Is there enough evidence to suggest that gassing of the jews did occur during the Holocaust?

Is there enough evidence to suggest that gassing of the jews did occur during the Holocaust?

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We have this thread several times a day.

Here's an old one that covered most of the bases.

Is there enough evidence to suggest that OP did take three dicks during his morning routine?

yes. google "Gerstein Report"

>Is there enough evidence to suggest that gassing of the jews did occur during the Holocaust?
The only gassing of Jews during WW2 was when German soldiers would hold Jewish girls down and fart on them in Auschwitz.


We can't answer that question because its illegal.

In a modern court, the case against the nazis would be thrown out based upon the falsification of evidence, alone.

Also, the fact that one of the prosecutors was guilty of war crimes, war crimes that it tried to pin on the nazis would totally collapse the veracity of the prosecution.

>I would totally bring a coherent argument
>the German government is keeping me from doing it



really made me think.


If you try to bring a coherent argument you doubt about the holocaust. Doubt its illegal?

Can we turn this into a history of Holocaust denial? Who does it, why, when it started?



>a mass grave is undeniable proof that there was a systematic effort to exterminate all jews

really made me think

>live in US
>no such thing as hate speech laws
>federal courts do blow David Irving the fuck out when he offers money for somebody to prove that gassings occurred at Auschwitz and somebody does prove that they happened

>the government is totally the reason why I can't post any actual evidence
>incidentally, they haven't kicked down my door for those poorly sourced /pol/ infographics, but real evidence pisses them off

Dead bodies, so, people die, from diseases.

It was war, both sides inflicted atrocities upon each other.

The question was, did the Nazi gas and burn 66 gorillion Jews?

>Who does it

neo-nazis and NEO-nazis specifically. Literally no actual nazi has ever denied the holocaust.

>its just a political move for them. They seek to clean up the image of nazism with a "they dindu nuffin! no genocide even happened!" meme. this also serves to paint the jewlluminati as evil

> when it started?

around the 60s.


>Who does it
Mainly Americans, for reasons obvious
Feelings I guess. But it might be profitable.
>when it started
According to them G.L.K. Smith, founder of Christian nationalist crusade

>just because theres photographic evidence of a mass grave doesnt mean that a massive amount of civilians were killed, even though my entire point is that no one was killed

so the power...of denier intellect...

Im just going to post this old conversation I had with a denier so everyone realizes the type of person these shitposters are.

If there were consistent proof we wouldnt have those threads.

Are you serious?

People like you are the reason nobody believes in your fabrication.

Everything you say is a lie, and once people realized you lie, then they know you're always lying.

> What happens a little, happens a lot.

Yes, we would, because humans in general are dumb, and deniers are a special kind of dumb.

nice sophistry/grand standing, but this literally isnt even close to an argument. How fucking stupid do you have to be to actually argue "no body died" when we have pictures of thousands of corpses?

Right, because they would have shown trials of nazis that said the Holocaust was bullshit, and said nazis wouldnt have just disappeared.
The argument you're responding to was never even made. Please neck yourself.

Why didn't any Nazis deny the Holocaust happened?

>Some people are retarded, therefore Holocaust didn't happen

Well, looks like you've convinced me buddy. I was too stupid to see through kike lies, but now I am #redpilled.

Let's be honest:

Holocaust denial is social signalling. It has nothing to do with fact or history, and everything to do with rallying others around your cause.

>because they would have shown trials of nazis that said the Holocaust was bullshit

none exist because no nazi on trial EVER said the holocaust didnt happen. Stop being an emotional child and use logic.

Because why would you go to a huge amount of work to achieve a goal and then pretend you didn't.

That was one of the biggest policy goals of the National Socialist movement, and they got it done. Hitler would have been proud if he hadn't gone all emo.

Yep, it's funny how the right projects everything literally everyone does on liberals. 'Virtual signalling', read any comments section of those shitty tabloid youtube E4RVPA channels

The nazis who did not agree to claim the Holocaust happened most likely (((committed suicide))) or were tortured until they agreed to. The Third Reich was over with, and the Nazis had families to protect.

> How fucking stupid do you have to be to actually argue "no body died"
Never did, and this Projection is what the Holocaust is really about, murderous Jews projecting their crimes onto the vanquished.
kek, some grunts tortured for days before giving confessions, then hung til they are dead.

>there's no evidence of because happened
>why do you believe happened if you just admitted there's no evidence

they were built by obama's socialist precursors... just like the pictures and testimonite they are fake.

Get rekt oblivious bastard, it was to easy to predict

Why didn't any Nazis say that the testimony they gave was given under duress, even years after the fact?

What do you make of Hans Fritzsche's testimony?

Here, specially for you

What? In the years where they were dying, and pressure was being applied heavily to bring Nazis to international sham courts.

Really makes you wonder.

>tfw I live 20mins from auschwitz
>tfw there are less than 3000 jews in my country
>tfw ultras still use "jew" to offend another club's ultras
>tfw i have never met any denier
>tfw my father knew a bunch of auschwitz prisoners and they never questioned the holocaust

Rudolf Hess literally wrote volumes of memoirs.

