How did Capitalism fail?
How did Capitalism fail?
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>how did a system based on infinite debt and unending growth fail
Corruption and limited resources dummy
The fact that there is a limited amount of resources doesn't mean that economic growth can't be unending because economic growth can be intensive. Also, every economic system is based on unending growth.
It didn't
South Korea has the highest number of industrial robots for every 10,000 people employed in manufacturing and it doesn't have a problem with unemployment.
Depends on your meaning of "based on". Not every system treats it like a fuckin race to the cliff
The only system that doesn't "treat it like a fuckin race to the cliff" is anarcho-primitivism
Capitalism has been overwhelmingly successful, it has overthrown empires, spread throughout the world and completely transformed society.
It works, but it hurts ouf feelings.
Stagnation of Western worker's wages despite production consistently rising. All the wealth now goes to the very top or lifts people out of the 'less than $2 as day bracket'.
Advertising and mass pop culture have done terrible things to society.
It didn't. Everyone posting in this thread is here because of capitalism.
What system works better than capitalism?
Capitalism is good in limited amounts. This whoring, advertisement, etc is bad for society where the highest bidder wins. Capitalism is why SJW is a thing and why we have uncontrolled immigration. Not saying communism is any better, but capitalism needs certain limitations for it not to fuck up society. It should be more about national businesses rather than international ones.
That's not what I would call 'success'. The overthrow of many traditional empires such as the British, French, German ones has led to much of the geopolitical chaos we have today. If the Ottomans still owned the Middle East, the Islamic State would just be a fringe party in their political system.
This is the correct opinion.
Very, very small criticisms when you consider the number of people living in absolute poverty has just fallen below 10% for the firs time
>Capitalism is a fail-
I don;t expect lefty/pol/ neckbeards and 14 year old Veeky Forumscucks to understand economics but come on...
Not true, communism is based on unending failure and regression
Everywhere in the world the greater the automation the greater the employment
That's what we have today, capitalism with certain limitations.
It's funny how all the flaws people ascribe to the capitalism are actually caused by those limitations, which are supposed to make capitalism a better system, rather by the capitalism itself
Except not really. The reason we have immigration is uncontrolled capitalism. It isn't the big bad epic juden ontop controlling everything, its ruthless globalist capitalists like Soros that want to make a quick buck off of the fall of nations and cultures.
>why is system which makes all of us better of and gave us lives better than we'd have anytime else in history a failure?
Which immigrants are you talking about, Mexicans, who will do your gardening and clean your pool for a good price, so you're left with more money in your wallet, or the European immigrants from middle East, who are encouraged to come there by European authorities, get government help, live in state run facilities, get welfare and don't work on free market? There's nothing wrong with the former, and problems caused by the latter are caused only by the states and Capitalism has nothing to do with that
Open borders are an ideological project of the left and have nothing to do with economics you autistic brainwashed lefty/pol/ sperg
Sure there's a problem, it makes some actual Americans lazy because they have no incentive to work, and for others it takes away their jobs. As for the latter, the European governments are by and large neoliberal, which promote corporations to employ whoever they want. The immigrants get exclusive welfarebux while there's homeless British, French, Germans and Swedes out on the streets that would work for their country if given the chance, rather than giving that chance to foreigners who had no loyalty to their country and will have no loyalty to this.
Open borders are an ideological project of the left and an economic project of the neoconservative "right". I am neither.
>economic project of the neoconservative "right"
Except most immigrants nowdays cost more in taxes than they contribute. More immigrants = higher taxes and costs.
Most right wing parties are (in theory or principle at least) against open borders
Of course there's no benefit to them. Internationals don't think for the long term because they don't give a shit about the future, they're just out to make a quick buck.
The CDU in Germany is "right-wing", but it supports open borders. The Cameron faction of the Conservatives was also in favour of open borders, same with the McCain/Bush/Romney faction of the Republicans in the US.
Any party that has adopted neoliberalism, "right" or "left", is for open borders. And yeah, the right is no longer the right because it compromised in favour of capitalism over nationalism, the left is kinda no longer actually the left either because they don't give a shit about actual workers and care more about MY HEART IS BLEEDING WE MUST HELP EVERYONE END RACISM!
>the left is kinda no longer actually the left
Nice meme
>muh old based leftcucks!!!
>The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality. The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got.
From my perspective leftists were never based, I just think hypercapitalist libertardians are equally dumb and equally in favor of what they're proposing. The true answer if you're asking me is the nation standing above all, including the rampant individualism which is the cause of special snowflakes as in your picture.
He looks too young for a Holocaust survivor desu
oy vey
>I almost died in a camp that means I know whats best for the country.
How is achieving what you want not success? The generalissimo gets a swiss bank account and monetizes his holdings, they start selling their coffee for ridiculously high prices and figure out they can produce palm oil and set up light industries to process raw materials for export. Ordinary people get electricity and sanitation, their kids learn to read and have free time for le futebol.
All very well, but I can't escape the infallible logic of individualism. A nation shouldn't "cuck" itself for followers, but why should I "cuck" myself for my nation? My nation hasn't really done much for me. I was never treated like everyone else, in high school some teachers never even talked to me, government employees verbally abused me and didn't do their job, there is no way I can have them punished and get what I have been promised because everyone is in on it. I am sold this vision of a country where everyone is friendly and nice but that is not the reality for me at least. I am grateful for what little they have given me, though the thought they are only doing so because they mistake me for a normal person is disturbing.
The only people who have ever shown me respect are criminals on the black market and private businesses, independent individualists who are more connected to reality and have learned to shed human nature in favor of it. Ayn Rand was unironically right about everything.
>mixing globalism with isolationism
But what about population replacement? Most western countries have low birth-rate and an ageing population. Immigrants an easy way to change this.
