Historical Photo thread
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>Bonus for Germans at war
Historical Photo thread
Last one hit image limit
>Bonus for Germans at war
one of my favs
>Germans at war
Also Ataturk
Is that a nigger?
Kazakh I believe, taken during Russian imperial rule
>bonus points for Germans at war
does surrendering count? To Poles for maximum irony & poetic justice
So a nigger?
shitty filter on a photo taken during a renactment
these winter war photos from this website are the best
Why does he look Polish/Ukrainian?
Marketsquare of Tampere 6.4.1918
White guard machine gun and riflemen at the front, masses of red guard POWs at the back
Outside chans, in the real world, not all germanics are blonde and blue eyed
brother, you did not give me the oats, so I shall have you
Here is the more educational one
Finns during the great soviet offensive of 1944
>118 years ago after the war of Cuba and Filipinas, the ship Giralda brought to Spain the remains of Columbus, who was previosly buried in La Habana. (Pic related, the ship arriving at Sevilla).
Here is your historical event for today.
>when the most German Mauser is a Czech one
>when the supply sergeant orders the wrong ammo again
>Die Fleischversorgung Deutschlands
"Germanys fleshsupply"
>no trigger discipline
an interesting picture taken during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. It's taken from the French lines and you can see the Prussian forming a line in the middle of a field
Those were some different times.
>that guy looking effay as fuck while brandishing an Uzi
>that guy is named Robert Wanko
reenactment pic
>all those kids
God fucking damn
Great pic
>our democracy will never be like this ever again
can anyone translate some of these?
underrated, fucking underrated comment
What the fuck is that little kid doing with he revolver?
Contemplating suicide. Any such lack of trigger discipline is nothing less than that.
>blood smear on pavement
>only one dog tag hanging out
>distress visible on dude in background even at this distance
Man, the entire sad narrative all in one picture.
I've never seen these before, thank you