Let's discuss democracy and alternatives
Be honest Veeky Forums, do you think democracy is the best system you can have?
really makes you think
What are alternatives that wont end in a totalitarian dictatorship?
Let's discuss democracy and alternatives
Be honest Veeky Forums, do you think democracy is the best system you can have?
really makes you think
What are alternatives that wont end in a totalitarian dictatorship?
Democracy is a desperate and futile attempt to emulate the decision making processes of small bands of hunter gatherers. It's vestigial and must be done away with. We need educated enlightened men to lead with an iron fist.
Democracy leads to decivilization and degeneracy.
2nd German Reich was the pinnacle of human society.
hang yourselves human waste
Isn't it obvious?
Direct democracy.
>le democracy or death
wow such civilized
>that picture
Democracy in its pure form.
>emulate small bands of hunters and gatherers
>hunters and gatherers have political parties and select committees
Democracy is GIBS MUH DAT the governing system.
Take a look at Jewmerica today with all the frothing retards hating Trump because Democracy failed them or some bullshit.
I suppose you consider yourself to be educated and enlightened, right?
>hunters and gatherers have political parties and select committees
No human tribes had the ALPHA PACK who told everyone else in the tribe what to do, they were usually the human males that were the most socially competent because everyone liked them.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants.
2/10 because people will fall for it
>democracy = liberty
>Ameritrash meme catchphrases
Liberty and democracy are mutually exclusive.
>Fascists crying (about Americans, as always lel) because they don't have free reign to enslave others
Watch these pics carefully. They're your future.
All the fedora tippers are falling for the nirvana fallacy.
Yes the masses are pig headedly ignorant, but you would be cucked harder under any autocratic regime. Under democracy you can criticize politicians, state your case and try to get through to the morons and some of them will see the light, this is better than nothing.
no actually I'm a proud pleb, calling out into the void demanding to be ruled, thank you very much
you're a nu-male already being ruled by corporate america and israel
Mussolini was elected at some point too as was Hitler, much progress, such system, the moment Mussolini failed the people turned on him because the weak must fear the strong :^)
there is literally nothing wrong with being a numale
I wish we had enlightened, intelligent monarchs to rule us.
>not being positive about democracy = fascist
>MUH DEMOCRATICAALLY ELECTED despite bands of roving terrorists in the countryside forcing people to vote for x
Fascists deserve to be burned at the stake.
>not red fascism
But I'm a monarchist, not fascist. Fascism is retarded because it allows people without an aristocratic pedigree to rule.
Whatever you say cucklet, democracy is a meme
That sounds more like feudalism to me.
>Let's discuss democracy and alternatives
Democracy is garbage tier. The USA is a representative republic. The founding fathers never once called the USA a democracy nor did they think democracy would be a good idea. Because it isn't.
America is proof Democracy is horrible because as you can clearly see retarded hedonism keeps on getting legalized each passing decade. Democracy will lead to the collapse of civilization overtime because humans in large groups cant think rationally.
>democracy is the ultimate good
>keep posting pictures proving the only thing that matters is organized violence
Really pets my puppies
>that one monarchist manlet who keeps getting driven out of his own threads
Not an argument
Continue being contrarian for the sake of contrarianism.
>They're your future
Picrelated is your PRESENT lmao
I'm willing to bet I'm the tallest guy ITT actually. Would post ID but don't want getting doxed by some sperg.
Democracy is ultimately mob rule; it is a glorified popularity contest. It works sometimes and it doesn't work sometimes.
*because they were multimillionaire (adjusted for inflation) landowners who didn't want the proles to have actual power
There is nothing wrong with having AIDS or cancer either.
>I-I'd post a timestamped pic b-b-but I just f-forgot my camera or how to strip EXIF or just turn the fucking geotagging off my smartphone
Not even you're as retarded as you expect people to believe lol manlet
I'd take niggers over angry italians any day of the week bruh
>reddit spacing
Telling sign
>I'd take niggers
Given your demographics it's not like you have a choice lel odds are you are one yourself
As opposed to fascism, which has a guaranteed 100% failure rate!
But hey, retarded Americans from Veeky Forums will WE WUZ over your empire fifty years on so it all works out :)
How do you define democracy? Universal suffrage?
I agree on the system of majority rule in some cases but universal suffrage is just not the best way of making society work imo.
OP btw
Check Italy's murder rate abd then contrast it to America you triggered Cuckistani.
