Are the facts in this documentary bullshit? Never seen anyone refute it.
Are the facts in this documentary bullshit? Never seen anyone refute it
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It's not even pro-hitler, it just talks about how Jewish bankers waged economic war on Germany since 1933 and manipulated the entire war to secure Israel.
It's all 100% true
No. It is factual. There's a reason why JewTube keeps banning it.
I thinking of starting a kickstarter campaign on that i'll make a documentary contacting and interviewing historians and having them try disprove it.
I'm thinking leftists will actually give me money if I pretend i'm some anti-fascist
It's neo-Nazi bullshit that /pol/ likes to jerk off to.
It's not neo nazi or pro nazi at all. It just takes a neutral viewpoint and doesn't paint hitler as satan incarnate, which as far as Jews are concerned, is literally anudda shoah.
>It's not neo nazi or pro nazi at all.
> literally anudda shoah.
really fondles my frontal lobes
>everyone who hates Jews is a nazi and loves hitler
You're retarded, even Stalin and most Russians hate Jews, they're certainly no fans of hitler. Same with Polish people. Most people hate Jews, doesn't mean they're pro-nazi
no, its fucking bullshit neo-nazi propaganda that is either lies or convenient half truths
just for example, Eisenhower Death Camps claim. This claim is UTTER bullshit. Theres only ONE (1) book written by a psychologist James Bacque, whos never written a history book before that makes this claim, and it is regarded as made up bullshit by pretty much every historian
>Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the Volkssturm (People's Militia) released without formal discharge and transfers of POWs to other allies control areas. Maj. Ruediger Overmans of the German Office of Military History in Freiburg who wrote the final volume of the official German history of the war estimated that the total death by all causes of German prisoners in American hands could not have been greater than 56,000 approximately 1% of the over 5,000,000 German POWs in Allied hands exclusive of the Soviets.
There was a panel of 8 historians as well that all called the book out for its shitty made up history as well found the book to be bullshit
>Historians Gunter Bischof and Brian Loring Villa stated that a research report from the panel "soundly refuted the charges of Other Losses, especially Bacque's fanciful handling of statistics."
So great job lying about shit or just being a gullible idiot who believes shitty youtube conspiracy theory videos without a second thought.
>It just takes a neutral viewpoint
no it doesnt you piece of shit stormfag. Are you faggots so unaware that you think shit like this fools anyone?
Neo-nazi nonsense
Hitler and the nazis were the biggest Dindus in history
>"Dey was jus tryin to save europe and shit"
>NY times
>legitimate source
more legit than the IHR
Great documentary.
It's an article written by Stephan Ambrose. It most certainly is a reliable source.
Stay rekt stormnigger
>this is what anti white faggots actually have believe
Back to your sorts funded anti trump rally, sjw
I know it's r*ddit but they really btfo this shit 'documentary'
>Being a "neo nazi" is bad
>but being a black supremacist is fine
Why do you leftists hate white people?
Why are you so horrible at arguing? Non of this cry baby teenage shit has anything to do with the fact that Ambrose, among other historians, blew the fuck out of some shitty argument your faggy little YouTube documentary made.
Either address this or shut up
>implying an anti white sub-editor would have anything but propaganda on it
>if it's not antifa approved its wrong
You sjws are Insane
This is not an argument. You are just shitposting so you don't have to confront the fact that your meme video lied
Also your attitude is the exact reason no one takes stormfags seriously
what did the SS mean by this?
What's wrong with the being a "stormfag" anyway, why are sjws and so angered and y people to rejecting and white and guilt and having pride in being a white? It's almost like you want white people to be disadvantaged
>What's wrong with the being a "stormfag" anyway,
because they believe in false shit and then cant even articulate their point when their revisionism comes under even a little bit of scrutiny. I made a pretty well made post pointing out how the "eisenhower death camps" claim is false, and all you responded with is childish /b/ tier shitposting. Im done with you unless you actually make an argument.
Just look on this objectively. Outside of this piece of cherry-picked information that's obviously presented in such a way (since it's just a small picture on the internet) there's no proof of anything like that happened. Kommiars aren't really reliable because they're bloody political officers to begin with so their so-called "reports" should be taken with a huge dump of salt. It's intellectually dishonest to then go on and attack the researcher with ad home without even giving him a chance to present the evidence (as the picture even claims he haven't been able to do yet). No where else but on Veeky Forums would you find liberals pretending that there isn't something shady going on. Go on you cultural Marxist, prove me wrong but first take a look at the first letter in each sentence.
