>Civilizations developed separately up until the age
>Precolombian civilization unsophisticated
>Shared architectural features of ancient structures
So where do we stand in terms of accuracy in our understanding of how Civilization has developed?
>Civilizations developed separately up until the age
>Precolombian civilization unsophisticated
>Shared architectural features of ancient structures
So where do we stand in terms of accuracy in our understanding of how Civilization has developed?
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>different civilisations all worked out that a triangle is both easy to build and very strong
Must be aliums.
Have you not taken physic 101?
A pyramid is the strongest/most stable way to build large objects
No shit different people figured this out after thousands of years
it's not just that, they also made archways roughly the way you'd have to make them if you want doors. It's uncanny.
>every civilization across the globe had stories of giants
>every civilization had stories of dragons
>every civilization had stories of a massive flood
>every civilization saw the exact same shapes in the constellations
dinosaur bones
people over 6 foot would be considered giants many many years ago
flooding is a natural thing in life
Its true for cube buildings you need trigonometry but pyramids are just stacking on top of each other.
>every civilization saw the exact same shapes in the constellations
that's nowhere near correct, you see a completely different night sky depending on your latitude for a start
>Bet if I ignore 80% of the argument and copypasta the exact same fuckin response that's said literally every time, I'll come off as thoughtful and show these idiots
>every civilization had stories of dragons
Chinese dragon and European dragon are very diffrent
>every civilization saw the exact same shapes in the constellations
not true (example Pleiades are called little chicks in czech and don't know any other language which calls them that)
Using an arch structurally has many advantages relating to the distance it can span, the loads it can carry, and also the materiality and form of the arch itself. An arch can span further (between two points of vertical support) than a straight beam. This is due to the way an arch handles the forces, or vectors.
An arch is superior to a lintel in this regard and is simply physics and since physics is universal it is only logical that different civilizations worked out this phenomenon.
Scandinavian dragons are big snakes. And I can't think of any massive flood happening in Norse mythology.
Why you not post the original Pyramids?
I don't get it. If you just want to live your life with your head up your ass, why even bother pretending to give a shit about evidence
Engineering student here. Pyramid shape was the most simple way to build high structures
uruk wasn't that big
Since when did Mexico have its own mummies? I've never heard of them. Stupid tinfoild probably thought about Peruvian mummies when making this image.
But the historical record claims the South American civilizations didn't progress past using stone and wooden tools until the arrival of columbus. If that's true How were they able to cut and carry such stones, if the method egyptians used is equally mysterious.
They were built with centuries in between though.
> Ive never heard of this
>must be stupid tinfoil hat
>implying it's difficult to cut stone even farting around in mud huts
LOL read a fucking book pyramid"""ologist"""
>how could they use stone if they were only in the stone age
You can break rocks with your bear hands, you fucking mongoloid.
>Every modern civilization has actual giants (robert wadlow, Sultan Kösen in Turkey)
>We know that large lizards existed in the geological record like megalania
>We know the coastlines have retreated significantly since the shrinking of the ice caps after the Pleistocene
>Stars look the same no matter where you are on the planet
anything else aliums faggots?
anything else christfagggots who desperately want the pyramids to be some antediluvian remnant despite the fact that literally fuck all else survived the supposed flood? which was apparently strong enough to generate our entire fossil record but can't sink three piles of rocks stacked on top of each other?
No? I didn't think so.
WTF are you talking about you faggot.
This is projection, you're creating arguments for Christians, defeating your own arguments, then claiming yourself a conqueror?
>projection may may
>addressing arguments from
is the same as creating them
you have to go back
Not to mention the parallels between the Jade Emperor and Marduk. How the fuck did that happen.
That retard didn't explicitly say anything about Christians, he said many cultures have Flood Myths, yet somehow you manage to project that onto Christians, fuck you, I ain't having it.
No, I mentioned Christfags as a side note AFTER addressing all of faggot's arguments.
Are you able to read, my son?
People being curious about parallels between other cultures isn't really crazy. It's natural to draw these conclusions, and to me it's the same as when children used to look at continents and notice they could fit together like puzzle pieces. People thought that was ridiculous until plate tectonics was identified. Scientists had to fight tooth and nail for that to be the established geological theory. It was only accepted when the precious generation of scientists died off or retired.
Please consider that historical records, scientific practices, and understanding of the world prior to Darwin and geological innovations was based on a biblical modal. Almost every society we identify and recognize were placed in timelines that could fit within 6000 years so the bible wouldn't be overshadowed. The world is a big place and man's history is still coming into focus. Geological and anthropological anomalies have been found and will continue to be found. We do not have a complete picture of our world.
or just using Fire and water but that just gets you bricks
>stack a bunch of rocks on top of each other
>stack inward for the sake of stability
>implying this isn't the natural thing for a premodern culture looking to build a large structure to do
Fun fact, the Egyptians tried building a pyramid with a steeper grade than their usual, but it collapsed.