>democracy is inherently good can't you we are the apogee of advanced civilization and progress
>relationship between your workplace and the bank that owns your house is essentially feudal your disposed of the moment you can't make your boss money and the on the street you can't make payments
>hurr the soviet union was da devil for jailing dissidents even though they guaranteed housing and dignified employment
Really sanitizes my stinkhole
my sides, keep going butthurt /pol/. you'll probably go internet tough guy and threaten to murder me in thirty years lmao it's so adorbs
>tfw you will NEVER EVER have a pet fascist
Love how triggered Americans are by monarchism, is it because your country was settled and founded by the European equivalent of Indian untouchables?
>britshit pretends his monarch even does anything anymore besides provide fodder for britshit's reaction images
kings belong on the guillotine
>the republican tradition is a meme because it started in America, a country which, despite less than 250 years of existence, has already surpassed the whole of Europe
Lmfao kys continental trash
Democracy only works in small societies, it cannot function properly in such a big country like the United States.
there are no alternatives to democracy because democracy is merely the expression of the society that we live in
you're not going to change anything by political means
>everyone who can speak English is a Brit
Are you saying America is not on a continent or just pretending to be retarded
>fedora tipper
Literally how much of a bandwagon faggot do you have to be to villify people merely for being opposed to status quo?
I think the best would be a direct democracy with an educational requirement. Today at 12 PM Eastern Standard Time just proved what happens when you let retards vote.
Continental means European
>fascist scum cries: PLEASE DON'T VILLAINZIE ME
>after villianizing everything else on Veeky Forums and on skeletonchan forming safe space bandwagons were all dissenting opinions are banned
Only if you're British. American saying that makes no sense and only makes you look retarded.
I see this idea of an educational requirement in a democratic system popping up a bit lately.
Not to say it is a bad idea, but including this component seems nebulous to me, as this seems like it could easily be manipulated by any group in power to benefit their ideological goals and such.
What would the requirement be, or maybe resemble if it were up to you?
You're the only one calling people fascist here.
>n-n-n-o call me alt right like CBS news does!
Quit infiltrating this board and go home.
>alt right
>still can't resist to label people into some Amerishit meme movements
I'm sorry some countries and ideologies have traditions existing for longer than the 2016 primaries lmao
>My traddisshuns go all the way back to MLK day 2011 when moot banned /new/!
>Here, let me post this philosowank I've never read to prove I'm not just one big meme like the rest of my kin
That's nice, stormlard.
>I've never read anything because I live in a 3rd world shithole warzone of a country and reading is for faggots
>These meme images and no discussion prove I'm well read guys! Let me shitpost about Americans again LOL
you know you're really only hurting yourself by this point so I'm just gonna let you keep going
I'm not sure exactly, but I think that there would have to be some type of national requirement, some states have gotten so low on average IQ like West Virginia they simply wouldn't be counted in the present situation. If it was on a state basis then I fear it would devolve into corruption and abuse by local law makers, like in the South where there was a literacy requirement which was only put in place to disenfranchise Blacks who had just gotten freed from their chains after hundreds of years, they were purposely kept illiterate and the laws were put in place to keep them out of the democratic process and keep the power of the Whites in check. Only on a federal basis could something like this work. But on the other side when someone is so fucking retarded or politically literate they're a threat to the nation and it's people. Much like those retarded 15 year old's "protesting" and refusing to accept Trump as their president, just like when the South refused to accept Lincoln as their president, half the country broke away, and the nation was plunged into it's most deadly war yet and the consequences still seen to this day with the failure of Reconstruction and such. If you don't understand the fundamental ideals of a democracy, you cast your vote, your opinion, and you sign an unspoken unsaid agreement to recognize the results weather you like them or not, that's the most basic requirement of a group choosing a leader based on the majority, be it an amount of voters for one side or electoral votes. In my mind if you want to cast your opinion in stone and affect this nation's path, then you must at the very fucking least understand the basic pillars of democracy and respect them, those that don't should fuck off and go to a shithole like Zimbabwe where they can respect the rigged elections there. I'm not talking about a requirement that says you have to get an A+ in your 10th grade chemistry to vote, but some basic political learning before you vote.
>trying to argue with a monarchist by posting pictures of lynched Mussolini which happened only after the king turned on him
By all means keep flaunting your ignorance it's like watching a chimp senselessly flinging his feces around
Really I only need to post this to trigger you, butthurt britshit.
Continue posting no discussion, eloquently demonstrating your "learning"
>bourgeois democracy is inherently good and you must always accept it if not you're a low IQ Virginian
>the Ameriape once against assumes I'm British because in his simple mind it's impossible to know more than one language
Explain to me how what I said is 'bourgeois democracy", and how such a thing is inherently bad.
