The idea of "western civilization" is rather silly, it is a bunch of Americans associating themselves with things Greeks and other disparate groups did.
The idea of "western civilization" is rather silly...
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Well, republics don't really seem to have evolved anywhere else.
There a certain traits Western civilizations share, but they don't have a history and democracy is a Jewish idea anyway.
You say that, but the idea of true limited government seems to be exclusively European.
The Jews were an absolute theocracy at the time all of this was going on.
the same people who say Western civilization doesn't exist are the same people who talk of a "Muslim and Arab world" and how we must treat them as a unitary block and cowtow to their 7th sandnigger conceptions of morality all the time
Really tantalizes my tangerines just another Frankfurt school psyop
>The idea of "western civilization" is rather silly
No it's not.
There is a clear Western tradition of individualism, rule of law and scientific spirit that goes all the way back to Ancient Crete, to the Greece, to Rome and the Renaissance.
While other civilizations made important scientific discoveries, they simply did not share these values, and had more of a collectivist ethos.
All these women marching, kinda like french revolution...
Yet the only issue I can see that they should be protesting about is abortion. So why the hell are people protesting in london are they mainly just american women abroad?
A lot of the people marching in London are marching in solidarity with Irish marchers, who are marching to repeal our sort of batshit constitutional amendment against abortion.
Semi-true. The popular idea of Western civilization, like this guys has , which includes everything from the Ancient Greeks to modern America, is basically just a mix of post-Renaissance WEWUZing, anachronistic projection of modern values onto the past and Orientalist generalization of everyone else.
On the other hand, Western civilization in the sense of the common cultural, political and intellectual world that emerged in Western Europe from the Carolingian period onward is a very real force in history.
>individualism and rule of law are Western inventions
What did he mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
>Western law refers to the legal traditions of Western culture. Western culture has an idea of the importance of law which has its roots in both Roman law and canon law. As Western culture has a Graeco-Roman Classical and Renaissance cultural influence, so does its legal systems.
>The study of canon law, the legal system of the Catholic Church, fused with that of Roman law to form the basis of the refounding of Western legal scholarship. The ideas of civil rights, equality before the law, equality of women, procedural justice, and democracy as the ideal form of society, and were principles which formed the basis of modern Western culture.
>Western legal culture is unified in the systematic reliance on legal constructs. Such constructs include corporations, contracts, estates, rights and powers to name a few. These concepts are not only nonexistent in primitive or traditional legal systems but they can also be predominately incapable of expression in those language systems which form the basis of such legal cultures
> individualism,
>rule of law and
>scientific spirit
Those concepts didn't exist until recently.
Or at least they were not anywhere near universal in Europe.
They are both wrong.
The Chinese or Persian empires were a lot more stable and law abiding than Rome. Basically, "Rome is better than Africa" is the most one can say.
>The Chinese or Persian empires were a lot more stable and law abiding than Rome.
>batshit constitutional amendment against abortion.
it's not batshit at all you fucking SJW
Rome would cycle through emperors like a dozen cheap whore per year
This isn't a sign of healthy government.
This board is a lefist shithole
Don't expect any rational discussion here, they take universal acceptance of the inhumane infamy that is abortion for granted
Can't wait for the moment the muslim hordes these cretins invited in our lands will put down this "right"
And yet the populace felt next to no shock from this.
Compare this with China which had country wide civil wars every ten years, all of which ended in mass famine.
Who cares who drives the car as long as it doesn't crash and gets to the same place?
You have to define your terms here.
Rome and China both went through phases of instability and periods of stability.
It seems to me that some Americans and Canadians are ones who had adventure, a willingness and desire to grow and change: to mature away from the stagnation that is europe, africa and the east. This seems obvious to me because over there they are still most culted (cult-ured): still doing the same stupid things just because their ignorant ancestors in the past did it. They look so idiotic wearing their 2000 year old sheets as clothes but with a twentieth century cell phone bound to their head or glued to their hand; and then imagining they are in some way superior, but such is the way of the most intellectually inferior people.
>And yet the populace felt next to no shock from this.
excuse me? economic decline, plague, famine, germans invading, parts of the empire splitting off are next to no shock for you?
the height of the emperor swapping was the height of the crisis. Instability is never good for the state you retard.
>it is a bunch of Americans associating themselves with things Greeks and other disparate groups did.
The Han dynasty was very stable compared to Rome. The periods before and after were similar to Europe.
But when it crashed and burned boy did it leave a mess
*makes a mulatto babby*