Research, trade and enterprises are not exclusive to capitalism. Nor is freedom.
If you replace Germans with Africans, Germany becomes Africa. Human are not interchangeable.
The nation itself would have to be fixed, yes, I'm not suggesting you should be worshiping this America, the America of where someone can coast through life because he was born a Senator's Son.
However, the reason why we have what you said IS because of lack of regulation. Rampant individualism doesn't just breed degeneracy, it breeds corruption as everyone is ought to make a bigger buck.
Also nowhere am I saying we should end trade, but you should be supportive of national, middle and small businesses, provided they make the goods you need. The problem is, of course, the government sponsors international big business over local ones.
The reason there's a low birth rate is because our culture has been so degenerated that people don't give a shit about making families and providing for the future, all they care about is going to the club and PARTAAAYing.
>The easier way to make money is to have money
Capital piles up, like sediment, in a few places
Italians have a low birthrate because they literally can't afford to raise children.
This. The only thing that can save us from this degeneracy is implementation of Sharia.
Why does Europe need more people?
Certain people want endless economic growth
Immigrants take jobs locals don't want, do you or anyone you know would want to work on construction place or clean toilets for less than minimal wage?
What (((certain people)))?
>for less than minimal wage?
Why don't employers pay wages that reflect the cost of living lol?
>Immigrants take jobs locals don't want
Because the immigrants drive down the wages to the point no sane person would take it.
Simple supply and demand.
Every sane person wants endless economic growth
Why should they?
Yes but every sane person knows you cannot simply keep cramming people in forever to get it.
Fund pensions by taxing the capital, problem solved.
Corporatism, centralisation and a lack of protectionism have led to stagnation in all industries.
The global economy will inevitably collapse unless local trade is protected and corporations are regulated.
Uh... technically, no.
Since the 1980s, the USA has had economic growth measured by 130%. Since then, economic inequality increased, unemployment has risen, wages stagnated, lots of jobs and employers fled the US, etc. Endless growth isn't good in general, at some point you need to know when to stop and go 'alright, enough'.
See This.
You're the ones calling me globalist just for wanting to streamline free trade.
>Rampant individualism breeds corruption
>you should be supportive of national, middle and small businesses
hmm, I disagree fundamentally, though I agree government should stop supporting big business
I admit my view is a little simple. I try to go from A to B and if anything gets in my way I consider it an issue. I am tolerant of paying fees and taxes for practical government services, it is natural to prefer the culture to which you are accustomed and you can build an exclusive gated community if you really want as long as it is not like jonestown or something, but the idea I have to favor someone who is close to me rather than someone far away just seems random and pointless. I am suspicious that it is just an excuse to get more money from me.
I don't understand the theory of comparative advantage: the post
But taxes harm economic growth
>Tax the capital
>Rich people flee the country
>Thanks to capitalism, capital is concentrated in few hands
>Bank panic
>Government sets capital controls
>Economy stagnation
The tendency of profit to fall.
Is this bait?
>Rich people flee the country
They wouldn't run if they weren't guilty.
Guilty of what?
of being enemy of the people
>Tax the capital
>Rich people flee the country
If this is true, why haven't people fled Denmark?
It fails to account for the lack of innovation that occurs with a centralised system.
No innovation means that consumers are less likely to buy products, which in turn leads to the economy crashing due to people simply not spending.
You can see this in modern society through piracy culture and how companies are forced to push micro-payments on consumers just to turn a profit. That's not a healthy economy.
They have
pure capitalism doesn't really have any rules to it
it's basically economic anarchy and all the excess that comes from it
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Taxes always fall on the least elastic supply, eg workers
Yeah thats not being a globalist, I just put that in reference to the dumb comic.
Examples? And why are there still huge companies in Denmark if the high taxes would make them leave?
Because it's extremely easy to do business in Denmark.
Denmark has a low CIT though
Pure capitalism isn't even possible unless you replace people with machines. Pure capitalism doesn't leave room for any kind of leisure or pleasure because all production is for the sake of developing more efficient production.
Replacing God with mammon.
>free market leads to freedom
ayy lmao
Why should they? They have to pay wages reflecting value of the work. If the work's not worth too much why should employer pay more than the work is worth?
And by driving the wages down the prices go down too, making products and services more affordable and therefore making all of us richer. If you can be substituted by illiterate immigrant who can barely speak English and earns like 4 American pesos an hour then maybe you're the problem and not the imigrants.
Yes it does
Inequality rose, but the poverty disappeared, today's poor are richer than middle class used to be. Many jobs are moving offshore, but many new, more technologically advanced are created.
Of being successful and not being lazy tools relying on food stamps
>making all of us richer
Lower wages = less money to spend
Lower prices = revenue doesn't increase because the consumer base has less money to spend, introducing more consumers only drives down the wages more perpetuating this dilemma
Who exactly benefits from this?
>today's poor are richer than middle class used to be
So that hobo who sleeps in a cardboard box is richer than an employed 1950s homeowner?
>endless economic growth in a finite planet
>being this delusional
You know the economy needs an environment to exist in, right? It doesn't support itself.
yee, teleologically regulate the market by using earth system science to allocate resources, labor based theory of value doesn't work, why not use a real world value, like scarcity?
The revolution will breed in the wake of destruction, syndicates are coming and the new market will flourish off the scraps.
Fug, we could just wait 30 million years for favorable conditions to occur again
People who already have money.
Opps a dumbnail
And recently
Find this funny because people always say socialism is redistribution of wealth. Yet this is exactly what is happening now. Plebs in the west have not seen a real wage increase in over 25 years.
Capitalism has not failed.
>Being slave to the whims of some mega-corporation = freedom
of course they are not the same thing, globalism is just a meme created to make free trade look bad