Fucking #18 now. Please, tell me again how this coin is a simple PnD.
DGB Domination
Only mooncucks will say that
Boys should I hop on now?
>tfw considering putting more $ in
I hate buying more at an ATH though.
if fucking BYTECOIN of all shit is top 10, DGB might just take Ripple's place my god
Tfw only 50k dgb. JUST
it is a pump and dump lol...
there's literally a whale team that visits this board sometimes before they pump to give heads up
ALL coins are pump and dump lmao
1.1mil RDD
ho le fuck #18 now... im holding 600k
at the end of the year when we're well past 150 billion total crypto market cap $1 a coin might not be so far fetched....
They have a fucking solid marketing team. Fuck me.
200k rdd
atleast I got strong pair of hands
I didn't say anything about the fundamentals of it.
It is clearly pump and dump at this current instance though. If you looked at the market depth the last few days, it would be VERY obvious
ignore the cope my friend and join me on this ride.
Sold half at double, didn't want to get VOXXED, and broke even. Hodling the other half.
pretty comfy
Any kind anons want to help a poor user out?
>tfw sold at 1110 Sat because I didn't want to lose my whole investment if it crashed while I fell asleep
Don't have weak hands like me boys. To anyone like me just getting into crypto currency recently, I hope this happens to you too, so you can understand how "day trading" crypto is a terrible idea. I see now that this is a game for the strongest diamond hands and the strongest diamond hearts.
I'm not sure what to do now though. I don't think it's going to stay at 1230 since I bought in at 760. I want to buy it all back and just hold it for a long time, but I don't feel too confident in what the market is going to do anymore. If the coin just grows and grows into a top 5 or whatever, it isn't ever going to be predictably lower than now. If it dumps hard back to 900, I'll have lost out on 25% of the coins I could have had if I waited.
My fucking fetish. I'm sorry I sold you DGBchan, at least the Stratis I bought is doing well.
itsh justah pumph and dumkopf guysh shell
ok anons, i am new to this whole cryptocurrency thing. anyone with some information, maybe reading tips ect?
Start with the citi group conference where DGB is res ribbon :)
I think the most important thing you need to do is learn to hold. Also don't look for patterns in coin value charts because they don't exist. It's probably 90% luck and the other 10% is educated guessing.
Also don't put in money you wouldn't be okay with losing. Try not to trade all night and day because you'll get too invested and make bad choices. Make sure you get enough sleep every day.
I sold half and am holding 50k until June made 20x my investment
LOL DGB is just one of dozens of finalists, they won't win.
This. Don't get ahead of yourself thinking your fucking gordon gecko of crypto. Invest, tell yourself you won't touch for a few weeks. Get some decent sleep
ok guys, thank you. how do i invest like 10dollaroos, where to buy dem coins?
I bought 100k at 165 sat and listened to some faggots on how I should diversify. Thanks for all this RDD and VOX you piece of shit. I could have 400k DGB now.
You can't invest 10 dollars. Investing in anything isn't for you if you've only got $10. When you have more money, I would buy coins on Coinbase and sell them on Poloniex Exchange, since it's very new friendly that's what I use. That's really all there is to it. Coinbase requires you verify your bank information to buy and sell, and a drivers license to buy with a credit card.
Just be glad you're at least holding DGB user. I listenened to the FUD and didn't buy at 200, 300, 400 etc. today when I woke up it was over 1000 so I bought 50K. It could have been so much more. I'm here with you digiguys now. Hope I'm still welcomed after doubting this coin for so long.
Considering the biggest event has yet to come, its still not too late. Hop in now or hate yourselves for ever, fools.
just asking, but what sums are you investing? i try to learn this stuff a bit. or isnt there anything to learn?
That's a really bitter view. What is he supposed to do with the $10, blow it on lottery tickets, cigs or booze? That's how most people "invest" their spare cash. If you have $10 and you put it in something viable and save it, then that's at least a start. Keep doing it and you'll eventually have $100, then $1,000. It doesn't take long for a savings strategy to pay off.
I just invested $220 and I'm hoping to build it from there.
He's not supposed to blow the $10 you mongoloid, he saves another $90 and then invests $100, or $200. Put it in a fucking jar or something jesus christ.
>bought dgb @ 600 sat
>sold half of my coins @ 1300 sat
planing on buying the dip with to money i made.
am i doing it right senpaitachi?
I've got about 22,000DGB.
I am going to hold till 2020. I won't touch it.
See you on the moon till then.
no because it won't dip much but hope you manage to get them gains
Nobody knows if a dip is coming. It already went below 1200 sats not too long ago.
Remember your friends down here on earth, senpai.
> a whale team that visits this board sometimes before they pump to give heads up
You're a fucking idiot for believing in those LARPers, they literally got proven as fakes since you can check the top DGB holders wallets on both polo and bitterx.
>Only $220
$220? You can't invest with only $220. When I got in I dropped 2k on ETH like it was nothing. You should save up until you cave at LEAST a thousand disposable dollars to throw down.
Literally what you sounded like.
Welcome to the family user.Have you decided what colour do you prefer on your lambo?
Oh, and guys: DGB has more vol than ETH on Bittrex. This isn't going to hold forever. Set your stops.
this is complete BULLSHIT. you can invest even 10$ and it's still miles better than blowing them on lottery. sure your profits will be a joke but at that stage the point is learning to save chip money, not to get rich
You sure there won't be another pump?
I can't understand why whales would let it hold like this and not sell off at the tip. Usually a pump'n'dump crashes hard instantly but this is very steady.
Will do my son, will do
hint: it's not a pump and dump coin
Oh I'm very well aware. I've been holding since it's low and watched the first crash down from 900 and the steady price increase.
There is nothing showing that it will crash and die. It seems very solid right now. Look, it's over 1200 again and holding.
Check the reply chain friend.
It will probably dip, but people are hoping this coin will really make it, so the dump is slow. Everything about this coin is nice ans steady. Set a stop loss order anyway if you value your gains. Watch it like a hawk.
sorry man, meant to quote the other guy
>so the dump is slow
What dump? I really don't see what you're talking about.
All I see is price manipulation by whales with weak hands selling off. Weak hands don't change the price as much as the whales.
To me it just looks like whales day trading before a bigger spike.