How respectful of priests are you?
How respectful of priests are you?
I generally don't have a particularly high opinion of religious people, because I don't understand how someone could possibly rationalize that a good and caring god would create such a horrible world filled with suffering. That said I certainly respect their right to delude themselves, even if I don't share in it, and most priests I've met seemed like decent enough people who were dedicated to helping others.
Why do you ask OP?
They have no "right" to delude themselves, much less the children in their charge, who they are preparing for the greatest crime of all
I generally respect catholic priests and shiite imams even though I am not religious.
Sunni Imams are scary infiltrators and our protestants are likewarm hippies here who talk weird stuff about love.
Atheist reporting in. I generally have a high opinion of holy men who are genuinely in it for the benefit of their community. They can play immensely important civic roles and do purely out of devotion. I've had some really interesting conversations with priests.
Fuck the kiddy diddlers and the charlatans tho.
>all holy men are kid diddlers
fuck off retard
Of course they have a right.
They are part of the society that nurtures the children, just as the ethnic group raises a child to be loyal and exclusive a priest raises it in a certain spirit and a mother rubs off on the child with her character.
In the end they do so because the values worked goof enough on their own that they could multiplie and give them to the next generation.
>They have no "right" to delude themselves
Of course they do, every man is free to believe what they want.
Imams will be clubbed with ham if they touch me.
Everyone else is fine, as God is speaking through them to get me to question whether Catholicism is the Way the Life and Truth, and if I deserve eternal life or not
Every time I see one I hock up a loogie, spit it at their feet and yell "There is no place in my heart for the "salvation" of the Nazarene, REGE SATANAS, AVE SATANAS, HAIL SATAN!"
I have no respect for materialistic reductionists who refuse to acknowledge a greater power and believe material is all that exists. They are the agents for the corruption and degradation of moral values that has led to modern society being a socially degenerate place with deviant sexual values and devoid of family values and caring for one another.
I'm cool with them regardless of what religion.
Seems bretty bad-ass.
>Work for the State?
>Work for some rich fag?
>Work for God? Yeah...
I dislike pedophiles.
>They are the agents for the corruption and degradation of moral values that has led to modern society being a socially degenerate place with deviant sexual values and devoid of family values and caring for one another
It's really amazing when people like you end up on Veeky Forums of all places.
Fuck clerics
Fedora tipping is too mainstream, we religious LARPers now.
Not an argument
One could suggest the christian tradition of turning the other cheek is the reason corruption and deviance exists.
Pastors, very much.
Child-raping LARPing priests of Dagon, very little.
As much as I am when talking to a professor about the subject which he teaches or a passerby dressed well with an overt sense of purpose.
Sola scriptura was invented by the devil.
No argument against religion makes me cringe harder than "if god is good why is there suffering".
That is such a shallow way of thinking that only a 14year old rebellious fedoralord could unironically think that way
priests are failed monks
I don't have a high opinion of anybody who is unironically religious. It's essentially delusion.
>I don't understand how someone could possibly rationalize that a good and caring god would create such a horrible world filled with suffering
It's not like suffering is a good thing or anything.
It's not like Christians literally believe God suffered on the cross with us.
Stopped taking you seriously at "degenerate"
Every priest is Antichrist
The papacy is the seat of satan
Evangelical priests can go fuck right off.
Considering most of them support child genital mutilation, not very.