I have this holy book that was written by God but really written by me, it says your home and land belongs to me and you have to leave them and give them to me, if you don't your racist. Sorry, it's what the book says...
I have this holy book that was written by God but really written by me...
I have this universal rule established by millennia of precedence that says of you start a war for territory and lose, you lose territory. Sorry, that's what logic says...
Archeological evidence says the same thing. Whether you like it or not, it is the historical Jewish Homeland, and the current Jewish Homeland. It's not going to stop existing because you don't like it
are palestini*ns officially one of the most butthurt people on earth?
>The Torah's claim that the Hebrews have a divine right to the land of Canaan through their ancestral descent is just a post hoc device used to justify their initial conquest of the area, solidify their continued presence in it, and substantiate their sectarian and supremacist attitude toward surrounding nations
Holy cow, who could have guessed such a thing? It's so shocking that a nation would mythologize its origins to those ends. I'm not sure anybody else in history has ever done this.
>initial conquest of the area
It was gifted to them by the UN. Do people reasonably expect that they should have just turned it down?
>Jewish ancestral claims are bullshit because some of them are white
>But Palestinian claims to be Canaanites are totally legit
>"gifted to them by the UN"
>had to fight local Arab militias, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt just for their independence
The U.N.'s sanctioning of the formation of the nation of Israel wasn't based on divine right, it was based on their historical claim to the area which dates back thousands of years, which came about through violent conquest justified by divine right.
>only nation in history to be completely wiped off the map and then reestablished after over a thousand years with the same people in the same location speaking the same language
>not part of a divine plan
Pick one
>4 times
>arabs lost horribly every time
what did Elochai mean by this?
My question is still on the table. What should the Jewish people have done differently?
>>only nation in history to be completely wiped off the map and then reestablished after over a thousand years with the same people in the same location speaking the same language
A glorious kek, thanks user.
Rome would be disappointed.
Right, after they were first established. They were attacked over territory and won, expanding their terrirtory. Is that not allowed anymore?
>archeological evidence of Jews being there in the past, so it's ok
So youzzz be sayin that we can retake Constantinople n shhiiieettt?
The Italiens/Normans/Franks/Picts etc can take back England?
This is a stupid argument and you should feel bad for bringing it up
I wouldn't have expected the Jews to choose otherwise, but the fact that the U.N. sanctioned the formation of Israel in the first place was a fucking stupid idea for obvious reasons.
In fact no, it isn't allowed any more.
>with the same people
European jews are most likely not descended from the judean jews, but rather people who were converted afterwards. They do share a religion with the people who once lived there, but modern judaism and judaism circa 2nd century AD are quite different, its pretty hard to imagine judaism without the talmud.
Not that I think this gives Israel any less right to exist, they're there now and everyone needs to just deal with it. It really is a shame they weren't given east prussia or something to create a jewish state in. The Germans were the ones who genocided the jews, they should have been the ones to cough up clay.
Even the UN wasn't in a position to say no. This is a phrase you will not often hear, but at least at this point in time the jews were hardass motherfuckers.
Man, this is a massive British fuckup.
>Promise an independent ME during WW1
>takes over most of it
>the Jews need a place to go? Oh, displacing the native people that have lived there for the entire time the Jews didn't sounds fine.
If you come to kill, you risk death. If you come to take, you risk having yours taken.
Yeah but the UN isn't okay with that shit and they have more authority than you.
So your gripe is with the UN? If so, I don't expect you're siding with the OP. If you are the OP, cut the moat and bailey horseshit.
Are you a country?
Fuck Jews
They should of gassed them all
Fuck Palestinians too
The old flag was Veeky Forums as fuck though
Unity mudslimes attacking Israel don't recognize the un's authority, so I wouldn't use it to defend them.
Upity is the word there
No more like you are stupid. There is no byzantine diaspora, and Italy, France and Scotland exist.
My first post in the thread is making fun of the OP for thinking the Jews are unique in their fabrication of a mythical claim to land.
