>Lose 2 major wars
>One of the richest countries in the world couple of years later
How did this happen?
>Lose 2 major wars
>One of the richest countries in the world couple of years later
How did this happen?
Because fuck you that's why.
Good work ethic, no complete killoff of the old elite and american monetary help as kickstarter.
>steal money in war
>deposit all the money in switzerland banks
>lose the war
>recover money
Plenty of resources.
Crossroad between west and east of Europe.
Marshall Plan, you're welcome you filthy Axis animals
Cheap Turkish labour mainly.
Carthage did it.
>lose two wars
>after second war become the political battleground for the Cold War
>tons of Western money poured in to recovery/ideological battle
>millions of Brits, French, Russians, and Americans lose their lives in two separate wars to stop Germany from ruiling Europe
>fast forward 70 years: Germany rules Europe
>billions in Marshall Plan aid
>US and Soviet military aid
>US and Soviet military protection
>Tariff-free access to US markets in the West
>Democratic governance within years in the West
>Berlin airlift
>Reunification allowed in 1991
>No Jewish plot to make Germany disappear as Hitler claimed
Germany really got off easy after what they did. If the Germans had won they wouldn't have been so generous.
Goes to show Stormfags that the Allies were the good guys all along.
>tens of million of people die in two world wars
>fast forward 70 years: continent ruined by 3rd world imports
same reason Athens is the capital of modern Greece and not a series of ruins dating from the end of the Peloponnesian war. The victors didn't want a power vacuum that some of their 'allies' could take advantage of.
>No Jewish plot to make Germany disappear as Hitler claimed
>No Jewish plot to make Germany disappear as Hitler claimed
I think Hitler's claim was actually that there was a Jewish plot to enslave Germany under the international banking system.
As it turned out, Jewish exploitation of Germany is in some ways a lot less subtle and in some ways a lot more. Who needs complicated financial ticks when you've got guilt?
At least they get to pay reparations in U-boats.
*financial tricks
Also, with a million refugees a year coming in pretty soon you're really going to have to really stretch the definition of Germany in order to claim that Germany hasn't disappeared.
also money. Billions upon billions of dollars over the last seventy years. Some some years back in the 40s and 50s German reparations made up 90% of the Israeli government's budget.
Now ask yourself why Germany was allowed to survive.
For the life of me I still can't figure way Merkel thought the whole mass immigration thing was a good idea.
I don't think flooding a ton of Muslims who have been seen to not give a fuck about there nation and instead identify by religion safe haven expecting them to feel some kind of loyalty is going to work down the line.
>I think Hitler's claim was actually that there was a Jewish plot to enslave Germany under the international banking system.
sp he was right after all
because america invested heavily in its reconstruction so it would be an ally against the soviets
ww2 was to prevent nazis/fascism from ruling europe, not really the german people specifically
The answer is simply "location, location, location"!
Germany literally is "Central Europe". It's the natural centre of trade in Europe so Germans profit most from a peaceful Europe.
All right, I'll be the first to say it.
The mean german IQ has 3 digits.
They lost to benevolent people that did not do to the Germans, the things the Germans intended to do to them in case they won.
>large population
>lots of natural resources
>in the middle of European innovation
I wonder why.
Germany finally learned it's lesson. Rule diplomatically instead of militarily. Know your enemy, befriend your enemy, and then own your enemy.
Care to support your claim with some links to the numbers you stated?
>kill millions rampage trough the world and steal property of the victims on an industrial scale
>loose the war and instead of being treated the same way you treated your victims get reconstruction money
>agree to pay reparations to only some of the countries & people's you decimated (poland, greece, israel, holland) so you can be accepted back to the international community
>reparations are kept on a level that doesn't hurt your economic development to avoid ww1 mistakes
>as a result become one of the reachest countries on earth
>still claim to be treated unfairly
Not even Germans think that you stupid germanboo or whatever you're type is called
American aid, and hatred /fear of communists.
Too bad reunification hurt the FRG so bad financially.
the marshall plan was pretty sick
The U.S needed a bulwark against communism, so dumped billions into rebuilding a country that should have rightfully been dismembered.
One currency to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
It's an extremely good idea on the long term. The german population, like in nearly every country in the eastern part of Europe, is increasing very slowly, which isn't enough to keep up with economic's growth. Now there's one million more customers and cheap basic workers in the country, and Germany got them for almost nothing
It wasn't simply because of communism. It perhaps wasn't even mostly because of communism.
Rebuilding Germany and Japan was simply good business. American industrial capacity needed something to produce and markets to sell to after the war since it contained 50% of humanity's industrial capacity. So they spent that wealth on rebuilding the world.
America has long had a vested interested in making the world a better place. From creating markets to sell to to supporting democracy abroad in order to create a more stable global economy.
That assumes that the arriving population posses the cultural attributes that will allow it to merge in a constructive way and is there to work. Judging from experience of other countries like France it's not the case for a large number of them.
>to supporting democracy abroad
Hey remember that one time the US instigated a coup in a non-democratic and gave financial support to revolutionaries here, but it blew up in their hands, making the country not only anti-american, but anti-western, as well as raising the anti-western sentiment in the entire region?
I mean it happened at least 4 times already
Soviets and Americans took what they could, gave everything back. Plus a little extra.