>Britshit LARPs as a non-britshit because he wants to shitpost instead of even bother to demonstrate he knows his dead philosophers
it's kinda sad you're already resorting to the anime reaction images but oh well lol it means I've won
>Parts of Italy that were apart of the Italian Social Republic are pro Republic
Really fries my noodle
>The richest, most educated parts of Italy supported throwing out the king as opposed to the unwashed rural south of the boot which still drains the entire country economically to this day
really jogged my cranium
Kill the urbanites.
I agree with you for the most part, in that the voter as an engaged citizen should have an appreciation for the fundamentals of democracy, and should accordingly recognize the victor of an election.
But I think even with a good education in say, political theory, historical precedent and assorted areas of knowledge, it is my assertion that attempts to implant these values undermines what I think is the foundation of democracy. Further, I don't think it would change much as long as elections (let's say the American presidential election for a sort of baseline) is run the way they are.
I think that it is key for people to vote on their base perspective (i.e. farmers may vote for a person who will give out benefits for agriculture production, academics for those who grant more independence in scholarly complexes and so on), regardless of education.
From what I have seen, it is a more recent thing (at least, to the current extent ) to be worried about the educational status of the voter-base, which is generally brought on by upset elections.
If we want a reformed version of democracy, I would contend that critique should go top-down versus bottom-up.
Its not the best but its stable.
>in the age of mass politics where ~100 million will be upset with the administration no matter which side is in power
>in an age of mass immigration without assimilation
no thanks, it was pretty nice tho
give me my cincinnatus
>the man who literally gave up dictatorship in favour of republicanism
They passed meme laws like prohibition in the past just the same as they do today, it has always been this bad. In fact I would argue the more random, chaotic and stupid democracy is the better because then at least it does its most important job of preventing a single group gaining power.
>vilify people merely for being opposed to status quo
I am vilifying you for the reasons mentioned, which incidentally you said nothing about. If you gave a decent rebuttal and had a viable alternative I might support it against the status quo, but you haven't and I've never seen any anywhere else.
Democracy is shit. A republic is okay though. The ideal form of government if you're going for something sustainable that's as close to direct democracy as possible is the constitutional republic model (like the US, UK, and many other Western nations).
It's still not ideal though, because special interest groups can infiltrate or lobby to affect legislation. I like fascism and national socialism desu. Since you won't find a clear definition of what those actually are without it being saturated by "hurr evil Nazi stuff," (guess who wrote the dictionaries) it's a society where the strongest rule on behalf and through the support/will of the people. The strongest should in fact rule, not the most popular. When it's the most popular ruling it's just a shitshow, it's like the most popular kids in high school getting picked to run the country, when the smartest and the strongest would do a fat better job. Nature intends things to be this way, for example lions don't vote on who's the leader of the pack, the leader is simply selected by his ability to lead based on strength and intellect. Of course, it requires the will of the rest of the pack naturally, because they have to follow him and not gang up on/kill him.
Ask pic related.
>Democracy is shit. A republic is okay though.
Republics are democracies.............................literally the most widespread form of democracy in the world with parliamentary democracy.
That looks like a beaten up smug pepe
Democracy is a myth. It gives the premise of the people being in control but when the elites control the printing presses, they control the vote.
>its most important job of preventing a single group gaining power.
Your an idiot, democracy does exactly that except that group is all of the masses dumbass.
>when you let retards vote.
Yh the retards destroying D.C right because you cant be calling Trump supporter retarded after the animalistic shit Anti-Trumps have done this past election season.
Why is Veeky Forums so retarded? They should know by now democracy is another word for republic in a debate about governments.
Saying just democracy implies direct democracy. Just semantics though.
A voter should ideally have to identify the major issues of a political campaign by separating fact from fiction.
I have no idea how to enforce such a law without falling to partisan oversight.
So what you're advocating is Social Darwinism and/or Eugenics?
>that feel when no comfy midway between autocracy and democracy
Democracy will work for well-educated people.
1st Reich, medieval times, Barbarossa and etc
2nd Reich, 19th century or something, Willy with a small willy
3nd Reich, first half of 20th century it's obviously Hitler
4nd Reich, 21th century, German caliphate
Democracy = Demoncracy
Whoever is the smartest should rule. Intelligence makes you superior in nearly every way to those who are not.
i forgot the word only
name a single country with mostly educated citizens