And post things you feel express it
What's the essence of Beauty, boys?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll get us going
You fucking shitbags I hate all of you fucking plebs
It's just random proportions and color contrasts in the the human body that you've been genetically conditioned to find attractive.
Let me summarize these 3.
Being skinny. Is the essence of female beauty.
I like Horn of Africa women
subjective as shit t b h outside of some typical genetically preconditioned biases.
2D women
3D women
Do you want pictures of beauty? Or a philosophical attempt at a definition of it?
I'll offer you the latter.
Umberto Eco, the Italian essayist, tries to define beauty as 'the extent to which something is close to our imagined ideal of it'.
So, for example, a 'beautiful' woman would be a woman who comes close to our preconceived notion of what a woman *should* look like; this includes things like symmetry and lack of blotches, spots, deformities, etc.
Therefore, mundane objects like a tree can also be 'beautiful' if it approaches the preconceived notion of a 'tree'.
Beauty is whiteness.
The essence of beauty lies in the forms my son
is that also, in a way, not Socrates (plato's) 'ideal form'.
So, is no Umberto Eco just calling the 'ideal form' personalized beauty?
I think this is accurate by the way. Only, this 'ideal' in concept is a product of emergent mind. Mind emergent from material process and structure, and that strucuter based on an order to the universe in its parts and thier properties, ect.. . .
That, although beauty to us is a form of ideal, perhaps represented in our elicitable blank slate natures, that there is inherently a form for beauty - that being symmetry - that is measurable throughout the animal kingdoms behavioral preference.
that, there is by quality of nature an expectation in beauty and it's expression, and that reference to our ideal might be an appreciation of beauty, even though it might not be the most beautiful, which should be an event that is as dormant as the recognizing of our first breath.
We can look upon something for its merits relative our associations and find value, but, our associations have an innate codifying structure innate in its ability to experience 'the beautiful' outside anything our experiences and associations can manifest.
I agree. An interesting point about that 'reference'.
Therefore, if we have no reference for something, it *cannot* be beautiful. For example, something in modern, abstract art which does not resemble anything we have seen before; what Socratic form or reference does it refer to? And hence can it be beautiful at all, if it cannot approach or resemble that reference?
Or do we, as humans, always compare unknown objects to objects we have already seen?
For example, a truly unknown new planet and landscape; can it be 'beautiful' per se? If only being compared to some landscape we have seen previously on Earth?
Skinny-wide hips combo bruh
>everyone posting women
Women are attractive yes, but the male form is true beauty, not even gay.
It represents pure function, wide shoulders, narrow hips and large muscles, all made to be used. It is an image of power and power is beautiful
But literally all the women posted here are skinny.
Yes, and?
>not even gay.
Veeky Forums please.
Also even the greek who were heavily on the "male body is the perfect body" mindset had a goddess of beauty not a god.
I meant see
I'm talking about the ideal for female beauty.
It starts with being skinny. And the rest is basically cosmetics as long as the face isn't disfigured.
As far as women go, at least
My gf and pupper
I love my gf and our pupper
Forgot pic
>it starts with being skinny
Of course it does, it's a functional physique.
>that gut
No thanks
if she lost 20 pounds she'd be hotter
thats not your gf
no way you would post her on here
>no way you would post her on here
Why wouldn't I?
Is this just a softcore /s/ thread?
pale skin, redhead/blonde, blue eyes.
I find this picture beautiful, yet it's not any sort of ideal, nor is it an alien object I've never seen before.
Dat V H I G G
Stop advertising white women you cuck.
not enough 2D in this thread. is Veeky Forums one of the least 4chanish boards?
His taste in music is garbage.
*celebrating white women
Did somebody make her famous?
Someone always posts their gfs in these threads. She's cute but not the pinnacle of beauty m8.
ur mom
Nah, the male form is utilitarian, but aesthetically shit-tier.
Having a cock and balls hanging off the front of the pelvis just ruins it all. Internal genitalia are god-tier.
She probably got raped by Soviet soldiers.
What a stupid thread
How do you explain people's preference to things like ugly dogs (pugs, bulldogs, pit bulls), "cute" girls (asymmetrical smile, short legs, glasses) and so forth? These things are far from our ideal, and yes, we may still appreciate or prefer the ideal, but knowing what these are, we still appreciate them, some of us, at least.
I doubt that, that face scream Slav so hard she must've been Soviet spy.
Pure beauty and attractiveness are two different things. Sometimes having an extraordinary feature can make you more memorizable. Just like you pepper your meat, but you don't eat pepper raw.
Also the "cute girls" thing tickle our sense to protect the weak and gives them youthful appearance.
>trying to fit an entire set of philosophical principles and theories into one catchy sentence which "has a nice ring to it."
Good job Veeky Forums
>Joan d'Arc
please no
either Jehanne d'Arc or Joan of Arc
t. Healthy At All Sizes activist
To each his own user, no hard feelings
Wait the thread wasn't only for posting cute girl?
Being white. The whiter you are, the more light you reflect. Beauty declines exponentially with melanin content.
So are these people the peak of beauty to you?
>Hating on Americans
gingers > blonds desu
sure ugly gingers look much worse than ugly blondes, but a beautiful ginger gril is as good as it gets
>ywn be her fuqqboi
Men find young skinny women pretty. People wrote about this extensively throughout history.
I wonder what young skinny women find pretty. They didn't write much about it.
/autism speaks
I prefer skinny older women tbqh
That woman can't be older than 40.