Should HAVE. HAVE you fucking mongrel
>tfw tables have turned and arabs are in charge of the UN now
>tfw last legislation against settlements calling them illegal made bibi have a total meltdown
They are looking to restore the Palestinian homelands. And the Palestinians have made efforts to cooperate with the EU, which had been a very pro-Israeli organization in their past, and they are now reaping the fruits of their labor.
You're dealing with Arab logic
trump is in charge now, and he's a pro zionist to the core.
what good is it gonna do to the palestinians whether the EU finds the jew in the wrong.
Because Trump can stall the UN, but he can't reverse the decision without a majority, and even then a minority can veto it. If there is a large scale military operation where America is the aggressor, I don't forsee everyone taking kindly to it.
No matter how much he blusters, he isn't as powerful as he claims to be.
america doesn't need to use its offensive capabilities to support the jews.
they can just give them the training and weapons (such as the new F-35 fighter recently delivered to the IAF) to buttfuck the arabs if they try to take land.
I agree that it's not wrong, especially if you are attacked first. Such are the rules of war
That's still a virtual stall, and the Arab states will eventually reorganize their military into an effective one. Time is finite for a solution, and stalling is not helping.
>all religions are manmade!
Reminds me of when I saw evidence of God and before I could communicate my new belief my whole social circle was gone, fun times when I was suggested to accept the devil or "be very sick" later on at a shrinks office.
Theres a reason why "believers" are such hypocrites and why fedoras are so edgy and quick to discard any evidence, they persecute those that are not of the devil.
>Arab states will eventually reorganize their military into an effective one.
heavily skeptical, not sure how the arabs would be able to get over their own infighting and conflicts of interest, and the israelis aren't exactly pushovers.
Likely by reorganizing themselves into a more centralized form of government with branches of power akin to the US, but with an additional theological branch to ensure that the laws of the land follow the doctrine of Islam. From there, form either a democracy or meritocracy as a form of government and reorganize the military. It would take time, but given the current stalemate they have time to spare.
that's fine and all, but its not answering my question.
oh please share with us this "evidence" of God
They've demonstrated capacity for revolution and reform in the past (Egypt, Iran, the Uprisings in WW1), they just need to get it right and form a functioning government, which is something I can't predict. It may be tomorrow, it may be my kid's problem, but it will happen. The question is time.
You already know his response is going to be schizophrenic word-salad.
yeah but I'm bored
if they haven't done it yet in 70+ years of trying why would they start now?
Obviously those 5 different Arab nations today where there is a active conflict between Arabs killing Arabs is their way of reforming and organizing a pan-Arab entity as Nasser envisioned.
Not the time Faisal called for an Arab union or when the Ba'athists wanted to unify Syria and Egypt (which lasted for 3 years before a coup happened), but now is the time when they are more decentralized than ever!
The irony is that the only time Arabs truly were united in the modern era was in war against Israel, but who wan't that when we got a "stalemate" going.
the last time they tried that it failed spectacularly because it was dominated by Egypt
that user was being sarcastic.
Lol it's fucking hilarious the way Jews talk out of their ass as if they know anything. The civil wars in Iraq and Syria have pretty much killed Sunni islamism as a political force, the Baghdad and Damascus governments are the closest they've ever been in history and the Iraqi army has stated it will cross the border and fight in Syria after the battle of Mosul.
But sure yeah, all Arabs are divided, if that's what makes you happy.
So now instead we got two Iranian shia-puppets?
Mashalah, habibi
But why would they do it? It would lead to even more acts of terrorism against Americans and would make even more Muslims to view the U.S. negatively. The U.S. would gain nothing from it.
the us doesnt give a shit if one more arab is butthurt at the great satan for bankrolling the heebs.
the us (particularly its politicians) do care about supporting a long dedicated US ally in the region, one that is politically stable, influential, and has a large support base back in the states.
>the us doesnt give a shit if one more arab is butthurt at the great satan for bankrolling the heebs.
Yes, but it does care about an increase in acts of terrorism against Americans and maintaining strategic partnership with Arab and Muslim states. Most international relations scholars agree that the costs of giving Israel unconditional support outweigh the benefits of doing so.