Items from the museum collection

I took some pics from work. They were poorly lit so I only kept like fifteen images then pilfered archive server for other pics.

I got more than 150, though not by much. A lot of jewelry...actually I may cut a significant chunk of the Afghani jewelry, pic related, because the files are generally fuckhuge and I don't feel like resizing each one, I've already tinkered with with these enough for one day.

Aside from the Afghani stuff we've got some old opera gowns, stuff from Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Tibet, and Vietnam, with the pics from my shit tablet interspersed. I'll try to say something about each set of things, but I doubt every item needs comment and I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of our collection.

I hope you enjoy.




We've got a fuckload of blades from numerous cultures.

Speaking of blades, there's this, which appears to be a blade made from a human femur. The condyles are intact while it tapers down to the point where the body and neck meet.

It's engraved. Pretty sure it's Papuan.


An Afghani water pipe.



I wanted to snap some shots of our Dalis and Warhols, but half of 'em are on display and I just didn't have time to fuck around in that wing of climate control.

Anyway, that does it for the Afghani shit. This is US medical equipment from like 1870 from the residence of a doctor who once lived in a local ghost town. He helped to quell some disease outbreaks.

Cool stuff user, keep em coming

Antiwar painting. Lighting is shit tho.

Didn't even manage to get half of what I wanted for you guys.

Saudi jewelry as a part of the bridewealth from an employee of the NOAA.


Closeup of the damage.




I think this was an earring, but it could just be a charm on some larger item.


Time for a couple of painting I DID have the time to grab pics of, mostly because they're not in climate control.


I really dig that'n.

I forgot about the rest of the medical shit. Various powders and medicines. I found a vial of ergot based migraine pills but it's discolored as fuck. We also have some dried peyote buttons somewhere on the east end of the archive.

More medical.

Top floor of the archive is above the shelves, it's absolutely littered with turn of the century and older work equipment. Loom. Etc.

Actually gonna have to pull that one off the tablet, have a (poorly lit) black Moche vessel while you wait.

Here we go. A shrine to that good ol' Puritan work ethic.

I'd post "neat.gif" but that'd eat up an image slot in the thread.

Keep goin', OP.

Pelt, to start off the Nigeria collection.

I plan on it.






Alright I've been saving the real history for a minute, gonna start on the Buddhist items next.


You MAY have seen me post this one elsewhere. It's a Buddha head that's obviously been removed from whatever it was attached to.

Some Nepalese blades, just to illustrate how many fucking edged weapons we have scattered here and there.

I'd have snapped some of the Civil War/WWI/WWII blades and bayonets but lighting was worse than the Moche vessel.

Here's another one that got chiseled off of some poor temple in India.

It was bought in an open air market.

Do want.
Keep going.

We have a bookcase sized storage space lined with Tibetan vessels, from both domestic and ritual contexts. Our uni has contacts with some Newar and Vajrayana Buddhists over in Nepal.

Ayy Palo.
I got a second pic of that femur thing, dunno if it's "better" but I'll upload it for you.

More Moche too please if possible.
Any other Papuan items?

Palo you're gonna LOVE the Papuan initiatory and ritual masks.

We have an entire wing of climate control devoted to pre and first contact tribes of the deep wilds of Oceana.

Yeah I'll interrupt the Buddhism for you.

I don't have more pics of the Moche shit. Half of our Andean collection is in a different part of the uni's museum system, the *specific* archaeological storage that's on the other end of town.

I actually don't have the most sinister Papuan mask; tale holds that first contact Euros came to an island where all the kids died. Asked what happened. Villagers said a ritual mask got too powerful, started causing a rash of spontaneous child deaths.

Euros, dumb fucks that they are, went and found where it was buried, took it home.

Somehow it ended up out here in the middle of goddamn nowhere in a museum archive that's more extensive than it has any right to be for the location.

Anyway, the evil mask I'm referring to was painted brown, covering its original design, but it looks sinister as fuck, I'll try to grab a pic of it when I have the time.





I've wanted to post these for a minute, because like every other museum, we only actually show about 10% of our collection.

Every time you go to a museum and see [cool thing] there are nine others more or less like it in storage.

And tapestries...tell me you have Pre Columbian tapestries...
White clay over woven grass with charcoal?
Are the nose rings carved wood? that his "War Face"?
This is exquisite.
More weaving hardened with clay?

doesn't mean anything to me without dates/civ names. just a bunch of crap.

>Pre Columbian tapestries
I don't think so.

>White clay over woven grass with charcoal?
>Are the nose rings carved wood?
Yes and I think so.

>More weaving hardened with clay?
Yup, medium of choice.



Anyway, back to the Indic stuff, now where was I?

Blades from Tibet.

Yet another dislocated Buddha icon.

I mean, feels bad man, but on the other hand, better here than in the warpath of the Muslim hardliners.

Reclining Buddha and Yab-Yum, in Bronze.

These are, iirc, relatively modern. Early penetration of certain industrial methods into the southern end of the Tibetan foothills. State art from Nepal. Produced for both a ritual and collecting audience, really anyone willing to commission or pay.



Pretty sure this one's significantly older than the normative bloc of the collection.

Damaru. Copper dye is starting to fade badly.

There's one that's made from two human skulls somewhere, but I ain't got the pics.

Torma press. Pretty certain these were specifically Bon.




Fairly recent synchretic calendrical mandala.

Gelug hat.

Ritual winnowing basket, Bhairav w/ young Ganesha.

>Don't invoke me or my son ever again.

Vajravārāhī with bent khatvanga.




Pretty sure this is a Chakrasamvara mandala.



Are more of this stuff:


Brief interlude with the opera shit. Fairly sure this is all from before 1930.




I'm gonna fuck off for a bit. If this thing is still up tomorrow I may post some resized pics.

/x/ here! Lovely thread Ape but I wish I knew more about history and culture to appreciate this stuff.

Doesn't look like Tibet, looks more like a Kris/Keris from south east asia

10/10 would wear that hat.

Any Lakhe masks?