term that /int/ and /pol/ tend to forget.

We "forgot" those terms because they fell out of use in the mid 2000s, we use the terms "developed" and "developing" now.

Yeah, there's also newly industrialized which are former 3rd world countries that have reached 2nd world standards regarding gdp ppp, hdi and other parameters. Most 2nd world countries are still classified as developing tho.

>If either of your parents has a job, than your family is already in the top 20%.
Don´t you see the problem in that?

Aka cancer

Must be nice not having to compete for your daily survival.

Soviet Union had competition, just of a different kind. Competition for patronage, politically-appointed jobs and posts, greasing the right palms, and so on.

And all the time ordinary Soviet citizens thought...

>must be nice to be able to compete fairly and rise or fall based on your own merits and hard work rather on who you know

I also managed to find these maps about caloric food intake per capita, which gives an idea on living conditions.




>must be nice to be able to compete fairly and rise or fall based on your own merits and hard work rather on who you know

do people still make pretend to believe this shit

And 2000, for comparison

You can see why Russians hate Yeltsin and democracy.

interesting how there's no data for ukraine...

I wish I wasn't born at all.

t. Was born there

because it has allowed an extremely small few to become obscenely wealthy.

It really bothered me that today during Trump's inauguration speech he said "we're going to make america wealthy again". America is wealthier than its ever been at any point in its history, its just that the wealth is concentrated into an ever smaller group. CEOs who when my father was born made 30x what their line workers did now make over 1000x.

The absolute lack of any discussion about creating a more equitable distribution of wealth and an economy that works for all of its people, rather than just those who are already rich is quite worrying to me.

"2nd world" means the eastern bloc, you retards

1st world is the west, and 3rd world is "everywhere else"

they need that money for making jobs

It was alright
A lot better than the Soviet Union in the 20s, 30s, and 40s.

Maybe unrelated, but since when did the USSR incur multiple IMF debts (which one of the reasons that made their economy worse)? The 70s or the 80s? Or did that even happen?

Nah son, want good 70s commie state? Yugoslavia was the way to go before Serbs chimped out like Serbs always do.

They were part of USSR.

When you are lead by a dude who had the balls to tell Stalin to go fuck himself you're going to be good.

You'd be good for the first 20 or so years then you'd die for nothing because hurr hurr Kosovo hurr hurr muh ethnically clean Serbia hurrrr

>Eastern European standards

stop forcing your shitty "dream life" unto me, 60-80s USA were far better than USSR

those commieblocks are really contrast to what that nuclear family is having


You sick fuck.

if it was that simple my child...
CEOs arent even the "big earners", theyre epmloyees of shareholders, those who through investment created companies like intel, IBM, google, apple etc which brought ezm0de to our lives so we can fulltime NEETism.

distrubate wealth trough gov force is a meme, gov will invest it on space program while half the population is starving...
or why not on military

>bread lines
This is what I can't get. It sounds god awful.

In the 1990s, it was Russia that got into IMF debt, not the Soviet Union. Nobody would lend money to the fucking Soviet Union. Communists are thieves and serial defaulters.

Turns out the 1990s Russian leadership were also former communists, thieves and serial defaulters, though. Who would have guessed right?

I think that post was satire user

As opposed to believing the horse shit that spills from /leftypol/'s diseased anus or

You're not in your safe space anymore, child.

Imma ask you a question

If it's all about hard work and merit why is "networking" pushed so hard?

Patronage still exists it's just dressed up nicely. People with merit raised through the nomenklatura all the time in the ussr anyway as well.

No. No it wasn't.

I fucking wish it was.

Not on the same scale

biggest polish export to western countries during gommie times were pictures of people standing days in line for toilet paper, bread or some shitty orange during Christmas thanks to comrades in Cuba.
I know Poland wasn't part of USSR but it was same shit in every eastern block country.

>muh based stalin

Is there a greater cancer inflicting this board than the autistic sovietboo neckbeards?

> muslims we had were good people,
not mentioning Chechens, doesn't anyone hold a grudge against them for burning kiev and the Golden Horde?

"Neoliberalism" is a fucking Guardian meme.

Stalin died in 1953

That's correct, we should just say capitalism

>by Eastern European standards

That's kind of the key. Pretty shitty standards. The average Russian was (and still is) essentially enjoying the same living standards as the poorest Brit/French/Americans

>The average Russian was (and still is) essentially enjoying the same living standards as the poorest Brit/French/Americans

Which actually makes me think that Socialism isn't the problem, Russia is. If USA became socialist republic tomorrow (UASR or something), I think it would still be much richer than a capitalist Russian Federation.

>all these people forcing the meme that USSR was horrible all the time, people dying of starvation and KGB going on a killing spree
It was by no means good compared to today's standarts, but the 70s were pretty much the high point of soviet life. The economy was growing (before it became stagnant in the 80s), some of the best soviet movies came out in the 70s (every new year in Russia state TV channels show 70s comedy movies as a tradition), people were interested in western culture, soviet jazz/funk bands became a thing, etc. Modern russians who are most nostalgic towards the USSR have grown up in the 70s.

No it wouldn't

The living standard in Russia depends on the market price of natural resources like any other third world shithole.
The oil price for example skyrocketed in the 70s, which led to a strong economy, which eventually dropped in the 80s because of the lower oil price.

Socialist US would eventually crash, probably very soon after implementing socialist policies
And Russia will definetely start to grow once all people with soviet mentality of "At least back then everybody was afraid of us" die out

Meant to reply to you

>And Russia will definetely start to grow once all people with soviet mentality of "At least back then everybody was afraid of us" die out
so, never

>because it has allowed an extremely small few to become obscenely wealthy.

That's always been the case lmao with every economic system

Because the Soviets were really good at forging economic data.

Nice meme, people born after 1991 seem to have no attachment to USSR and this idea, so it's really a matter of time

"we might live like africans but at least everyone is afraid of us" is not soviet mentality, its russian mentality
Young people have this sort of thinking as well.

And you make this generalization based upon what?

My aunt visited Moscow as a part of the college program around that time.

The place was an absolute shithole compared to Czechoslovakia. Clean water was an issue (the locals just advised them to collect and melt snow outside), food was an issue (mostly canned food, hard to get, most of it horrible), the stores had absolutely no QA since she mentioned trying to buy an alarm clock only for the cashier to try and throw away a good few of those before finding one that actually worked and could be sold to people.

"They always bragged about how much behind we were compared to the USSR in achieving true communism but after seeing how life was over there, I was horrified by the so called "beautiful future" ahead of us."

Can we all agree that Russia is a shithole no matter what and russians deserve to be genocided?

At the very least, nuclearly disarmed and balkanized
If Russia didn't have nukes they'd be irrelevant

Often contact with Russians attests to this.
t. Different user

And what exactly do they say?
"I want USSR back"?
I rarely hear young people express such opinions, but then again I'm from Moscow and it's more "liberal" than the rest of Russia (excluding S. Petersbourgh).
There's plenty of people that hate USSR to the guts and don't approve of expansionist politics, they just can't say that on the media

Trump did talk about the redistribution of resources during his speech.

Only time will tell if he actually acts on his claims though.