Wow, a mass grave!!
Must be the result of a gassin'!!!!

Don't you find it curious that while nazis werent ashamed of photographying their mass graves, they never took a single shot of their supposed gas chambers?

Gassing, shooting, stabbing, starving, disease ridden, dehydrated, knifing, yes. There's enough evidence of what happened to say what happened.

That this is in doubt in this generation is proof it will happen again in this generation.

because they had families that would be kiled
Radio host claiming he knew about the holocaust after being imprisoned and tortured by soviets. What of it?
thats whacky. my dad is an important guy at microsoft!

Poles were killed just for helping Jews. For hiding them or even for giving them food whole families were murdered. How can anyone even think that the Jews were treated better?

>an enormous amateur fanfic post about,
supposed, historic event
fine ig onna read it

>because they had families that would be kiled

Why didn't the Nazis protect their families?

They did protect their families, by saying the Holocaust happened.

Why didn't any Nazis say that the testimony they gave was given under duress, even years after the fact?

Well, that's kinda obvious. Deniers are mainly from USA, where education is on low level and all they know about war are killed Jews, so they try to argue about that ignoring or don't knowing about everything else. For Poles, whom few millions were killed during war(that's the part they will be ignoring), some also in those camps, denying mass killing is just beyond retarded. All you have is to ask people, who experienced those things, and quite a few of them are still alive today. But they are part of conspiracy too I guess.

t. Pole, living 1,5km from ex Jewish village (~ 800 strong back then), where now don't live even one Jew. Well, i guess they didn't like it there, and just leaved all their land and property for free.


already been answered.

Except the Polish resistance mentioned the extermination of Jews long before the Soviets. In fact, in Polish underground press they often wrote about gas or steam chambers. Yes, even the antisemitic right-wing papers.

Why didn't the Nazis protect their families?

Nazis were basically taking selfies of themselves shooting Jews.

I like when stormniggers try to claim this picture is actually of a soviet when it was found in the personal photo diary of an Einsatzgrouppen soldier

Pretty sure they cite irregularities in uniforms and the weapon.

But this atrocities did occur, this was a dirty war, the Jewish Bolsheviks in the East were as brutal.

The Katyn forest is what the Soviets are trying to cover up, by portraying the Nazis in this light. Therefore it is easy to put the Katyn Forest Massacre on the list of Nazi atrocities, but we know who killed over 20,000 Polish officers like this, don't we?

> this is an alleged photo of a proven Soviet Jewish mass grave

Whole Holocaust denial thins is one big funfic.
And what the fuck, if you consider this as fanfic (random few source from page I gave earlier)
>Diary of SS doctor Johann Kremer between August - November 1942 on "special actions" and "Auschwitz the camp of extermination" [Auschwitz State Museum, KL Auschwitz seen by the SS]
No wonder that you retards are not treated seriously by anyone.

And no one believed them in the first place. Also most of them were Russians, not Jews. Jews were largely purged from NKVD by Stalin before the war.

Reminder that if you believe the Holocaust didn't happen you are under the age of 18 and need to be banned.

>Pretty sure they cite irregularities in uniforms and the weapon.

yeah, and they are wrong. pic related, both are schutzpolzie uniforms worn by einsatzgrouppen members in eastern europe

> but we know who killed over 20,000 Polish officers like this, don't we?

Do you not realize that the nazis did literally the same thing? down to the same number of victims?

The fact that all you can do is say something along the lines of "YEAH, BUT STALIN COMMITTED ATROCITIES AS WELL!" isnt much of an argument at all.

Yeah, no.

When the Jews were removed from the Soviet system, they came to America and Israel and set about destroying Russia once again.

Then they carved up the wealth of Russia into their Oligarchs, and literally enslaved the women of the east as sex slaves.

Of course, Putin retaliated and drove these Jewish Oligarchs out of Russia, and what do you know, the Jews are trying to make war again through the Ukraine and Syria.

The Jews are murderers, they will never stop, because it is in their blood to kill.

>The fact that all you can do is say something along the lines of "YEAH, BUT STALIN COMMITTED ATROCITIES AS WELL!" isnt much of an argument at all.
I did not say that, I said the Jews are projecting the crimes of the Soviets onto the nazis.

This. Jan Karski was reporting on the holocaust before the allied powers found the camps.

Theres also SS officer Kurt Gerstein who was horrified when he was stationed at Treblinka and leaked information about the holocaust to the Swedish government.

>I said the Jews are projecting the crimes of the Soviets onto the nazis.

yeah, and you are wrong. You guys always fall into "yeah but the soviets did this!" whenever anyone discusses the industrialized savagery of the nazi regime as a way to deflect blame

in the movie "The Eternal Jew" the last scene of the movie is footage of Hitler addressing the Reichstag and he says he will destroy the jewish race in europe if another world war happens. Holocaust deniers are the creationist of history


no user. Mass executions by death squads and the hidden corpses of children who died from deliberate carbon monoxide exposure isnt typhus

I'm sorry, but the veracity of your complainant is extremely weak.

Being impartial, how can we trust people who constantly lie?

