It took me three years to get here. Where do I go from here? How do I make this grow?
It took me three years to get here. Where do I go from here? How do I make this grow?
Other urls found in this thread:
dump it all into Mooncoin is the only answer
go all-in on Blocknet
retire in 2 years
DGB if you want 50K to be 500K in a few short months(year)
Is all your money lazy or do you have more working somewhere?
Banks are useless, put it into something that offers a return.
If you would have buying cryptos during these 3 years, just say only BTC and ETH you will be probably x10 now.
The banks are laughing at you keeping that much money in their accounts
It's all my money. I have no fucking clue where to put it that offers a return.
Any suggestions? Got a Schwab account, should I throw some in an ETF or something?
that's really kind of you not wanting OP to hang himself, but the truth is if he had been buying btc & eth over the past 3 years he'd have more than 100x that.
If you can't be bothered dealing with it just put it in a managed fund. If you know more than the average person on any given industry then trading yourself is a solid option.
All I really know about is computers but that makes trading AMD, Intel, nVidia ect. easy.
If you have never had any investments your best option is to talk to an accountant instead of a chinese cartoon forum.
>make bittrex account, buy bitcoins with half of the money
>hold 50% in bitcoin, 25% in eth and spread the rest in various shitcoins
>hold for weeks/months/years
with the other 50% of your fiat buy physical gold and silver as preparation for a possible crash/racewar/you name it.
if nothing happens, these metals will increase steady in value as time goes by, because of fiat inflation.
u can thank me later when we meet in lamboland.
kek 3 years of this guy's work down the drain in 10 minutes.
>still using buttcoin instead of ETH
Maybe you misunderstood OP's goals?
>49k in your checkings account
Lets see your savings account rates
Because I'm an idiot that can't into bank accounts
The thing is, I want to learn. I just ordered the intelligent investor and hope that would be a decent start
it just means you should never hold money in a ssavings account
at bear minimum it should be held in bonds
2k on XBY. Doubled in the last 28 hours
Congrats user. It took me 1.5 months to get here.
and dump into rdd
Great. Maybe I'll be able to double what I have in a few months time just like you
Very likely that you could see great returns on the coin market. You would have 4x if you bought STRAT on Saturday until now.
With that being said, I would either diversify or do something safer with it. Pay cash for a $50k house that rents for $900 a month and yield over 10% a year after factoring in expenses. Invest in a REIT for short term positions with high yields. Put it in an index and sit back. There are a lot of things you can do depending on your comfort levels.
Buy some RDD and hold for 6~8 months
It will reach 1000 SAT easily once Redd ID comes out
Do some research and get some real estate.
Buying at the top doesn't sound like the best idea
How much do you think I should start with?
>he thinks he can sell any of that xby without crashing the market down 50%
Read it.
I suggest investing the majority of that money long-term into index funds and then having a separate sum you are willing to lose that you invest in the cas..I mean into cryptocurrencies.
>bear minimum
where are you located?
Why not just buy and hold crypto?
Essentially I'll tell you to buy a house, fix out, live in it a year plus, sell or rent it, ... rinse, repeat. There are other details, but that strategy has made more millionaires than anything else.
why not buy 150k house with bank money. Renters pay of mortgage. Sell or cash flow? Seems recession proof. Nearly guaranteed.
what kind of shit home is 150k...
index funds
Please do not listen OP. Don't lose your money.
NYC. There's no way 100k is getting me a house here