Does Prussia sentiment still lives on its former territories?
How come one of the greatest military nations just vanish in a century?
Does Prussia sentiment still lives on its former territories?
>Does Prussia sentiment still lives on its former territories?
>How come one of the greatest military nations just vanish in a century?
Start wars - loose wars.
Why isn't Prussia shamed for its quick and hilarious invasion by France in 1806 the same way France is mocked for its failure in 1940?
>How come one of the greatest military nations just vanish in a century?
maybe they weren't so great?
There are some attempts to keep Prussian language and culture alive, mostly by some Baltic history enthusiast
>implying Brandenburg didn't just steal Prussian lands and the name itself
>labeling half of Germany in the 19th century after an extinct people that had nothing to do with Germans
Wew lads
Because 1806 is basically ancient era for Americans.
There is even a dictionary
Weren't many Germans forcefully expelled from Poland after WW2? That'd kill nationalism right quick.
Poles were genocided, expelled or germanised during partitions. It didn't kill their nationalism.
I asked a native German about Prussia and its current state, she didn't even know it used to be a state in Germany like Pfalz, or bavaria.
She didn't know Germany even owned or lived east of the current border. She didn't even know what Silesia was. Its fucking dead as can be.
I even felt like a retard for asking. Its like I was asking her carthage or Bergundy or some other long forgotten entity that only a history person would know of.
There's a little Prussian independence movement in Kaliningrad, but they're Russian Prussiaboos, not Germans.
Probably because the Nazis used alot of the prussian military heritage and history as propaganda for their lebensraum shit and as general recruitment propaganda, like bismarck for example. After that this history sadly became associated with the nazis, and nobody wanted to revive anything the nazis had done. Also because the only people very interested in this were surviving naziboos. Nowadays alot of the neonazis are into this, further pushing it into the right-nationalist spectrum, which is a social taboo in germany.
Maybe she just didn't recognise the english word.
(It is entirely possible though that she was simply retarded)
It didn't persist much at any time.
>Does Prussia sentiment still lives on its former territories?
It wouldn't usually be called that today but to a certain extent it does. In the original prussian territories that are still german (excluding territories later acquired in western germany) the base culture is still a kind of austere protestant hardworking mindset (which usually expresses itself in secular ways today).
Prussia disappeared mainly because half of it went to poland and the other fell under communist gdr rule. Poles who settled in the former eatern territories of course had no particular relationship to prussia since they themselves were displaced from what used to be eastern poland. They do differ in culture from poles who weren't displaced though, usually being more western-minded and secular because of their de-rooting from their original home, so in a way the former border is still visible in poland today (look at election maps!)
In the GDR half of prussia the gentry was expropriated and militarist prussian heritage, especially religion was deliberately suppressed. On the other hand prussian values and culture formed the base of what made eastern germans culturally different from westerners. Today these cultural differences are unconsciously ascribed to communism vs. capitalism but some of it is older.
The exclusion of prussia from the rest of germany also meant that german conservatism which was the predominant ideology in the postwar era, changed its face from austere prussian protestant authoritarianism to an alliance of "life-affirming" catholic rhinelanders and bavarians.
Bavarians still pejoratively call non-bavarian germans "preißn" (prussians), which implies that they are stuck-up authoritarians, who don't know how to have fun.
German here, some of the united German states actually want independence these days to escape our immigration policies.
1871 canceled that out
If 1871 can cancel 1806, wouldn't WW1 also cancel WW2? Seeing the popular perception of France, clearly it doesn't.
Does that mean that France is special or that the average man is ignorant about history?
No because WW2 happened after WW1.
If anything WW2 cancelled out WW1 especially when you consider WW1 heroes like Petain were castigated after WW2 for their role in it.
I live in Germany and i'm pretty sure Prussia will (sadly) never rise again
It's dead
Prussia was mostly a patchwork of stolen territory. Just like British empire. Only way smaller. So after Prussia vanished everyone was happy. However, calling someone a Prussian is still popular. As an insult.
Except WW1 was not a swift and decisive victory like 1806, 1870, or 1940.
Aren't Bavarians still using the term "Preiss" as a slang for Northern Germans?
I actually live in place where Prussia once was but now not many people even realise that.
Where exactly? Prussia used to span from Lithuania to France.
Not for all northern germans, but the ones from the northeast, in Brandenburg or Berlin.
And not just Bavarians do that
Why are you talking to a girl about 1800s Germany user?
Being genocided will do that to ya.
Because this is Veeky Forums.
>asking something like that to a woman.
the average German has no clue about germany before 1914
t. german
Have you apologized for you ancestor's sins today?
yes, six times
well u still have to apologize 6 gorillian more times
Don't worry sabbat was today
6 times is enough i asked the (((BND)))
>Aren't Bavarians still using the term "Preiss" as a slang for Northern Germans?
It's actually "Saubreiss". It means "Prussian pig".
>thinking girls know anything about the world that isn't make-up, facebook and emojis
Seeing as the Soviets deported /killed all the Germans in East Prussia,gonna have to go with no.