hey Veeky Forums I'm drunk post lewds WE WUZ & HUMANITIES AND SHEEIT
Hey Veeky Forums I'm drunk post lewds WE WUZ & HUMANITIES AND SHEEIT
Other urls found in this thread:
>get drunk
>wut do
>shitpost on Veeky Forums
Seriously man, wtf is your damage?
In the holy God's name, remove that blasphemous picture!
Can i post lewd paintings?
yes please
>This thread is allowed but when i post the cold fact that niggers are savages i get a 24h ban
but it is
Women, not even once.
both of you belong in the trash desu
Napoleon's sister (the one he shagged)
>one of the greatest men of all times fucked a solid 7 sibling
I love this one
>still wearing headscarf
what is the story behind this?
dunno found it on a fineart blog on tumblr a while ago.
That's all from me for now, gotta go to a figure drawing class in an hour kek. If the threads alive I'll post more stuf when I return.
This...this is porn.
it's a painting. can you not tell the difference between fine art and real vulgarity? :^)
I get off on artistic nudity, so it's porn to me.
It is a painting. Look at the background, the leaf patterns are obviously paint strokes.
you have to go back
>Shagging yourself with bagina
Napoleaon was truly the Epitome of egoism
when did kamasutra arrive in western world?
before that date, how many positions did the europeans/westerners actually knew and used frequently?
THIS is thick, faggots, and it's perfect.
Got to have a nice batch of that if you are going to overthrow a Republic, found and Empire and conquer most of Europe.
Now it was also his downfall as he felt he was even able to conquer nature and deny father winter his due. In Russia...
literal perfection
This is not a painting...
Neither is this
but they are. look closely