>this is a slow day
+1500$ :(
You're basically losing money it was such a slow day for you
Nocoiners & mooncucks, the miserable duo
Wow nice FOMO thread! I better buy your pyramid scheme coins right away.. hurrr durr this board is cancer. Da fuck happened to the old Veeky Forums
honest question. what was cool about old Veeky Forums?
Everyone was poor before king bitcoin deprecated everything.
They actually talked about all kinds of different businesses related stuff and wasn't just filled with a bunch of kike shills trying to suck money out of desperate people into their scam coins.
Added extra funds in the last 24 hours, huh? Yeah I've noticed it does that too. Post your 1 week chart, OP.
Mfw I was on the old Veeky Forums nobody was getting rich everyone just recommended shitty books they've never read. Oldfag here, switch over you nocoiner
oh no I only made $1400 in nocoiner land
at least I have it in real money and can cash out
A bunch of cucks getting excited about 2-3% gains on slow ass stocks that was shilled here left and right just like crypto is now, I assume...
Everyone is up on the one week
Back on /oldbiz/ I actually helped a guy get his CFA. I miss those days. Now this place is just a slow-moving version of the Poloniex Trollbox.
actually that's true, uranium and oil were shilled for a while and all the NEETs called themselves entrepreneurs and basically had the same attitude towards people with jobs as the do now
so really it was just as pathetic
>STILL coping with the can't cash out meme
I'm so sorry for you
Was a nice surprise in the morning
Fucking hell
Let them cope. The catch is, by 2030 you will NOT want to be on the other side.
where do you all trade shitcoins at? every site i go to wants me to send them my id
I'm ok with this
The biggest thing that sucks about this is the transactions online.
It takes so long. I wanted etherium at $80, I dappled and looked at coinbase/gemni and was reluctant to give my drivers licence and info, It declined my debit cards too, Got in at 189, Fuck,
I can't wait till there's just mini banks/hacker exchanges to trade coin and network instantly with cash exchanges. i'd gladly drive an hour to day trade. Maybe someday.
In hinsight though there are btc atms in a city near me and i could have transferred to ether. But less fun and more prone to mugging.
>tfw +43,75 euros
>but +40,29%
Try using third world proxy.
I am Brazilian andthey never asked for my id. Even Poloniex didn't give 2 shits about.
youre price should be locked in when you place your order on coinbase. but youve already fucked up by buying from there and not an exchange, where its way faster
Made over 4K USD in 24hrs.
I feel bad for the nocoiners and wagecucks.
buy high sell low
>get coinbase account
>get verified
>bank transfer 75% of your networth
>buy ETH, XBY, DGB, and BTC
cannot fail
>got into the shitcoin game 2 weeks ago
>started small
>160€ profit at the moment
>super happy
The miserable faggots need to realize that they're making money out of nothing. Instead of being upset for not putting enough money into shitcoin, be happy that you put any money in it at all.
how much did you start with?
Better than nothing, I guess.
What is a good Veeky Forums recommended wallet to store my coins in long term? I am paranoid.
started at 600$ 3 weeks ago, at 3.5k now
about to quit my day job
What have you been trading?
>take a moment to learn about various coins, their devs, what they're for and what companies back them up
>read coin trading tips or watch coin tubers on youtube to understand patterns
>buy Bitcoins with $200
>go to Bittrex or Poloniex
>buy ETH with like 20-30% of that money
>learn to calculate the gains you need to win back the commission pay
>buy low, sell high - use like 10-20% or whatever amount you're willing to lose on hot shitcoins that gain volume fast and bail out at the top before it crashes
>split profit in ETH, STRAT, WAVES and LTC
>repeat with the shitcoins
>when you get confident enough in your abilities to convert pennies into profit you can start putting more money into it
I agree, I also started recently and I am just making small profits at the moment which are making me happy. The whole thing is also just fun.
>take a moment to learn about various coins, their devs, what they're for and what companies back them up
this is only for HODL fags, when I see a line going up I know its good, I dont give a shit about the lore of the coin
does that still limit you to 2k withdrawal a day?
tot volgende week, op bitcoin wednesday!
>babbies first trip to the moon
bet you're holding bags of shitcoin dgb in 2 days
There's been no movement in BTC or ETH today.
You must be referring to a random shitcoin pump.
only +3400$ today
daar ga ik ook heen!
Goed bezig jongens, 800 euries in 1 dag verdient
That's what happens when you only have 100€ and put 50% on Stratis.
I started this week, btw.
Nobody was making money in "old Veeky Forums". You just liked it because it didn't make you feel jealous.
Waar casht ge eig out, ik heb geen zin om de BBI achter mij te krijgen?
Euhm, nog niet echt veel uitgecasht eigelijk, paar keer 1000€ via anycoin (nederlandse site) en nog nooit last van gehad. Maar heb er ongeveer evenveel opgezet, winst staat nog in munten.
tfw. STRAT Monsternodes now go for $2 milllion each.
Is da met ID?
Vroeger niet in ieder geval
I feel good for the anons who make thousands per day, it's like saying "everything's possible". But it also makes me feel a bit more poorfag.
Ook, ik heb een debit kaart van bitcoin. Schrijf je bitcoins over en ga je gewoon geld uit de muur halen.
Not bad, started two weeks ago with 267$ I have +200$ I breaks my heart that this could be +2000$ if I wasnt a poorfag.
Are ICOs even worthwhile? Feels like any semi-decent coin gets a $10m+ market cap at ICO, no room for REAL exponential moonshots.
I'll put my address here, perhaps some gentle user would like to help us to push our profit rate.
Can anyone tell me which coin has over 500% gains in one month? and over 3000% gains in the last 3 months?
That's right! STRAT!
It's becoming trash and stale extremely fast, unfortunately
You can make great gains, but you have to take calcualted risks
People investing in STRATIS before it even looked too good, ZrCoin might be another massive one, who fucking knows
>using blockfolio instead of a spreadsheet
>10x return in 2 hours
>not good enough
God damn I admire your greed
Kunt ge da in België krijgen? Waar dan?
Don't feel too bad... I'm up a whole $9 today. Im kinda new too, and I've only put in $50 overall. At least we're not losing money...
Old Veeky Forums was nothing but poorfags or LARPing faggots recommending books on how to make money, made by people who got rich selling said books.
>implying new/biz/ isn't just mostly nocoin LARP'ers aswell
That said, cryptotrading is making me enough money to live off, so I welcome new/biz/.
It was always like this. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Veeky Forums was created as CONTAINMENT board for CRYPTO.
Crypto was taking over /g/ so they made Veeky Forums. Thats actual Veeky Forums history.
definitely worthwhile as long as you're the creator of the coin
>jumped into crypto for the first time last night
>Mostly BTC, ETC, tossed a few bucks into DGB for a laugh
>2 bucks profit so far
I-I get a free bag of chips, n-nice...
Are cryptos more volatile than forex ?
way more
Oh well, better late than never, right.