There's more to it than that. From mythology to building styles the old world connects at many places. Such as polygonal masonry, which is found globally at megalithic sites. There are a million and one things one's attention could be drawn towards in regards to oddities within our history. One interesting oddity my cousin from yekaterinburg was showing me were the walls, steps, dolmans, carved blocks, and circular divots found all over the ural mountains. There's quite a bit out there and many scholars in Russia are more interested in these things than western scientists. Even Gobekli Tepe (which is roughly 12000 years old) has many parallels with Hittite art.
There are also still questions about classical building styles that should be answered. A lot of the scientific attempts to replicate their buildings fall flat when attempted by scholars. It's just an interesting thing to speculate on.
My cousin had shown me several dolmens found within Russia. They are very curious given that they date back 25k years.
That's cute. Now catalog all the ways in which they diverge and you'll realize your theory is shit.
They are strange. There are hundreds of them dispersed within Russia. No corpses are found in them. Stone aged man must've been stoned to have built such a pointless structure everywhere.
If you'd like to browse some cool looking structures look at this.
>must've been stoned to have built such a pointless structure everywhere.
They are gigantic bongs that double as hotboxes.
>Stone aged man must've been stoned to have built such a pointless structure everywhere.
if everyone thought like this we'd figure out nothing
If you ever get a chance look at the parallels between the Nagas of Tibet and the Mayans. They have a very similar language and counting system. I believe there is also a tribe within the United states with a language very similar to the japanese.
Asian and mesoamerican art are quite similar. They are also genetically similar in many places. Why not draw the connection between the two?
These are the Caral pyramids. They were built around the same time Egyptians and Sumerians were building interesting structures.
According to modern scholars Peruvians did not even have clay pots. Why not fund more excavation? Why couldn't Peruvians have been more advanced than previously credited? We base our thinking on these cultures off of 18th and 19th century scholars. There is still much more to discover.
>basic geometric shape
oh wow
>corbel arch, invented by plenty of cultures
I remember creating the corbel arch independently with fucking toy blocks when i was a kid
preserving the dead is pretty common for similar reasons all over the planet
The Egyptians largely used bone and wood tools for most of their archetecture
also there is evidence of copper tools in South America
>polygonal masonry
>flat surfaces stack easily
not a mystery at all, its pretty evident that masonry became more "polygonal" as time went on aswell you dope
Masonry became less polygonal. Usually the more recent stone structures built atop early incan polygonal masonry are more primitive.
More examples of simple masonry atop polygonal masonry
I dont think they were literal giants. I just think they were better nourished people who were naturally taller and more well built. With that much height advantage people naturally look up to you. I speak from experience. I'm 6' 6" and my twin sister is 5' 1".
Weird incan towers are scattered all throughout peru.
>images from Cambodia
Are these people even trying?
It's almost like putting smaller, lighter material on top of larger, heavier, stable foundations is a good idea.
Or they built atop pre-existing structures.
Show me any archaeological evidence of that.
It's all over Peru. The Incans filled in and repaired these complex structures with simple stone and mud masonry.
That Cambodian temple is basically a miniature version of the Angkorian style of building temples on raised platforms in a Mandala arrangement derived from Hinduism, which grew out of the earlier temple architecture of of Chenla which featured mandala patterns without the raised platforms.
Oh boy I wonder why ancient civilizations are so similar when we all come from the same fucking group
So you don't have archaeological evidence.
What group is that?
The evidence is as simple. They couldn't repair their structures with polygonal masonry. They only knew how to stack smaller bricks in order to repair these structures. That's why they never repaired the structure with anything other than smaller misshaped stones.
>doubt it, if they did it's just big=strong/memories of adults/childhoodfears about adults becoming giants.
>World created from flood = birth, fetus developing magically from water. Flood = this in reverse.
>fuck no
Egyptians used copper chisels, moron.
You're just making this up. You have no evidence to back up your claims, only your own uninformed impressions.
You keep saying the Inca attempted to repair these structures. Where's the evidence they were ever destroyed? Pic related is an intact Inca building converted into a church. Notice how the masonry ends and the adobe begins along a straight line showing no signs of damage, implying it was built this way. There's are no fallen masonry blocks lying around the structure. This is the way it was build, the way the Inca usually constructed buildings, the way that actually makes sense.
Even the egyptians did something similar. Building atop polygonal masonry.
The base structure is clearly more advanced. The incas built on top of another cultures achievements
I wonder how long it'll take for faggots in the future to go
>there's no way humans could have landed on the moon in 1969
>they didn't even have silicon microtransistors back then
I mean, there are faggots like that now, but I wonder how long until it becomes a Veeky Forums thing.
