You just fucking hodl.
If you buy and it dips, as long as you didn't get P&D'd, it WILL go up over time.
>daytrading yourself out of profit
You hodl and stay comfy, too much whales and volatility in this market. You'd need to be well informed to play this game, and most people don't even know where to start.
Yes I lost 250 ETH (that's right, 250) trying to to swing trade like you.
I only have 0.15btc and $10 to my name, putting it all in one coin at a time. I do not have that much capital REEEEEE. I WANT A LAMBO ALREADY
>captcha click all squares with bags
You're doing it wrong OP. Buy for a week or a gain, whichever comes first
wow, what trade was it? Takes balls to make the big bucks though
This was a year ago before ETH went to the moon, and was more volatile. I made a series of bad trades where the market moved against me while I slept.
That was someone's entire annual salary. (It was over half my initial stack.)
In the month of May the total crypto market cap more than doubled. If you had done nothing but buy everything and hold you would have doubled your money.
stop looking after buying?
stop selling right after buying?
be patient and buy things you think are valuable instead of jumping on pumps?
stop being retarded?
just fucking hodl?
>being an inpatient little bitch
Truly patience is the most useful skill in crypto. You only have to wait. I never made a trade with significant loss but I did hold over weeks of red territory before pulling out mad gains.
I needed to see this thread, thanks anons.
Don't be mad, your money is just going to people who know how to handle it.
Also, I think this is shit advice, unless buying pnd coins..which you shouldn't do anyway. Look to hold longer than that, 2+ years ideally.
I've been losing money because I've been hodling, apparently different people work differently. I study a coin, look at graphs, analyze patterns, order book, etc.
It rises, as I predict. I decide to hold and there is where I lose in the next few hours. Now I even sold at a loss and I'm going to daytrade, I don't even care anymore. I already did my "survive the night kit" with selling my ETH into OKCASH, next morning I'm going to look at what I should do,
Right now I am 116/40 OK/XMR
>study graphs
>see the daily rise and fall of a currency
>buy around the low point
>set up a sell order at 110% of buy price
HODLing is playing the lottery on the hopes that your coin gets pumped or takes off. If you have no faith in the coin itself, and you're just looking for a profit, do something reasonable like 10%. If it rises past that? Oh well, you came out ahead. If it barely goes above 10% and then crashes? You got out while you still could. In my eyes, patience is being able to accumulate modest gains over time, not putting your money in cold storage for two years and hoping you strike it rich, but to each their own.
All those mooners chasing the next BTC are fucking funny, chasing 1000x one in a million gains instead of taking the hundreds of weekly opportunities to grow by 5-10%.
Buy a moderately useful promising cryptos with a small fraction of your portfolio, that isn't obviously mooning right now, immediately put a sell order 10-30% higher than you bought it and leave it at that. Sell it after a week if it's not good. Boom, you're consistently growing at something between 1 and 10% a day.
is looking at coins who are in the red, who's graph don't look retarded, and buying this up to later sell once it goes in the green a good idea?
doing your taxes is going to be a fucking nightmare. You do understand that you have to record every transaction, and the profit from each is taxable right? The IRS does this to discourage this type of behavior.
I buy BTC, then buy a coin, that's it.
How does that make taxes a nightmare? Keeping a record of your transactions and multiplying your profit by .15 isn't very nightmarish.
I was doing well until i started over researching market sentiment
so many "different" sources claimed that it will crash so many meme triangles were drawn
yet all of them were wrong
Joke is on you, my country doesn't have a working tax office
Like I'm not even shitting you, tax evasion is norm. All my profits are tax free.
>is looking at coins who are in the red, who's graph don't look retarded, and buying this up to later sell once it goes in the green a good idea?
It's an okay idea, but do it with very small amounts at first because I guarantee your graph radar is lacking
Personally, I choose stagnating rather than dipping coins with shilling or P&D potential. If there is a shitcoin, there are bagholders desperate to pump their shit
why the fuck are you trying to day trade if you have no clue what you're doing
Because you're not a real frogposter, just a failed normie.
The true enlightened know to do their research and buy a good deal when on sale, not buy the next iPhone before it gets dumped. Our just HODL if you're too stupid to daytrade , which it looks like you are.
I only invested 0.3btc with and now I'm 0.8btc after a month.
Lack of funds is not an excuse to not diversify and do your research, you overly emotional and spoonfeed mong.
It seems that your problem is in your mind. If it's family or NEET environment that made you so mentally unstable, get a job and move out. Take some hard knocks in life and grow the fuck up. This is coming from a frog like you. Even if you fuck up crypto, better yourself and save money for the next opportunity.
Otherwise, stay poor.
Stop day trading you stupid fuck. You cant get it right all the time. Just diversify in coins and just hodl
Exchanges record that info for you and your only taxes come when converting crypto to fiat.
Stop FUDDing everyone over taxes with your uneducated spam you pajeet.
Stop being a hastypants.
If you're unsure, don't sell everything at once.
>buy xrp thinking it will go up
Because you have hands like overcooked ramen. I was day trading for like two weeks, and regret like 80% of those trades now. Now I make fewer than half a dozen a week.
just b yourself
You've been losing money because you don't know what you're doing. Holding for a couple of hours is not holding, jesus fuck.
Invest in top 3 coins and you're guaranteed to double or triple your money in couple of years.
>Buy when it is stable/dipping
>Ask for +20%
>Forget it even exists and watch as your BTCs grow
>bought 70btc at ~$500 average price in 2014.
>sold some, held most to this day
not quite rich yet, but getting there! No idea why all you faggots are so eager to daytrade and gamble on shitcoins so much. BUY AND HODL
Multiplications of multiplications = literally E X P O N E N T I A L
Because day trading is far more profitable. You're up 500% in 3 years, I'm up 1000% in two months.
That being said, I'm a poorfag and started with 7.35 ETH when it was at ~50 bucks.
Because you keep buying when it's green you idiot Buy it when it's red, they ALL come up.
>buy high sell low
Kek meme is real. Also checked.
Just don't sell the top 10 marketcap coins aka tickets to lamboland whatever the price is.
Ya Fukken HODL it dats hoo.
Well I assume the reason why everyone's saying that you should hodl is because normies have no clue what to do anyways. Sure, if you have the ability to make profit day trading then go ahead, but for us newbies holding is guaranteed money instead of burnt life savings day trading
Any tips on day trading? Books, websites, videos, course etc