Wrong, because
> Holocaust deniers are the creationist of history
they are Flat Earth Society of history

My uncle said he killed 20 Nazis with a toothbrush.

Clearly, WW2 didn't happen.

>breeding rabbits for their fur to be used in bomber jackets means the holocaust didnt happen

>using jewish slaves to take care of horses means the holocaust didnt happen

What? What is the logic behind this? Are you retarded?

also, that soccer team is British POWs, not jewish inmates, which is a somewhat famous story. So you are either a liar or have no idea what you are talking about

so in other words, you lost the argument and have nothing more to say on the subject. I got it.

I'm sorry, but the Soviets committed mass murders and tried to pin it on the Nazis at Nuremberg.

As an impartial judge, I cannot, in good faith, agree with anything you say.

For one of the prosecutors to be guilty of the crimes he is accusing the Nazis of, this case would be thrown out of my Court.

>, you lost the argument
What argument? You keep posting pictures of Typhus victims being bulldozed by the Allied Forces into graves.

The fact that questioning the official story is illegal in countries where the evidence can be found is enough to cast doubt on it.


I see.

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.

>As an impartial judge

but you arent impartial, you clearly are a stormfag. You also know nothing about law so stop pretending you are when you clearly wouldnt even be admitted into a shit tier law school.

Not only that, but you are deliberatly ignoring that the nazis committed massacres of polish people as well.

Operation Tannenberg: 20,000 deaths

Intelligenzaktion: 100,000 deaths

Nazis were responsible for murdering 120,000 Polish people.

you are trying to deflect from this fact and focus on the soviets.

>What argument?

the argument where you were wrong about the uniform of the men in the picture didnt belong to nazis. I then corrected you and showed that the uniforms did in fact belong to einsatzgrouppen memebers.

And the fact that you werent aware of the nazi massacre of 20,000 Polish intellectuals and leaders when you said that only the soviets committed massacres of polish people.

Also, the picture clearly states those are victims of carbon monoxide poisoning, and not typhus, proving you didnt even look at the picture.

>but you arent impartial, you clearly are a stormfag

I was over here
Attacking Protestants for muddying the waters of history, I'm not even interested in the Holocaust, I study Medieval history for most of my time.

Funny to be called a Stormfag, finally I feel vindicated within myself, freed from your baseless vitriol.

You are full of shit. Questioning is not illegal, denying is. Why are you guys trying to bring stormfag propaganda into Veeky Forums, that's the worst place to spew lies.

>the argument where you were wrong about the uniform of the men in the picture didnt belong to nazis.
I didn't make that argument, nice projection.

There's not enough to prove the holocaust even happened

>I was impartial in a different discussion once, so that means Im automatically being one here.

thats not how it works

>I'm not even interested in the Holocaust

yeah, I noticed based on you knowing nothing about it.

Also, none of this post is an actual argument.

Once again, the nazis massacred 120,000 Polish people.

I said earlier that the war was dirty, and atrocities occur, OP asked about the Holocaust, which is what I was relating to.

I invoked the katyn as a premise for Soviet propaganda to slandered the vanquished.

>I invoked the katyn as a premise for Soviet propaganda to slandered the vanquished.

yes, as a point to say that nazis werent so bad because a crime attributed to them by the soviets was actually done by the soviets themselves.

What you didnt realize is that independent of the soviet massacre of 20K Poles, the nazis themselves did the same thing and massacred 20k polish leaders that would pose a threat to their regime. There was also another more brutal massacre of poles after that which resulted in 100,000 more dead poles killed by the nazis.

so your point is moot. Yeah, the nazis didnt commit that polish massacre, but they committed the other more brutal polish massacre

>yes, as a point to say that nazis werent so bad because a crime attributed to them by the soviets was actually done by the soviets themselves.
All the death camps are within Soviet control

Im guessing from you moving the goalpost this much that you realize how wrong you were and will take this as you conceding the point.

There's a shit ton of evidence specifically about gassing, yes.

As usual with stormfags, i can't tell if this is parody or not.

Well I stand on these points
> The Katyn forest is what the Soviets are trying to cover up, by portraying the Nazis in this light. Therefore it is easy to put the Katyn Forest Massacre on the list of Nazi atrocities, but we know who killed over 20,000 Polish officers like this, don't we?

How can you trust the Prosecutor, when he is guilty of the crime, actively trying to pin it on the accused. As I said, any sane judge would throw a case like this out of court.

Didn't shift anything. Retained my previous position.


>How can you trust the Prosecutor, when he is guilty of the crime, actively trying to pin it on the accused.


1.) we have already established that the nazis were even worse than the soviets when it came to mass murderers concerning the Poles

2.) There was obvious intent by the nazis based on their rhetoric of hatred against jews

3.) various reports from non soviet sources corroborate their claims. You yourself already talked about the soviet oppression of Poland, so why would Polish nationals who hate the soviets also report on the same lie? Why would they just lie and make shit up? Even before the soviets liberated the first camp? pic related.

youre a pretty crappy judge m8

>How can you trust the Prosecutor, when he is guilty of the crime, actively trying to pin it on the accused.