especially soviet snipers
are women naturally better marksman then men... (they have superior hand eye coordination) over men?
would an all women's navy seals team be superior to a male navy seal team?
especially soviet snipers
are women naturally better marksman then men... (they have superior hand eye coordination) over men?
would an all women's navy seals team be superior to a male navy seal team?
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I think it had more to do with the fact that it was one of the few combat roles open to female soldiers, and something no other country allowed so the Soviets liked to use it in their propaganda efforts of "everyone is doing as much as they can to win the great patriotic war". I don't think women are naturally better marksmen than men, but I'm not saying they're any worse either.
>For service in the Great Patriotic War some 11,635 people were eventually awarded the gold star of Hero of the Soviet Union (equivalent to the U.S. Medal of Honor, or the U.K. Victoria Cross). Of this total, only 92 (0.08%) were women, and of these, only 6 (6.5%) were rated as snipers. Five of those six were killed in action. Women aviators, with a glamorous combat role that made for better propaganda, tended to collect more medals.
>Hero of the Soviet Union Maj. Lyudmila M. Pavlichenko was the top-scoring woman sniper of all time, with 309 confirmed kills, of which 36 were enemy snipers. A rifle club sharpshooter before the war, she had worked as a grinder at the Kiev Arsenal and earned a Master’s degree in history. Wounded in June 1942, she was pulled out of combat and sent on a propaganda tour of the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain, becoming the first Soviet citizen welcomed at the White House by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
>More typical was the experience of Privates Mariya S. Polivanova and Natalya V. Kovshova, a spotter and sniper team killed in action together near Novgorod on August 14, 1943. Wounded and out of ammunition, they waited until German troops approached their trench, then detonated their grenades.
>alot of the best snipers in WW2 were women
>especially soviet snipers
Of the top 10 Soviet snipers of WWII (by kill count), only one, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, was female.
>they have superior hand eye coordination
False. Men have repeatedly proven to have better hand-eye coordination, owing to the male brain's greater aptitude for spacial coordination.
>would an all women's navy seals team be superior to a male navy seal team?
No, for the simple fact that men have higher physical ceilings than women.
do you think a woman could pass SEAL's training?
we'll find out now that its being opened to women, I think someone will eventually but you know the SEAL instructors certainly aren't going to make it any easier for female candidates compared to male ones.
>This kills the soviet
Like, literally.
Of course there are women capable of doing it. They are just really small portion of overall female population.
Well women got better color detection.
Men have quicker focus.
in open field,farmland,stepess,forest women sniper would be better.
But in urban area men.
>Soviet propaganda
no they aren't
eat shit faggot
Some of those 92 others are worth looking at too. Such as Maria Nikitichna Zukanova, corpsman of 355th battalion of Naval Infantry, Pacific Fleet.
She participated in the amphibious landing in the port of Chongjin (Korea) on August 14, 1945. She carried out 50 wounded soldiers from the battlefield during the day, saving their lives, and participated in combat throughout the day. She continued to fight after being wounded and in the end was captured while being unconscious after a second wound. Japanese tortured her for information and after that murdered her. Her body chopped by knives and with gouged out eyes was found later in the day after the Japanese were beaten back.
> alot
Sovietbots need to fuck off
Do you have anything but your own trip for a citation?
>every single record from the USSR is le propaganda
fuck off Reddit
>every single massively exaggerated record from the USSR is propaganda
Now fuck off to your gommie friends leddit
Doesn't sound very exaggerated tbeh.
>Not being so starved that they can barely stand
Yeah, no.
It's completly made up
>are women naturally better marksman then men... (they have superior hand eye coordination) over men?
No. They learn more quickly and find it easier to attain a higher than average standard, but the very best are men.
>(they have superior hand eye coordination)
Uh no?
Female sniper renaissance when?
Probably never, given snipers are an Infantry offshoot, and even without dealing with institutional bias, women are still going to run into severe challenges with regards to the physical aspects of the job.
I think it has more to do with patience, men in sniper school are competitive and make rash decisions to make a point of superiority and end up making mistakes. I read that somewhere but it could be propaganda.
>alot of the best snipers in WW2 were women
Not even remotely close.
>are women naturally better marksmen
Lot where the first woman is on the list and how many women snipers are there on the list to begin with. Now stop making shit up.
Propaganda implies an agenda. Sounds to me like you were just served some good ol' steaming Internet bullshit.
Aren't snipers an outdated position? Seems like the Air Force can do anything a sniper can do but better. This is probably a better question for /k/ though.
It's more that sniper is one of the few positions it makes sense to give women because they don't have to haul so much shit around, being smaller is helpful when you're trying to hide somewhere, and they aren't surrounded by a squad of men who will compromise the mission trying to protect them
>I think it has more to do with patience, men in sniper school are competitive and make rash decisions to make a point of superiority and end up making mistakes.
>a 50 million dollar plane dropping 500 thousand dollar bombs is a replacement for somebody with a gun shooting people
Sniper teams don't need to return to base after a few hours.
>It's more that sniper is one of the few positions it makes sense to give women because they don't have to haul so much shit around, being smaller is helpful when you're trying to hide somewhere, and they aren't surrounded by a squad of men who will compromise the mission trying to protect them
where do i even begin
Snipers are really only used if we can't hit em with some kind of ordinance, like a JDAM from a jet, as you said, or some other kind of IDF. Usually means an urban area, and I assume those missions are either extremely rare or on-existent because neither myself or hell, even my platoon sergeant from ranger bat who's been there for 12 years has seen one.
>it's an "OP asks a bullshit loaded question and retards completely make things up to answer him" episode
Two bombs really weren't enough
I never liked the Japs but that dumb roastie sure got served.
It'd be more fun if asked on /k/, certainly. Here, on Veeky Forums, though, I'll just give you a straight answer:
No. Snipers still fulfill a very practical niche in the grand combined arms scheme.
>need to conduct close reconnaissance on a particular target
Roger, sir. How long do you need eyes-on?
>need to eliminate some man-sized targets without bringing down the entire city block
Roger, sir. Just give me a minute.
>oh shit, the enemy has a sniper
Roger, sir. Where's he been operating?
>we need some security overwatch in order to make this operation work, and close-air-support can only be on-station for 5 minutes of the required 20
Roger, sir. Pitching a tent and camping.
>She carried out 50 wounded soldiers from the battlefield during the day
You have the wrong numbers comrade, it was actually 50 billion soldiers.
>Calls somthing Soviet propoganda
>Buys into capitalist propaganda
Wew lad
You are aware they won the war, right?
you seem to have left out the US there.
There are only two types of women - goddesses and doormats.
50 billion civilians, many of which were woman and children, and also many of which were colored trannies