I am a NEET in my early 20s and this is my savings account and checking account. I have no loans or debts. What should I do? I barely have expenses per month. I probably spend only around 200 dollars a year on average. How can I move out with this money also? Rent in my area is not too high for a nice apartment and jy parents said they would pay me allowance if I went to school or got a job, but I could easily lie to them.
NEET investing, and NEET moving out
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What do you mean how can you move out?
You've got a ton of money, go rent a place. Hell, buy a place if you want.
you have 154k and u never worked or go to school, make sens,
and your parent gonna pay you to go to school or to get a job, make sens
based on your story you are an human and oxygen waste, you should stay on your basement until your parents die.
>but I could easily lie to them.
You are a piece of shit. How are you 20 and still this fucking gay? Your parents probably fucking hate you, how did they even allow you to become the way you are?
Work with you parents. Go to fucking school or get a job and attempt to do something with your life. Holy fuck.
Get a casual job or go to school, and put the 150k into MOON (or, more seriously... STRATIS)
My parents are both retired. I am not capable of going to school, and I probably couldn't get a job either.
Why the fuck aren't you capable of going to school and why can't you get a job? Even retarded people get jobs.
Why the fuck not?
Invest in a business idea. I will share 35+ business ideas on ideas500k.com
Don't get a fucking allowance from your parents. Get a decent cheap 1 bedroom apartment, get a part time job (movie theater is God-tier), get your parents to pay for college tuition/trade school, and invest a good chunk of your savings (maybe 50k in good crypto longs, 50k more in a decent stock portfolio). You still have over 60k. You'll be fine. Buy a reliable econobox if you have no car.
Also, how the hell do you have this much cash this young?
>I probably spend only around 200 dollars a year on average
yeah i call absolute bullshit on this
you're telling me with all your spare NEET time you don't splurge on some bullshit autistic hobby like board games or video games?
do you not even know how to cook?
Ive seen this photo with different story on multiple boards
Use your money to start a business.
saw it last time on r9k, claiming he was a NEET with rich parents
I only have a 110 IQ and many mental problems. The only job I could get maybe would be minimum wage but I wouldn't even need the money and I doubt I could go there everyday. I want to stay a NEET forever.
I have rich parents. It's just money they put into my account over time.
The only thing I buy are video games.
dude, what?
IQ doesn't mean shit for living a normal life. 110 is above average anyway. Get yourself a good shrink and slowly gain some independence. A minimum wage job sucks, but it does help teach you to stick with stuff.
If you don't mind, what sort of mental problems?
Look at all the nigger wagecucks in this thread mad because OP doesn't have to work.
Oh fuck you. I've got Autism, and some other shitty mental problems. Just admit you're a spoiled little trap boi with a cute little tight boy bussi.
OP is like a young me. I'm almost 40 and never worked single day in my life. But I have like 1.5m $ from parents. They got about 5m total.
lmao when biz goes full b
And that's why you spend your days hanging out on a chinese cartoon board you faggot. Because you lie like this, and no one wants to be your friend.
You jelly?
Fellow ex-NEET here who was in your same position monetarily.
I say this with 100% certainty:
1. Get medical insurance. Ask your parents if they have it, because you'll fall under their plan until like 27 or something. If they don't, then go to the Healthcare Marketplace and get the ball rolling on paying for insurance.
The smallest ER visit will cost you thousands of dollars. I have to pay $350 per month for mine currently, which is a lot. However, a visit to the ER to treat a weak heart attack costs, on average, $750,000. A broken arm is something like 5-15k.
2. Take your insurance and use it to talk to a therapist about your problem regarding not advancing in life.
I did this and they pretty much told me that most NEETs grow up in toxic families; you're not alone in this. Many twenty somethings in America have to deal with this shit. The smallest shit like how my mom would make my bed & wash my clothes every day, even after I graduated high school, while my dad rarely told me 'no' and didn't supply me with chores, morally and mentally bankrupted me. It wasn't all their fault because I was immature with keeping my grades up, but them not actively coaching/nudging me at any point on what to fuckin do with my life sucked. I really wish they would've told me something like I would be kicked out of the house in a month if I didn't find a job.
My work-ethic got fucked, and it was only until I fell into school loan debt, while simultaneously not wanting to get up for class every day, to see that I needed help.
Talking to a therapist helped, and they formulated a baby-step plan on getting me the fuck away from my family, dealing with my mental issues, giving me the most resources possible in regards to finding employment & managing school, and other general life coaching shit that my parents should've did but didn't.
Sure you can do this all by yourself, but you won't because your family has conditioned you in the NEET mentality. Get help.
Jelly? What is this second grade nigger?
Regarding health insurance, what do you think about moving to a country where it's way cheaper to get treated?
If you're living rent free & have your meals paid for, then DONT MOVE OUT. I repeat, DON'T MOVE OUT. It WON'T fix your problem, and you will burn through your money. Talk to a therapist about gaining a work ethic, work at a bullshit job, plan a career path, and go put the plan in action at a llocal community college
Money wise, I'd advise you to see a financial advisor at a bank ASAP. Plan for your retirement, make a budget to see where all of your money is going every month, cut out sodie pop & fast food.
If you want to gamble with crypto then have a yearly budget set up for it and treat it as such. In your case, I'd only set aside
>1. Get medical insurance.
>not moving to Europe and getting the best medicare for pennies
I really don't understand how burguers even consider living without insurance or living in the US really.
>I have to pay $350 per month for mine currently, which is a lot
To all of youz, just get out of the US. Jesus, what a waste of land.
I wouldn't be thinking about moving to a new country out of the blue if you're still living with your parents.
You'll save far more money now if you live with your parents, pay for the insurance out of pocket, and really use it to your advantage.
I wouldn't be where I'm at today if it wasn't for my therapist. She helped me mature more in just a couple of months than my parents ever did.
Not to mention the power that Vyvanse can give a person who utilizes a planner.
Jesus christ OP, 150k and no debt, evem if your fucking retarded like drooling on yourself you can make that work. Literally just hold 4 grand for expenses, buy a used csr and start going to school, put 150 in etfs or fucking even loan bitcoin at 0.1 percent interest and make a living passively
Yeah, because a NEET who doesn't have the work ethic to even get out of the house to get their driver's license should just get a passport & go live in a foreign country because their medical insurance is free.
Our country's Healthcare system is fucked up, but let's not talk about how much money the NEET would be spending on their own housing, food, clothing, bills, plane tickets, and other hidden costs associated with moving to another country. Not to mention the cultural dissonance that would occur from being a fat neck beard in a place where almost nobody is obese.
His best bet would be to go to college, take a couple of classes regarding the history, culture, & language of the place he's thinking about moving to, and then allow the school to pay for most of his education for him to study abroad in that country.
Put it in Vanguard and resume normal life but with free no-effort money
Why the fuck would anybody rent if they have enough cash to outright buy a house?
Why the fuck do people on this board want to go to school and get a job? I thought this is a crypto board, not board for normies. I would neck myself if someone forced me to do one of those.