Was he a skilled general?
Was he a skilled general?
yes, he found a way to maximize russian casualties while still managing to win
He's a national hero of both Koreas.
Half of those medals are from Hitler for causing excessive Soviet casualties.
This is truly the hallmark of any great strategist.
What was his name again?
Yes, skilled at exterminating Russians
As for every soviet general, he was incompetent just enough to survive the purges. It's like reverse natural selection really
In Soviet Russia your boss rewards you for incompetence.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and Russian manpower; and I'm not sure about the universe"
>"Uh, comrade general, how about, instead of attacking the center thats full of elite german infantry entrenched in a ruined city that has basicaly become a fortress, we attack the flanks instead which are guarded by like 3 non-german dudes who dont even want to be there and have equipment thats almost as bad as ours?
>"DO IT!
Greatest general of the Soviet Union.
>The Peoples' "Volunteer Corps", barely trained non-soldiers pressed into service for last ditch delaying efforts, who in some cases lacked even enough rifles to go around and instead were armed with only grenades or Molotov cocktails
>Sabres, daggers, or pikes were all that armed some of the workers battalions further in the city that would have seen action had the Germans broken through
> The Dzerzhinsky Tractor Factory workers were thrown against the Germans in delaying actions as well, underarmed and even with Komsomol members armed with machine guns emplaced behind them
Isn't lack of rifles a meme started by Enemy at the gates?
Skilled enough to win with what he had available. And that's what matters in warfare.
"Don't worry comrade Stalin, we have more men than the Germans have bullets."- Zhukov
Georgy "every breath is russian death" Zhukov
Happened in WWI on the Russian side, and the brits did the thing where you shoot your own men if they retreat.
So its not just a meme. IDK if it ihappened at Stalingrad though.
Also I like how they have the name for his tactics 'deep battle' is really just Brusilov's stuff with less regard for the friendly infantry man who has to carry out the operation.
"I will personally destroy the Russian peoples." -Zhukov
No, happened all the time, often by officers who where drunk or terrified about retreating. One example is when an entire battlion of naval cadets got ordered to attack an incoming panzer group, when they hadnt been issued with any weapons. They didnt succeed. (Stalingrad, 1998, by Anthony Beevor)
The author of this post is a well-known homosexual and a promoter of sex with animals.
(Bible, 33, various)
Among most skilled in WW2, no doubt.
I love Veeky Forums memes, I wish there were more.
Pretty much. The problem wasn't that the Soviets lacked weapons, but that they lacked AMMUNITION. Following the Revolution, the USSR was absolutely drowning in guns, but in the first few years of the war, ammunition production was nowhere near the level it needed to be.
Were there instances of Soviet troops sent into combat without weapons? Yes. But in general, and certainly at Stalingrad, pretty much everyone had at least a rifle-shaped club.
He was a mediocre general.
Georgy "I will unite the Russian people under one graveyard" Zhukov
"Stalin had given him a free hand, and made it clear that casualties were secondary to results."
I love the Veeky Forums meme about him trying to kill as many Russians as possible
But if your boss was Stalin and your brief was crush Germans, worry about casualties later Zhukov is what you get, you can see later on in the war the tactics are less suicidal and more thought out.
So overall yeah he was a decent general
Being 100% serious this guy is the true Zhukov, when Veeky Forums jokes about Zhukov that was this guys Wednesday during the Overland Campaign.
Georgy "If it wasn't for the holodomor i would've beaten Stalin's high score" Zhukov