When is the global elite putting an end to this? Common people are making money

The global elite probably want a much larger population of millionaires, and fresh young money on the scene.

It makes sense, majority of lambourghinis just sit in the car lot

They're just getting in on it themselves. Do you really think the people buying tens of millions worth of BAT and selling it for quadruple the price are people like us? The richest man in the world is balls deep in crypto, this train has no breaks and nocoiners are going to be on suicide watch in a few years. They don't care if a few NEETs make a few piddly millions when they'll be making billions if not trillions.

>this train has no breaks and nocoiners are going to be on suicide watch in a few years.

im in this to btfo the normies and globalists. i seriously believe we will be at least $300 billion total market cap by the end of the year.

So happy to be a part of this journey boyo.

>im in this to btfo the normies and globalists
Well you're in for bad news because globalists are in on this too. Look at Gates for instance, the only people who will be btfo are normalfags, particularly boomers.

This is true. The boomers are fucked. I have been a part of this for only 4 months but wew lad... I can't even tell my friends about the zort.

This desu. They offer each generation a test of admittance.


It doesn't matter where you keep them the price of your shit will tank if any major exchange gets 'hacked'

>The boomers are fucked

>the only people who will be btfo are normalfags, particularly boomers.

if thats the only victory im more than happy.

I know there are many global billionaires investing but all in all a blockchain based cryptocurrency is not in the best interests of the elites, hence they are actively discouraging its use.

Dont you