Is it really so inconceivable to you that a structure would be built using more than one material? Many Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals have masonry walls with wooden roofs. The Greeks and Romans did the same with most of their temples. Ancient Indians and Southeast Asians built stone masonry temples while living in wooden and mud-brick palaces, as did the ancient Egyptians. Aksumite buildings were built of layers of wood and cemented stones build atop granite masonry bases. Pic related shows an Aksumite masonry door set into a regular stone wall. Were all of these built by aliens or more advanced civilizations, before being repaired by retards?
I could go on, but it seems pointless trying to point out something so obvious to you. I've seen your posts before, you've been around spouting this bullshit for years.
>Be an Aztec
>Stumble upon Mayan pyramid
>Must be for slaughtering people on top of it
At least the Egyptians didn't do this
The Mayans did sacrifice people though, and the Aztecs got their pyramids from cultures like the Teotihuacan and the Toltecs, not the Mayans.
maybe they didnt feel like investing a lot into the structure and decided to use a cheaper and simpler technique
could be a dope kiln
not even the same user and I'm no Sherlock but clearly there is new build on top of old in these cases. The newer rock still has jagged abrasions and/or pock marks. If it were the same age it would have been eroded by wind and windborne sediment, rendering it smooth. It would all have the same consistency.
I'm as quick to call out /tinfoil/ as the next head, and really this subject matter is where I draw the line, and the other user probably does' have the Time/LIFE Alien Encounters book series and reeks of patchouli, but I know inconsistent rock formation when I see it
Are you talking about that pyramid picture? The lower rock is granite, it doesn't erode as easily as the sandstone which the rest is built from. It's not older, in fact it's younger; it's what's left of an abortive attempt to cover the whole structure in granite casing.
If you're talking about the Inca stuff, I'm not sure where you're coming from. The upper rocks look more jagged in pictures like because they weren't made that way. The lower masonry is smooth because the Inca polished it like that. Wind erosion has nothing to do with it, plus it works far too slowly to affect relatively recent Inca structures, the Andes aren't a sandy enough environment for it to be a significant process there and wind erosion doesn't make things smooth anyway; it makes them jagged.
do they hide a baby in it when they have to fight an animal
The incas have an odd story. Continuous warfare for 90 years all the while creating a slew of megalithic structures that rival the precision of today's 3d printers.. And they did this without any metal tools to work the stone.
All the while constructing an extensive network of roads at places about 7 meters wide. One of the longest preserved segments of road is 6000 kilometers long. The total length is roughly estimated to be 15-30 thousand kilometers in length. Construction of this magnitude would put even today's budgets in strain. All the while having no access to the wheel, metal, modern transportation, and a much smaller work force. Peruvians today still cannot get themselves together to build a road system that covers all of their cities. Many accessible only by air. And their modern constructed roads don't even function when it rains. This seems to be radically divorced from reality.
So in these 90 years half the male population was building, the other half was waring, and somehow they managed to produce enough food for everyone.
During WWII the germans halted production on homes because of strain on their war machine. This was only after a few short years of war.
I don't think it's aliens, but it does look like we don't completely understand the events in the past.
Looks like the remains of an old sweat lodge.
Throw a wood hut around that, put an exhaust in the hole, and you've got yourself a sauna.
Or it could be aliens
>Simple geometric shapes
What a fucking coincidence
>No corpses are found in them
How do you know until you've dug a radius around each dolmen and ruin the structure? Many dolmens in France and Britain have burials somewhere in the structure or beneath it. How would you be able to tell without ruining the dolmen?
He's an aliums faggot isn't he?
People like this are uninterested in debate or discussion: only spreading their own opinion.
>Veeky Forums is a high discourse board, with high quality posts.
>>every civilization across the globe had stories of giants
Gigantism exists as a defect in every ethnic group
>>every civilization had stories of dragons
Fossil remains
>>every civilization had stories of a massive flood
Tsunami due to earthquakes combined with catastrophic meteor impacts explains this perfectly.
>>every civilization saw the exact same shapes in the constellations
>implying things get figured out
There's a local beach nearby where people have stacked every single rock in sight into little towers.
There was no organised effort. They just turned up one day after some presumable hippies thought it would look cool. Others followed suite and then eventually the entire stoney beach was filled with towers of stacked stones.
Hur it was a religious ceremony.
Hur it must have been signage for some sort of meeting place.
Like, no, it was just some shit people had fun making.
heh, i'm 6'8
Because back then they didn't have economy as we know it today. There was not a construction company to pay, or investment firm to impress. Everyone gathered about the elder high as fuck on jungle plants and thought having some road would be a nice thing, and then they all worked together for the greater good to accomplish this feat. Amazing what could be done before greed really took hold in our collective consciousness.
Points to a shared root and some kind of contact between them.