
Yeah, so fucking what? i own over 2 million digibytes, and i may be fucking rich now. But its not like i have any other accomplishments under my belt besides being rich. Its not like being rich compensates the wonders of actually creating something people are going to love you for. What am i gonna do, just take all this shitty money and spend it on anime merch and taiwanese hookers? Maybe you guys should stop all the partying and reflect how all of you are going to die in front of a computer screen counting your fucking money while fapping to some 2d sluts that mean nothing to you.

Thanks OP you just fulfilled this Man's Search for Meaning.

You found Shangrilah and still aren't happy. Sounds like a personal problem, m8.

hey man, getting rich takes away the climb for me
I enjoy money and I enjoy having my 4 day vacations cause I make 1k-2k from crypto, but if I had too much money all at once?

Man, I'd have a huge vacuum of time. I wouldn't know what to do. Hell, even with responsibilities I feel that aching feeling that I want to be free, but being free would make me directionless. I hope you find something to do, man.
Gj on the 2 mil digibytes.

I'd volunteer and help homeless pups

I don't get what's wrong with them being rich. If they want they can follow their dreams, even if it's being a NEET

I could take some of that digibyte off your hands if it's a big problem for you.


getting richer is terrible if you are lazy. now theres even less reason to go outside because i can pay the premium to have everything delivered to me. even groceries.

Lol. Only a few million.

You really think you are rich.

Time to get out of moms basement, kiddo.

You're not that rich.

Isn't 2 million digibytes only like $55k?

As a paycheck-to-paycheck poorfag, 55k would be rich for me. A great place to start, anyway.

Hodling 40k dgb.

Spot on. Im so lonely


I don't consider myself rich and I've made 7 figures off of btc. I'm in my early 20s. I think at my age rich would be 8+ figures

Have you cashed any out, user? If so, how did that go?

Recent scientific study shows being poor lowers your IQ 5-15 points. Constantly being stressed, living paycheck to paycheck, poor health coverage. It really fucks with your brain.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be rich if it's to reduce the stress of resource scarcity and make it easier for intellectual pursuits.
If OP is truly rich then congrats. Now go on, you're free to make yourself a better person. There's nothing holding you back anymore. You can be exactly who you want to be if you work hard enough and have the resources, which you have now. You just need to put in the work.

I haven't fully cashed out and probably never will. I keep enough fiat to live off of. Most of it's in a low risk portfolio for 4-10% annual gains. I've never had any problems cashing out

Ya see, the lambo is for getting bitches. If I die like a rockstar, so be it

At our age, rich is being able to afford your own place and not worry about anything. That's more than we are expected to be able to do.

I live with roommates. I would keep doing so with 7 figures because they make me happy, but I can't even dream of being secure.

At least, not until this DGB business is over.

>At our age, rich is being able to afford your own place
Are you talking about owning property, or just renting? Most people in developed countries in their early 20s are working and have their own place unless they're still in school

Money is basically freedom and what you do with this freedom is up to you.

Do you want to start a big project of your own without having to worry about not having money for a living? You will need to be rich.

Do you want to have a family and support them, give your kids and wife the best of the best without having any worries? You will need money.

You want to go to Thailand to fuck 20yold girls who look like they are 13? You need money.

You want to dedicate your life to study what you like, to learn what you want and to improve yourself without worrying about money? You need money.

Do you want to pay a 10/10 qt to sit on your face? Well, money.

Do you want freedom to watch anime and play vidya in your room eternally without ever having to worry about money? Well, you need money for that.

Money is power and power gives you possibilities.