Real talk:
The fuck was his problem?
Real talk:
The fuck was his problem?
Jews, Slavs and Frenchmen.
gas attack, amphetamines, birth of the modern media, great depression
Micropenis and one ball, to start with.
Austrian autism.
An art university which accepted a piece made with literal human shit still didn't accept his art because his composition and perspective was figuratively human shit.
it was just general German anti semitism taken to another level, imagine if a dictator came to power today and took the aversion the average person has to racism and made 24/7 interracial orgies compulsory for all citizens
Still angry about WW1
Seriously, look at that straight-on window. He was a shit artist.
He was an angry permavirgin rejected by society in every tangible aspect until he learned he could give good speeches and rally the populace.
Having experienced nothing good (even his dad beat him) in his young life and watching everyone else, oftentimes with Jewish last names, propel past him in society, he became the bitter totalitarian racialist psychopath that every /pol/ dreams they could be today.
Insert pretentious statement about how society creates its own monsters here.
He loved his nation too much.
man wtf
It doesn't really make sense to fuck up like that
probably doctored by da joooooz
so you're saying it was just material conditions? :^)
Silly user. Jews can't art. They can only pay for it.
He tried to warn us
Manlet rage
When he finished school he used to hang out in free libraries sponsored by extreme right wingers that served him books that contained a bunch of bad history filtered through a racist lense. Hitler actually knew quite a lot but uncritically adopted a bunch of shit.
I know, it's like he didn't have a good sense of perspective or something.
>the aversion the average person has to racism
Except most people are racists, they're just not /pol/tier autists that think it makes them special.
You don't draw two windows with okay perspective and then go full retard on the third. It's nonsensical. Hitler must have been autistic and simply doing his best to emulate art without even understanding the basics. It's like getting all the ingredients for a cake right then adding in a 100g dog turd.
Something wasn't right.
>chimps out twice in 20 years, murdering 50 million people before going down
>still allowed to exist as a country rather than be broken into city-states
Consider yourself lucky, stormnigger.
I think he reached a plateau because the Austrian bourgeoisie encouraged it. I mean he was drawing kitsch postcards that appeal to sentimental types who see an old building and think "such grace and beauty in muh Vienna, so proud to be Austro-Hungarian ;_;"
The fact that Hitler hated bold and technically realised Wiemar Art while masturbating to shitty landscape and mythological scenes that made Socialist Realism look avant-garde.
The Nazis were a reflection of the worst elements of Western culture, people with boring taste.
Man it's not even about Kitsch, you don't draw two windows with correct perspective along with somewhat correct perspective overall and then COMPLETELY draw incorrect perspective on one window.
How do you rationalize that shit? My only explanation is that he was basically a sweatshop painter ala modern day anime.
He was. Like I said Babby Hitler was too proud to work so he made money selling shitty postcards.
Also I've seen Shirobako so I know what real anime production looks like and it doesn't involve Korean sweatshops.
I only trust Jordan Peterson to answer that.