Daily ARK reminder. Come sail away

>What is ARK?

Recent activity

ARK is meant to be a push-button deployable blockchain that can be replicated and forked by startups and other companies that seek to utilize the ARK business model. In other ways, it is comparable to coins like LSK and SHIFT. These are coins that will utilize IPFS, a decentralized means of storing data.

>What is IPFS?

IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more secure. It has been lauded as the next iteration of the internet and a replacement for HTTPS. For more on this:

IPFS Wikipedia

IPFS.io site

Newsweek article

There are several coins that are currently implementing IPFS in some form or another, ARK is one of them.

>B-but how is ARK different?

ARK is developing 'Smartbridges' -CONT-

Other urls found in this thread:



It is developed by the ARK team to allow intercommunication between the BTC, ETH, ARK, and LSK blockchains, among others.

>What does that mean?

One example of using Smartbridge is the transfer of payments through various blockchain networks. This allows users to send a transaction with a specific amount of ETH from ARK, directly to the holder of the ETH account, once the information is processed and verified. Other applications will eventually lead to the transfer of data for user profiles, service ratings, contracts, and other applications. The use cases really are endless.

Another use case could be a 3rd party coin exchange service may look for specific triggers and handle cross blockchain payments for their customers. For example, You have ARK but want to pay for a movie using Netflix Credits but you don’t have any Netflix Credits. You could go through multiple steps to transfer into these credits to watch a movie but because you are a member of Bob’s coinshift platform, you can send an ARK transaction to bob with the instructions to pay for the video you want to watch with Netflix Credits on your behalf. This would not require Bob to be there and would be handled by the Centralized and Decentralized system that Bob’s Coinshift provides instantly for the consumer.

Now onto my predictions -CONT-

>My analysis

I have been watching ARK ever since it launched in mid march, and here is what I've learned:

>ARK is relatively stable
>ARK has had 3 significant surges
>First one at launch
>Second one was several days later
>Third and last pump was a couple of weeks after that
>Since then, it has been on a slow descent to around 10k sats
>At around this level, it had stabilized for a couple of weeks
>Volume has been relatively low despite showing 70+ btc as a result of bot activity

Now it has begun to rise, much in the same way that it had prior to the other pumps. When the volume actually begins to take off (200+ btc) it will most likely surge. Remember, the volume that you see now is mostly artificial due to bots. These surges are almost identical to each other, so I would expect that it will take off soon. (Within the next few days)

BUYER BEWARE: I have noticed whale activity. There is a whale that occasionally puts up a 48btc sell wall (161k ARK) at 30k sats. There is another (or maybe the same whale) that puts up a 21btc sell wall at around 50k sats. If you are looking for a P&D coin, beware these regions... they will surely cause a dip.


ARK has recently garnished some degree of attention due to the dev team hosting a variety of new coin ICO AMAs on their slack channel.


They are clearly active and networking with other teams, which IMO is a great sign.

current bittrex 30-min chart

wow thank you for this

Ark is a solid coin.
Get in now.

I believe it is going to the moon sooner or later. I bought 20k at 11,800

Do you guys think this can hit $10 sooner or later?

Fuck "smartbridges". We need Smart Walls!

>Trump 20'

I don't see any reason why this couldn't hit $6-$7 if coins like stratis (which appeals to a very small niche imo) are out there in that range

I don't trust ARK simply because of that awful video with the neckbeards right on the front page

I'd trust these old fellas over any faggy entourage of pencil-neck sandle wearing herbs

i just put 1btc in to ark based solely off reading a couple sentences itt.

be good

how does ARK compare to SHIFT

That's cool, but I'd sell unless you're willing to hold for a couple of days. The volume just isn't quite there yet if you're looking for a quick pump and dump

nah ill hold for a few weeks at least

ARK and SHIFT are both intended to utilize IPFS tech, but they differ in that SHIFT is solely focused on that whereas ARK is undertaking blockchain intercommunication as well (see the Smartbridges)

Also IIRC SHIFT has a lower supply. SHIFT isn't a bad coin. I just think ARK is better. Same goes for LSK

Why do you think Stratis only appeals to a small niche? It seems as good, or even better than ETH in terms of mainstream appeal.

have a prebed bump my good shills

How so?



If this is really such a good investment, why is it being shilled daily? Wouldn't you want to keep it to yourself?

A active community is essential to a coin. Also, why would he want to keep it to himself if he already invested in the coin? Bringing more people in would only benefit him.

Sure, but it's more than just that. All of this shit on the ARK site and in the OP is just on paper. Yeah, there's a wallet, but has any of the technology actually been developed yet?