Is America the spiritual successor of Roman Empire?

Is America the spiritual successor of Roman Empire?

No, Russia is.

No, Byzantium is.

It really is grand

I think the Napoleonic code is the true spiritual successor to roman law, U.S. law is too Germanic.

It's Turkey.



lel, been a while since I saw that picture

even longer since I saw the turk tripfag

Tmi think you mean roman republic

More like Babylon.

No. It's better.

Sodom and Gomorrah

No, that would be the Holy Roman Empire.

The RCC is.

>be 2nd rate world power
>verge of economic collapse

Fun fact: Louisiana bases their laws on Napoleonic Code while the rest of the USA bases theirs on English Law form before independence.

State of Louisiana for Rome?

Damn, I love architecture like this.

Fun fact: that statue on top of the capitol, titled "Freedom," is the highest structure in DC. The idea is that "nothing is above Freedom."

Of course, right across the Potomac are the high-rise headquarters of Northrop-Grumman and numerous other corporations, but hey, irony is cool too, right?

No they're the successor to the dumb linguistic cucks across the channel .

>United States of America

Sounds about right considering Rome had serious issues with its coffers and China was always the first rate power in the globe.

So, america loves to LARP as just about everything right?
>we wuz romans and shit.

>this is what chinks will tell themselves.
They influenced their immediate neighbourhood, and beyond that they lost the culture war to a bunch of chola traders.

The founders thought they were making a new Roman Republic. That's why all the federal buildings in DC are based off of classical architecture.

The imperial seat for humanity changes every few hundred years.

It's the same thing.

Rome was an empire whilst it was still a republic even if it didn't have the Emperor yet and so is America.

No, we're a hegemony. Learn the difference.

>spiritual successor


>actual successor


so americans in general like to WE WUZ.

Well, Neoclassicism was quite popular during the Enlightenment.

It's supposed to remind you of that time.

I don't know if anybody said the Catholic church, but I scrolled way too far down without seeing the real answer.

>pope in place of emperor (still titled Pontifex Maximus)
>next venue for Satan to attempt to take over the world under one state following Rome's fall by controlling multiple imperial nations simultaneously instead of a single superpower
>has its people praying to Saints instead of Gods. Doesn't matter, as long as they're communing with the dead so demons can fuck with them

Threadly reminder Finland is

>implying America isn't an empire and a hegemon

You... do realize you didn't just buy every scrap inch of land from the French, right?

No, Australia is.

Nope it's the successor of Nazi Germany

>a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government

And don't give me any shit about the natives. they have their own cops, the ability to level their own fees and regulations on businesses, and are immune to some shit because tribes are legally considered sovereign entities. You can't garnish anyone working on a reservation, for example. This comes up enough that more than one tribe has a standard format letter they'll send collections agencies pursuing a garnishment. Sovereign when it suits them, American citizens when it's beneficial.

Our other territories can and do vote to determine their own status. PR likes being what it is and choose not to be a state. The Philippines wanted to leave and were allowed to do so.

If America is an empire because we beat the shit out of the red niggers, Great Britain is an empire because the still rule the sheepfuckers.

Honey, Byzantium was...
And we all know that Serbia succeded the title of Eastern Roman Empire.

Fuck off, proddyfag.





Rome's economy tanked too, though. It's perfectly in line.