Why has the United States historically been more resistant to socialism and social democracy than other Western countries?
Why has the United States historically been more resistant to socialism and social democracy than other Western...
Didn't have two devastating wars on it's soil in the span of a generation.
Revolutionary fervor and its exceptionalism
Because the U.S is exceptional, it doesn't need to change. It is exceptional, since it was the first large scale enlightenment inspired democratic revolution.
the cold war
socialism was as big in america up to the 1930s as it was in europe, but after that the rivalry with the soviet union meant that socialism became "unamerican" and literally the debul
America having things like a 40 hour work week, child labor laws, paid holidays and vacations, weekends, etc came from american socialists
Europe was the birthplace of Marx, it's only telling he would have more impact there than over here.
desu America historically swings more anarchistic than socialistic.
American culture is just more economically conservative. Most Americans, when surveyed, have a positive view of the economy and think that America has high social mobility. In actuality, the more economically pessimist European states have higher social mobility.
Because US has a superiority complex.
America didn't have any room for competing ideological systems after the civil war.
During the early 19th century the US had all kinds of proto-communist movements. Long before Marx had made it cool New England had several religious-secular communes like the Perfectionists, or the Oneida community. The character of these communes was "Religious" though with added emphasis on the parenthesis.
The Owenites started their proto commune in 1825. The US government did not have the kind of central authority that governments in Europe did, so even if they had wanted to they could not demand that everybody join. That said, if you wanted to be a part of the Utopian society you could go to where they were.
Labor consciousness in the US was pretty strong right up until the USSR came around and usurped the USA's position as the edgy new kid on the world stage. This new threat, combined with the total victory of the capitalist class in the US civil war and post-war era caused many Americans to begin to see America as capitalist in its essence, and having a patriotic duty to oppose socialism in all forms.
I said parenthesis but meant quotation marks
>resistant socialism and social democracy
Mother of memes
America revolves around liberalism, which is a rival ideology to socialism.
There are more opportunities to succeed, hence less resentful people, hence less recruits for socialism.
Social mobility money wise in EU is a raise from 20k to 30k, the tax is so heavy in some parts that education isnt even worth it, its a bad combo that will fail real soon, socialism is over, most european countries are made of 2 classes, those who work for the state and those at private companies that carry their asses, people getting tired of it as we see, and immigration also, the private worker gets tired of feeding everyone, ends with extremism
I'd rather get paid 30k euros than dollars, it's worth more. The education thing is suspect seeing as Britain and other nations pay for your schooling. While I agree with your idea that immigration and the size of the state are problems in Europe, I don't think that the welfare state will cause Europe to collapse except in odd cases like Sweden.
Because America has never been an ethnically and culturally homogenous nation-state.
It's much easier to agree to "share the wealth" and get the masses to go along with it when everyone looks and acts like you.
The Constitution
good post
Because fuck you I got mine
Individualism because muh pioneer spirit.
America has always been more conservative due to its Protestant roots
Because Parsons didnĀ“t want to bring Marx into U.S. sociology.
I wonder how much of that has to do with low income inequality in europe and the high amount of participation people have in government and the electoral process.
protestant work ethic
Anarchism IS socialistic you dunce
USA is de facto a social democracy.
I have no idea where this meme comes from. Government spending as percentage of GDP is a lot higher in USA than in Russia or China.
Though it's interesting to note that Russia and USA are same in Gini coefficient.
hi /leftyshill/
>Scandinavian countries
These countries don't have Protestant roots as well? Why are they social democracies then?
the REAL protestants left for america to talk to snakes.
America is a social democracy lol, they just pretend not to be. I mean, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security is probably worth 2 trillion dollars combined.
30k is nothing you could be a plumber and make more than that easily
It might also be worth noting that Adam Smith influenced James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson.
if you lost your job to industrialism in America, you moved to the frontier.
If you are in europe... well... good luck.
It's less that America has Protestant roots and more that it has fundamentalist Calvinist roots. Several colonies were essentially dumping grounds for extremist religious minorities.
America is a social democracy for the old, not anyone else.
Because America's main principle is to be as free from the government as possible.
Because of the Constitution of the United States. Within it is a clause that forbids in any way for the governments to interfere in interstate trade. As long as you have that clause, you can't force a redistribution of wealth. Any attempt to do so, runs afoul of that clause. As anyone you want to take the wealth of, simply moves his address to a state that won't take his wealth. It's why so many companies have headquarters in Delaware and go by Delaware LLC law. They have so many protections in that state that even the federal government can barely touch them.
Until that clause is amended, socialism is doomed in America.
That's the opposite of what the Commerce Clause states you nincompoop. The Commerce Clause is in fact perhaps the single greatest source of Federal power trumping the States outside of the Civil Rights amendments.
Race relations. Americans would and have been shown to love left wing economics. They just don't like it when "those" people get it. It might be Blacks, Irish, Asians, Italians or whoever. It's no surprise some of the most economically left times in the country were when the Irish/Italians/Poles etc. of the great migration got upgraded to "real Americans". FDR for example only got the New Deal passed by allowing the southern states to not let blacks benefit from it.
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires"
Socialism and Social Democracy come about because of class envy, which in many cases is rightfully justified. The rich are rich not because of their own merits, but because their fathers were rich, and their father's father were rich, and so on and so forth. They have been wealthy since time immemorial and used their wealth to manipulate government systems to maintain their wealth, often at the expense of the common people.
This view isn't much held in America, and ironically much of the working classes ire directed less at the truly wealthy, and those who have obtained wealth in via "dishonest" means such as being a banker or lawyer.
>people getting tired of it as we see
Please nigga, most of these nationalist movements are still as much pro-welfare as the parties they're opposing, they just want to boot certain groups out of it. Most leavers in the UK voted because they thought it would simply mean no more Pakis/Poles, the politicians told them that the funds to the EU would be diverted to the NHS ("socialist"), and are going to be livid when the reality finally dawns on them that that isn't going to happen. Same thing with a lot of Trump supporters right now, who are scared shitless that their ACA handout might be taken away from them.
I'll answer your post as soon as you stop being a weeb and attaching unrelated shit like that.
Fuck commies
Triggered af tbqhwyf
Instant turn off.
Better understanding of economics
I wanted to post in this thread. But I'm tired of arguing about politics/history on Veeky Forums, you all have your own preconceived ideas of how things work and you'll never change. I'm going to get drunk and masturbate, you can all go straight to hell.
Found the Hillary supporter
t. Marxist
I'm a conservative, I just felt like jacking it
And niggers, and disabled people and those who pretend to be disabled.
I talked to a couple 'murrican NEETs and basically you just have to bullshit your way to get SSI.
>I just felt like jacking it
good lad.
USA was never a feudal society
Because Jews only started gaining power here in the 60's.
A man in Europe wants to improve his standard of living through hard work, but he doesn't get a chance in his homeland. He is ready and willing to take a huge risk by moving into an unknown country on the other side of the globe and trying to build his own life there. Eventually his perseverance pays off, and he gains property and status through work and more work. His fate is shared by thousands, and their descendants form the majority of the USA, and the ideals of their forefathers are passed on.
Try telling them that they must give half their earnings to others who don't work a squat.