>crying about "false shit"
>when all you have been posting is propaganda from lefty policy and other sjw hangouts
Your such a fucking hypocrite
>What's wrong with the being a "stormfag" anyway
>What's wrong with wanting people to die based on my LARPing sessions?
an article written by historian Stephan Ambrose refuting the fantastical revsionist claims by a non historian isnt "sjw"
you are being an emotionally charged child who is saying nothing since your conspiracy video is so easily #rekt
>to then go on and attack the researcher with ad home without even giving him a chance to present the evidence (as the picture even claims he haven't been able to do yet)
Why would you call him a researcher when he didn't produced a research? He made a photo with landmover and a claim. This maybe enough for neo-nazis, but not for Veeky Forums.
>Outside of this piece of cherry-picked information that's obviously presented in such a way (since it's just a small picture on the internet)
As opposed to the original, which was also just a "small picture on the internet".
> Kommiars aren't really reliable because they're bloody political officers to begin with so their so-called "reports" should be taken with a huge dump of salt. It's intellectually dishonest to then go on and attack the researcher with ad home without even giving him a chance to present the evidence
Pot, meet kettle. And why should it take him 15 years to publish?
You're too clever for them.
We are not, he obviously has a genuine doctorate in history.
Diese Idioten versuchen, eine Nachricht zu verbreiten! Böse auf den Nazismus.
>being a "stornfag" is wrong
>but being a larping anti White leftist is okay
>claims I'm being childish
>proceed to get mad when I don't mindlessly believe his leftypol propaganda
Again with the hypocrisy
you guys really shouldn't give shitposters (You)s you know
I know, buts it's so satisfying calling out leftists for the anti White trash that they are
theres no eisenhower death camp and you STILL havent successfully argued for it.
Why do you leftists hate white people fighting against your anti white propaganda?
Not him, but
>Nazis kill literally millions of white people, the single biggest killing of white people in any war
>Somehow, arguing that they're not nice people makes you anti-white.
theres no eisenhower death camp and you STILL havent successfully argued for it.
>someone ask if neo-nazi propaganda is true
>few Veeky Forums posters take the bait and say no
>one stormfag (most likely OP) goes on a shitposting campiagn
>not even trying to argue the history of the propaganda video, just throwing out buzzwords
what a thread
But why should I hate my own race?
>more leftist paranoia
#notmypresident amirite?
I voted for Trump you fucking idiot haha. Youre so fucking stupid you have this cops and robbers world view. Go back to /b/ you bitter virgin.
>the leftist pretending he voted for a pro white candidate
This is a new trick
>it's neo Nazis propaganda of it isn't leftypol approved
Leftypol shills are this disconnected from reality
I did though.
how does it feel knowing you not only failed horribly at shilling your stormfag shit, but you also made an ass out of yourself?
dont respond. Enjoy screaming at no one in impotent rage in your dead thread faggot.
>don't respond
Aww, the anti white faggot is triggered
A "neutral" viewpoint on Hitler is an euphemism for Neo-Nazi propaganda. Hitler cannot be seen in a "neutral" light, especially not by privileged white middle class Americans.
>Nazis were pro-white
They were pro-GERMANIC, you fucking autists. Most of you mixed ethnics would've been BTFO like the Slav-Alpine-Mediterreans you are.
This is unreal
There are a lot of facts in it, but for the most part it's misleading and full of half-truths.
>I can only be either a larping anti white leftist or a stormfag
You're such a fucking tool, you know that?
>It just takes a neutral viewpoint
I havn't watched it all. THe first parts are basically just stolen documentaries mashed together to create a narrative that shows Hitler's side of the story.
I didn't get to the holocaust parts.
In that sense it is all true.
Obviously Hitler and his party had redeeming qualities that you'll find when you don't focus on the holocaust.
>says the "man" defending leftypol propaganda
No idea, but I'm not going to take seriously any documentary that puts an exclamation point at the end of the title.
>anything that proves my conspiracy theories wrong is leftypol propaganda
you have been saying the same thing over and over again for hours now. kill yourself NEET virgin
I'm jewish, so you can go fuck yourself asshole.
>According to Richard J. Evans, an expert witness for the defence at the 2000 libel trial of Deborah Lipstadt,[9] Irving based his estimates of the dead at Dresden on the word of one individual, Hans Voigt, who provided no supporting documentation,[10] used forged documents,[11] and described one witness named Max Funfack as Dresden's Deputy Chief Medical Officer.[12] Funfack had made it clear by letter to Irving on 19 January 1965 that he had not been either the Chief or Deputy Chief Medical Officer in Dresden, that he had no knowledge of any documentation about the number of people who were killed in the bombing, and during the war he had only heard rumours, which varied greatly, over the number of people who were killed in the raids.[12][13]
what did irving mean by this?
