HODL!!1111lolol I'm so clever! I spell "hold" wrong!

I am so fucking sick of this stupid fucking "hodl" meme.

Yes, you fucking retards, let's "hodl" while Ethereum is going fucking nowhere and possibly dipping further.

Meanwhile, every fucking crypto on coinmarketcap is exploding. Ripple was above 40% in a fucking day!

If I had just thrown $100 worth of Eth at it I would have made $40 which I could then trade back into Ethereum.

It's real fucking easy for some dumb fucks to just spam "hodl hodl hodl lololol, we're so clever for spelling it wrong on purpose" when you bought $10,000 worth of Eth 2 year ago when it was worth nothing and you've made 8753298752% returns, but for anyone that bought recently telling them to "hodl no matter what" is absolutely fucking retarded.

Why would you not try to increase your Ethereum stock instead of tossing more and more money at it?

Sure, timing the market can certainly fuck you, but is there really a huge risk in diversifying when there's no action to increase your wallet?

I try to ask for advice on Reddit and I get people telling me not to gamble, etc, except here's the thing idiots: I've already made a profit and I'm happy to use that to gamble. Throwing money into other coins is no more gambling than keeping money on ETH and hoping Vitalik doesn't get assassinated tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:


Crypto markets are harder to predict than stocks. For no real reason, a coin could crash or moon. You are just playing the whale's game at that point. The "hodl" meme is to say "don't try to time the market". Sometimes holding is better than trading, unless it's a coin that is only being pumped and dumped.

>I'm so sick of the "hodl" meme
>uses an example of the seemingly most useless character that had a greater impact on the story than MCs that had gotten full chapters before being unceremoniously ganked

1/10, very poor pasta, you probably didn't read the whitepaper, bought the tip, didn't hodl, then sold the dip.

>"hodl hodl hodl lololol, we're so clever for spelling it wrong on purpose"
Enjoying your first week on Veeky Forums, faggot? If you're not here to meme you're just another normie.

100% agree. I made 150k off ethereum but I just sold at 228$. It will almost certainly double and maybe even quadruple again but so will hundreds of other coins. I predict Stratis will receive over 10x growth before the years end. How many coins are going to 10x based on hype alone once higher adoption rates occur?

it's down like 2% today you fucking apetard

>Bought newer coin which looks like it has potential at exceedingly low value
>HODL, go out and do other things I enjoy
>Make money

Seems good to me

Here's some maths for you, apetard.

Lets say I have $1000 invested in ETH.

-2% is just $20 which is relatively insignificant and it'll likely bounce back anyway, so who cares, right?

Except Ripple went up like 40%.

So now lets hypothesise that I decided to take $500 of ETH and put it on XRP.

Overnight I've made $200 profit from XRP.

Overall I've now got $1198 worth of Crypto currency instead of $998.

Yes, you will lose sometimes, but guess what? Lambo land is gone. You're not going to become a millionaire by buying $10 of ETH and then sitting on it for 5 years. Sure, if you've got $500K sitting on ETH and you double that in a year that's awesome, but for most people on this board that is more likely to be $500 which you could make in less than a week of work. Woopdee doo.

Seems to me that if you're not a complete retard it's best to grow some balls and take a risk.

I'm literally seeing people THAT KNOW THE PRICE WILL TANK just holding and not even taking a risk that if they sell some (NOT ALL) before a big crash they can buy back even more ETH for cheaper.

Holding is for faggots. End of discussion.

I'm not saying you need to day trade 24/7, but on a day like today when there's plenty of alts moving up, why not just join the pump and then jump off before the train hits the station?

>comes to Veeky Forums
>gets triggered by memes
Okie doke

>plebbit spacing

I always thought hodl stood for 'hold on for dear life'.

just hodl good altcoins bitch nigger

the potential to double your money on some pajeet trash coin isn't worth not being able to sleep at night

I agree. But as someone new to crypto investing, I can't afford to just toss in $1000 to buy crypto every week. Makes much more sense to take profits gained, turn it into more profits and then reinvest and diversify instead of just holding and hoping your chosen coin doesn't tank it.

Once you've built up a big enough portfolio then you can just forget about it and let it do it's work and check back every week to see how it's performing.

Unless I'm incredibly stupid and throw 100% of my wallets into retarded meme coins then there's very little risk of losing everything and as long as I'm trading into coins with large volumes then even if they do tank they'll probably recover eventually anyway.

It's VERY doubtful that Ethereum goes up 10X's in value in a month. Other coins are certainly possible however.

It does. OP missed that and it caused him to sperg out.

Because you can't time the market and some people have lives and don't care about looking at charts all day long.

Also, some people are playing with more than lunch money. Simply doubling their investment in a year without having to worry about the daily up and downs is more than good enough.

I do agree that if you are playing with $500 you might as well try to make the most out of every penny.

You don't need to look at charts all day long.

Just check news in the morning, if something sounds hyped up buy into it and then if it's gone up like 20% during the day just trade it into something stable or withdraw into fiat.

As long as you read decent sources theoretically you should win more than you lose. With idiots literally throwing millions of dollars towards obvious scam ICO's it's evident that the crypto community is filled with morons so it's not like you have to be Einstein in order to win more than you lose.

Actually moron it comes from this post:


i used to make $500 almost every day on eth with a similar trading technique

>if eth is high
>sell and put up a buy order for 2-5 bucks less
>if eth is low
>wait for it get higher

id only check charts before and after sleep and right after work

maybe you just suck fucking donkey dick at this game and should probably either put a LOT more capital in to play around with, or pull out entirely and fuck right off because you arent going to win

hodl fags are always the last ones holding the bag.
Look at any crypto thread from the last bust. Holding until they lost everything.

You need to hit it and quit it. Always have your eyes on the exits.

>Ethereum is going fucking nowhere and possibly dipping further.

Do what? It's been sitting $10 lower than the ATH since it immediately bounced back from a 2 hour stint below $220.

Are you guys just that fucking salty?

who the fuck is looking at charts? crypto doesn't follow your swiggly wigglies.

user, the hold meme normally applies to new coins that have potential, but aren't established yet, it applies to them because their growth is difficult to predict. Why it's difficult to predict? Because people invest on them based on what they promise, they invest because they believe in the technology, not because it was mass adopted or is the new hyped coin, they invest because they believe it has potential to be. You can't predict when a coin like this will moon, so it's better to simply hold, especially if you aren't good at day trading and let's face it, most people aren't.

About ETH, ETH will be never give you absolute insane gain again, it may help you get rich, it may make you a lot of money, but it will never be the same as a altcoin going from $0.05 to $15, especially in it comes to poorfags investing.

Yes, but I'm specifically talking about people screaming "hodl" at Ethereum and Bitcoin. FFS Bitcoin can't even keep up with transactions and people are still spamming "hodl" like a bunch of retard sheep.

They're old news. Sure, they will likely go up in the next few months, but they will not see huge spikes like other coins have had.

The announcements in June may cause ETH to have a huge spike and double in price in a week, but unless you've invested a stupid amount that's not going to change your life.

This is why I'm saying the "hodl" meme is fucking stupid.

Sure, if you believe in the tech behind a coin and get in early then hold for sure. But if you've just jumped on the BTC/ETH bandwagon and you've made slight gains, people acting you'll own a garage of Lambo's with your measly $200 investment even if the price sky rockets are fucking dreaming.