>he reports his crypto gainz to the IRS
He reports his crypto gainz to the IRS
Other urls found in this thread:
>not using your first k to move to the Bahamas
>not saving up to move to Japan and live the Veeky Forums dream
Imagine 2005 /b/ or 2008 /x/ or /g/ and all of them seeing us now. I mean, I know plenty of us are still around, but back then we were only really dreaming about days like this.
>He doesn't report commodity gains on an exchange registered with the SEC
Enjoy the visit from the IRS next year. They use better lube than the state revenue people.
If you don't trade on localbitcoins exclusively then prepare your anus.
I know a guy who hasn't paid the IRS in years and it caught up to him, he's not going to jail, he's not going to get ass fucked, all he has to do is pay it back. Only the real serious cases of tax evasion ever have criminal charges filed.
Yeah I'm so lame. What could go wrong by shirking it?
The alternative is to either live in a society with even higher taxes or a literal third-world country.
He's probably such a small fry that he doesn't fucking matter.
How does localbit work, do you meet up with someone and they give you cash money for buttcoins?
Only racists don't pay taxes.
>The alternative is to either live in a society with even higher taxes or a literal third-world country.
I feel for you guys, the crypto tax structure in the USA is total shit-tier beyond belief compared to almost anywhere that has bothered to attempt regulation.
Well he owns an antique shop and always has wads of money at the flea market so he has been doing well for himself, but seriously the IRS only prosecutes people who refuse to cooperate or who are big-time criminals. If you haven't paid your back taxes you'll definitely get harassed but as long as you get on a payment plan you're not going to prison.
You should probably learn othjer countries tax codes before you go spouting your nonsense. America is one of the most cucked.
he didnt tell you about the extra fines huh?
Extra fines is still better than federal pound me in the ass prison.
Someone learned a new word today
You meet IRL or online and try to out-scam one another.
yes. Or you can deposit cash into the seller's bank account.
Don't think that'll get you out of taxes though. The feds and state govermnents have been doing sting operations on localbitcoin sellers lately. don't underestimate the lengths these thugs will go through to get their cut.
...he could have avoided those fines had he just paid his fucking taxes. As much as we all hate the fucking jewRS they can really cuck you for life.
Can't you just sell boatloads of ETH or BTC to your bank account through coinbase? If you hold it for a year the taxes aren't even that bad.
In no way am I endorsing what he did, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, just saying lately Veeky Forums has been rife with people scaring the shit out of everyone like the IRS is going to come in, take all their possessions and put them in jail for not paying capital gains on their measly $2k crypto gains, it's not as scary as you think.
That's the actual IRS and a few LARPERS
>Register one of the dozens of available Bitcoin based VISA cards
>Transfer money to the card
>Make daily purchases, withdraw at ATMs
Durrrrrrrr, I don't understand why you taxcucks are cucking yourselves so hard