I got a global ban for this post. I'll reproduce the image below. As you can see it is correcting a encyclopedia that damningly leaves out important facts about an occult murder.
How is this type of censorship OK?
I got a global ban for this post. I'll reproduce the image below. As you can see it is correcting a encyclopedia that damningly leaves out important facts about an occult murder.
How is this type of censorship OK?
Here is the image.
[citation needed]
Your red text has shown me the light. Thanks for teaching me not to trust everything I read
This post with this image was also in the thread:
It was real. There are a few undeniable cases like Simon of Trent and Little Saint Hugh where liberals have to intentionally lie and leave out facts in any discussion. Moreover, there are just so many cases, over such a wide geographic range, through hundreds of years that it is undeniably true. This isn't a pattern of antisemitism. There are patterns to the physical evidence.
You have babies drained of blood in multiple countries over a long period of time. You have adolescent boys stabbed dozens of times, many of whom were circumcised when they were killed. These aren't patterns of random deaths being blamed on jews. Moreover, most people were illiterate, even books let alone news were very rare, so the idea that people isolated from each other by time, language, and space would all report that jews were killing children in very specific ways (including finding bodies) is undeniable evidence that this was an occult ritual of certain jewish sects. That or time traveling serial killers. Antisemitism certainly doesn't fit the overall pattern.
Liberal academics and jews will cherry pick a couple of these cases and "debunk" them. That is not how rational people think. It isn't if one or two are incorrect. It is if ten are correct.
As was a form of this:
There are different types of jews. Sephardic and ashkenazi both existed in Europe when these child mutilations occurred. They almost only occurred around ashkenazi, even when looking a single country or area. How bizarre is that?
Antisemitism can't explain this. We would expect that if these child murders were really coinciedences that were blamed on jews because of antisemitism there would be no pattern. Sephardic, or even Ashkenazis originating from areas besides Germany, would be equally as likely to be falsely accused of these crimes.
No one claims that antisemitism didn't exist. No one claims that every single accusation of ritual murder was real. What is clearly real is jewish ritual child murder. That occurred. Many times
>acts like a retard
>Complains when he gets banned
Seriously dude, get away from the computer for a while, go outside.
The issue is probably not so much the topic but the fact that you took an accusatory tone on a typical Antisemitic canard and refused to acknowledge that other paradigms could exist and other conclusions could be drawn from the given information.
Posting things about the interface and complex relations between medieval Jews and Christians is perfectly okay, but when one is obviously using historical anecdotes to push your own obvious ulterior motive (or to draw out Antisemites who will do it for you), well... that's just not a discussion of history.
>it's a "mods do their job" episode
See, your first mistake was assuming anyone gives a shit. Your second was not recognizing the ironic implication of like the autistic sperg you are.
I posted Miss Cholesondik on /pol/ and had all my posts deleted across boards, also banned.
WTF Miss Cholesondik is not a minor, did you see those titties swinging, and the nipples floating beneath her t-shirt line?
25 year rule
So basically you claim that you can't bring up historical relationships or facts that might cause antisemitism to come up? That is crazy. I explained in the thread and I will explain now that this type of thinking encourages, not discourages, antisemitism. Treating criticism of jews as automatically antisemitic does nothing but promote blow back. People don't like being censored. Many people automatically take the side of voices that are being unjustifiably silenced.
The sad truth is that it is taboo to bring up wrongs committed by jews. This isn't an intellectually healthy norm.
>being this mad over a 24 hour ban
what a fucking baby
I don't think anyone except ideologues believe the Jews had a global plot to ritually murder young Christian boys in occult rituals.
A non-partisan review of events should lead one to the conclusion that the Jews involved in these instances were the Jim jones of their time. They were a group of cultist who believed that by doing this Yahweh would bring them back to Israel.
Did it happen? Yes. Was it a practice universal supported by Jews? No. Was every Jew involved? No.
>Did it happen? Yes. Was it a practice universal supported by Jews? No. Was every Jew involved? No.
OP here. Of course.
I don't get it.
OP here. You're not supposed to. You're supposed to be angry at the injustice.
are /pol/tards this oblivious to their stupidity?
Its a 24 hour ban user. Isnt whining about them a bannable offence still?
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
Actual OP here, that wasn't me.
Is it? We should report him and find out.
>post retarded /pol/ shit that isnt even Veeky Forums related
>"hurr why wuz i banned?!"
Those are historical cases. They are relevant.