Veeky Forums will defend this

>Veeky Forums will defend this

I like contemporary art (and pre-modern) but this is just bad art. It's not representative of what gets produced today, if only by way of it being painting.

>inb4 someone calls them 'blank canvases'

I think it's pretty aesthetic

how do you defend this cuckoldry

I mean an artist made it, so its art.

It's definitely a cheap swindle though.

Not all art is spectacular. I think this would look great in a home or office, but not an exhibit.

If this image WAS the painting in the gallery, it would be pretty interesting.

It probably loses some of its function being displayed outside of a gallery or museum context.

at least it's better than this
(it's the virgin mary encrusted with elephant shit with picture of butts everywhere)

we wuz

This is stunning! I regret I didn't experience this in person before seeing an upload on Veeky Forums. Aren't we all butts? Isn't everything?

but it's fun

this never would have happened if we had stuck with jupiter and juno instead of jesus and mary

I'd stare at that for a long time honestly
its not bad

looks like a racist caricature

>Y-you're not a racist are you user?

>Veeky Forums will defend this

>white male
>not deliberately repulsive

Absolutely problematic

m8 there's literally no reason to give a shit what's put up in galleries anymore, the world is drowning in so much art that you can find anything you want in good quantity unless you really, desperately need some kind of institutional approval of your tastes.

its crap, why paint at all if you aren't going to paint the world as it really is

>cameras exist, so paintings like this are now pointless
Really coordinated my cashews.

It's like playing 4d chess.

>hiding hands to avoid painting them
>taking the easy way out hiding valleys in fog to avoid difficult perspective and depth
really makes you think