Ok dudes, I'm going to invest 10k into crypto. Here are my picks so far:
What else? Don't give me shills, give me a coin with reasoning why you think it's undervalued.
Ok dudes, I'm going to invest 10k into crypto. Here are my picks so far:
What else? Don't give me shills, give me a coin with reasoning why you think it's undervalued.
We aren't your personal investors fag.
Just put $500 in each top 30 altcoin. One of them is bound to moon and give you 10x returns in a week.
Just throw it into ETH.
This. I can be though. GNT, definitely. As soon as Jewbase adds it it's going to moon.
It has an interesting future ahead of it.
While it hasn't gotten 2000% gains, LTC technology is way far ahead and has a strong support to it. It's faster and cheaper transactions then BTC. If the future goes how we want, LTC will be like fiat and BTC will be the gold.
Daily reminder that no bank is using XRP, and no bank is planning to use XRP:
>the 47-member consortium used technology from blockchain start-up Ripple for a cloud-based payments platform called RC Cloud.
Daily reminder that RC Cloud is a private network based on the ripple protocol, this is the only way banks will use ripple, no bank will ever use the public ripple network, let alone XRP
Daily reminder that the entire banking industry can use the ripple protocol for transmittance while Ripple is bankrupt and XRP is 1sat
Daily reminder that XRP is not stock, the success of the ripple protocol is independent of the success of Ripple the company is independent of the success XRP
Daily reminder that of the 32 billion XRP in "circulation", over half are owned by devs or former devs
Daily reminder that Ripple owns another 68 billion XRP not yet in circulation
You need no further explanation.
my portfolio is 90% eth (will no less than double within the 6 months)
i have a few grand in each of these
Daily reminder that this fucking guy posts this same debunked bullshit pasta in ever fucking thread that mentions XRP and has been for weeks.