Explain to me why etherium is worth money

>explain to me why etherium is worth money

I understand why bitcoin is worth money. It has a fixed value, and explicitly designed to be a store of value. Sort of like gold. But why is Etherium worth anything? What is one unit of Etherium? The technology being used (blockchain and smart contracts) doesn't care about quantities of Etherium at all. And it is fiat (more can always be created). I don't get it. Can someone explain?

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Me three!

Explain first how fiat is worth something.

is that a gold plated shitticooper?

Because if you don't wanna trade with it, we will literally come to your house and kill you and your family. Just ask Kaddafi.

You need it to participate in ICOs


Etheriums worth is based on the shit coins (and none shitcoins) and apps built on top of it. It's like a bar of gold that can do stuff. By itself, Etherium is nothing.

it's a coin for people who missed the btc train