What do you mean by "to merge in a constructive way"? Cultural attributes won't stop them from getting a job, muslim countries also possess a capitalist model
>it's not the case for a large number of them
Stats please. If you're thinking about those large groups of black parisian hobos, they're not an accurate representation of a 50 years immigration process
Exceptions to the rule, a rule that you only get flustered about when it's violated because America implemented the rule. Before America took it upon itself to support democracy abroad, liking or disliking a country based on whether or not it was a democracy would have been peculiar.
Let's count down the cases where american support helped democracy grow
>half of Korea
Let's see the exceptions, on top of my head
>Iraq for now
That's a lot of exceptions! I'm glad Trump said he wasn't going to "help" other countries,
Let's not forget that USA didn't give a shit about the dictatures of Spain, Portugal and Greece, because those countries didn't have any problems buying american goods. Wait a second, it's not really about supporting democracy, is it?
you don't start world wars unless you have something going for you, in the case of Germany it was a decent economy
Trump specifically said he would support American interests over foreign interests, meaning he is basically giving up on long term American goals of supporting democracy and just do whatever the fuck is necessary to get a better deal for America in the short term.
And again, the idea of supporting democracy is mainstream BECAUSE of America. Before it would have been silly to support a nation just because it is democratic.
Let's not forget about the most shining example of it all - Afghanistan.
>I think Hitler's claim was actually that there was a Jewish plot to enslave Germany under the international banking system.
No, I was referring specifically to Hitler's 1945 radio address to the German nation, when he claimed the Allies (and the "Jews behind them") had a plot to dismantle all German industry, enslave Germans and make the country disappear.
This radio address turned out to be a lie that caused mass suicides among Germans.
2015 is 70 years after the war ended. At some point you have to stop blaming the Allies.
Germans elected Merkel. Not the Jews, not the Allies, not the Americans. Take some personal responsibility you fucking stormfag.
The Jews reinvested into the country for a long term revenge scheme.
protestant work ethic :^)
It's not like germans suddenly devolved to analphabetic savages in a decade. The competence of the Third Reich was still there.
>The competence of the Third Reich was still there.
I love how this myth still lingers on in popular consciousness. Nazi Germany was not efficient and they weren't competent. The trains did not run on time just because there were Fascists in power. The entire edifice was liable to collapse at any point due to the constant bureaucratic infighting and dithering on key decisions.
Alpha genetics, just like USA
>become independent
>most powerful empire in the world less than 150 years later
maybe its genetics or maybe we are god's chosen peoples.
Foreign labour and the Japan treatment by America.
>supporting a country becuse it's democratic is an american concept.
>The competence of the Third Reich was still there.
Their government was as competent as Zimbabwe is economically responsible.
maybe cut down on the propaganda mate
This. The Nazi Economy was unsustainable and where actual Nazis were involved it was corrupt and inefficient. There were some technocrats (Schacht, Speer etc.) who did a good enough job but in the long run the mixed Nazi Economy was more similiar to the central planned ones of the eastern bloc. The faction that was in favour of a free market and a reduction of the state intervention was overruled (interesting enough a lot of SS brass including Himmler favoured a free market System because it worked well with their social darwinistic views) and even a victorious third reich would have resembled the GDR (in a lot of aspects actually).
The BRD actually allowed the germans to make good use of their technical expertise. It is nothing coincidence that germany economic domination really unfolded once the allies imposed a free market system and integrated them into the western bloc.
Thank you USA
You are my best friend
You are the aid giver
You are the legend
Actually Germany paid more reparations each year than it received in Marshal Plan aid. Meanwhile, the rest of Western Europe received much higher MP payments than Germany despite having a much lower niveau of destruction... and they still failed to build a competitive economy.
>"You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest."
--Winston Churchill, Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill - His Career in War and Peace, p. 145; quoted as per: Adrian Preissinger, Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald, p. 23
>>US and Soviet military protection
True, however, both West and East Germany had to pay for occupation costs.
>>Tariff-free access to US markets in the West
I'm pretty sure there were tarriff barriers between the US and W. Germany. They're still there, in fact.
The Marshall plan aid has to be put in context, in the first post-war years numerous industrial plants were dismantled or demolished (5% of production capacity in the East, 30% in the West). On top of that, there were import, export and production restrictions. The cessation of these measures were just as relevant as Marshall plan aid to the economic recovery.
One could also mention that US firms obtained German patents worth billions of dollars or the fact that some 16 million Germans lost most of their property due to the expulsions.
>turned out to be a lie
Y-yeah, totally, right?
>(5% of production capacity in the East, 30% in the West)
the other way around, my bad
>>agree to pay reparations to only some of the countries & people's you decimated (poland, greece, israel, holland) so you can be accepted back to the international community
Poland didn't get even $1 of reparations from Germany.
We gave them Prussia
Well, I checked on a map and Germany is still there. I checked and they're still making cars and shit despite being lying shits about it.
So yeah.
Marshall plan
West Germany had the Ruhr with all that industry
People give you their life suppourt at their expense
You gave nothing, Soviets take it from You. And at the same time they took area twice the size of Prussia from Poland, so in the end after won war Poland:
- overall lost ~100k km^2 of territory
- lost ~10 million of population
- country still burned to the ground
- 0 fucking reparations
- hostile occupation for next years
What a deal
>fast forward 70 years: Germany rules Europe
Does it?
Are you butthurt Stanisław?
just don't say that Poland got any reparations