Sure, question the NY Times but not some fringe creator of a youtube video.
"If a hundred sources are reporting one way, and one sounds out of place and makes no sense, deal with it. No one will trust it or you, they will laugh at you, and they will not believe you. But this is how great discoveries are made"
Go on, aren't you going to tell me I'm a cuck or cultural marxist while at it? Maybe a nu-male and throw in how I enjoy spending time in my shed while Thorone bangs my gf?
Your head is so full of shit that you can't even grasp the mere concept that maybe, just maybe, there's more political positions than being a feminazi or literal nazi.
his one amazing source wasnt even real, he made it up. Youre on another level of stupid user.
"If you insult a person for his believes your believes are wrong."
>2+2=4 you idiot
2+2 is 6, though. Don't believe everything your (((teacher))) tells you.
Why else would he mark it wrong in my test and punish me for thinking on my own, huh?
THIS. math isnt even real, it was created by the ancient jewish wizard Mathenstein in order to confuse aryans. Satanic black magic, real sick shit
The same ambrose that is now widely discredited as a fraud? KEK
KEK be praised!
no, like James Bacque who has been discredited by every other historian
>this damage control
Ihr backs with sources plus those authors are lower tier there's better authors who do revision like zuber who aren't part of ihr.Retard
Opinion thrown away lol
Nice nitpick I bet you want all white people dead
>s-see a-nons I voted for trump I'm not biased
Dear god.
I don't think you're real. Because if you were, surely you wouldn't let people like this or my dad exist.
Or maybe you are real but you just don't care. Either way my prayer falls on deaf ears. But on the off chance you are listening can you stop making people like this?
Nice straw men btw I find math to be fascinating
I don't speak holocaust you nazi piece of shit.
They hate whites because they envy it's very simple son
It's drivel.
>stormfags STILL havent even attempted to defend their disproved conspiracy theory yet
holy shit ahahah!
The holocaust happened against kikes the ones who deny it are just meming you.not 6 million tho
So are you two just trying to form some sort of perpetual (you) machine, or are one of you genuinely retarded?
>Are the facts in this documentary bullshit?
>Never seen anyone refute it.
That's because you can't. It's real.
It mostly relies on
>m-m-muh Gleiwitz
as justification for Germany starting the war. As such, it's trash but defended by stormfags who will never use critical thought toward anything regard muh hitler even though it hurts their own arguments in the end.
What are you spastic? 6 million Jews didn't die it was far less
Catholics aren't Muslims
>Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!
What did he mean by this?
>“In my speech before the Reichstag on the first of September 1939, I spoke of two matters: first, since we are forced into war, neither the threat of weapons nor a period of transition shall conquer us; second, if world Jewry launches another war in order to destroy the Aryan nations of Europe, it will not be the Aryan nations that will be destroyed, but the Jews...Once the Germans Jews laughed at my prophecy. I do not know whether they are still laughing, or whether they are laughing on the other side of their faces. I can simply repeat — they will stop laughing altogether, and I will fulfill my prophecy in this field too. ”
Speech to the Reichstag
September 1942
>Centuries will pass, but from the rubble of our city, our hatred of those who are to blame, international Jewry and its lackeys...I have made it clear that if they treat the nations of Europe as tools that may be bought and sold by these international swindlers for money and material support, then that race, the Jewish race, which is truly responsible for this murderous struggle, shall bear the consequences...Above all, I oblige the national leadership and its followers to observe the racial laws scrupulously and subject the poisoner of all nations — international Jewry — to merciless resistance.”
Hitler's will, April, 1945
That's just a bunch of opinions and literally
It's shit. You need to go back.
Holy shit you retards stop taking the /pol/ack's bait
>you're allowed to question and criticize everything
>except holocoaster you racist stornweenie
Really makes you think.
>he's still on the holocaust
Look Faggot those people who deny it are trolling you they just don't believe 6 million died
>you're allowed to question and criticize everything
You certainly are allowed to say whatever you want, but don't get upset when you make moronic claims and get called a moron.
Why do you ignore all evidence that doesn't agree with your preconceived idea of history?
Since you are so eager to prove yourself as someone other than a moron, please tell me what Hitler meant in these quotes given in front of the Reichstag?
>question something and criticize something for which there are mountains of evidence
>people think you are obnoxious shitters
really made me think.