This country has never Done anything impressive militarily, what impressive things has it ever done/accomplished?
This country has never Done anything impressive militarily, what impressive things has it ever done/accomplished?
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Nothing. It's THE most disappointing !empire to ever have existed.
We never really needed to
We aren't like France or Germany who spends their history constantly fucking with people
By using technology invented by the Soviet Union
yeah. Stanley Kubrick truly was a visonary film maker :^)
which was technology invented by Germans
but if we include "melting pot" cases we will be here forever
>This country has never Done anything impressive militarily
First atomic bomb?
>becomes globally dominant by doing literally nothing
are you guys out in the rest of the world even trying?
By using technology from Germany
That's the way you do it. You can't let one guy turtle on a continent for two centuries while you fight over Europe and Asia. They're just going to build up a doomstack and stomp you.
Which is why we have to do something about Australia.
You mean Germany?
Defeating the 1990s Iraqi army, which was the worlds fourth largest army, in 100 hours was probably the only thing I'm mildly impressed by.
t. American
BTFOing imperial Japan
True that the US actually did most of the work there, but Japan was relatively backwards and nowhere close to an equal power
>having military bases across the world
>you can speculate all you want on the space race, but the fact that America was able to compete with ussr and pump out new technologies is impressive to me.
>they havent done much militarily yet, thank god, but its impressive that they COULD end the world
My friend, my friend.
Do you not know the real enemy?
Then why are we sitting here discussing America as one of the premier nuclear powers of the Earth and not Germany?
All technology and science is built on the backs of others. Credit goes to the person who made the final steps.
Gave us Disney, without which there would be no anime.
>drive out your own people with fascism
>call it "using technology from x" when they join the other side to subvert you
>seriously implying Germany was anything close to the bomb by 1945
>Then why are we sitting here discussing America as one of the premier nuclear powers of the Earth and not Germany?
Germany could quite easily build a nuclear arsenal if they wanted to, they don't want to.
And America could build 20,000 ICBMs on top of the ones it currently has active if it wanted to; it's not a matter of potential its a matter of achievements and the US has achieved more in the way of warfare than any other country on the planet.
You don't get to bitch it got it "unfairly" or whatever pedantic excuse you want to come up with for why the US trounces your country in comparison, the fact is life is unfair. Get over it.
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was pretty impressive
Any developed country could build as many ICBMs as they want to. The reasons they don't are entirely political.
You quickly degenerated from any semblance of attempting to make a serious point to just shitposting.
It's like a western Japan but fatter, both people and country.
>Any developed country could build as many ICBMs as they want to.
Britain has a hard time maintaining the ICBM force they already have.
>Britain has a hard time maintaining the ICBM force they already have.
The British discussion over whether to maintain an ICBM force revolves around how many millions they want to spend a year.
Like any developed country if they had the political will to do so they could just spend a few billion a year and build up a massive ICBM force.
They don't because they have better things to spend the money on,
Let's see, first to nuclear weapons, this is probably the biggest one.
>This country has never Done anything impressive militarily
USA is objectively the greatest and most impressive state in the history of human existance.
t. non-American
No other country in history has accomplished so much in less than 300 years. While from a military standpoint, the US has never had many impressive victories over other countries (because they never had to), America has used their advantages in pretty much every other realm to become the dominant world power.
US economic strength in history is unparalleled by any other region on earth. No other country has been as important to the world economy as the US. Not to mention that the US military pretty much guarantees the free flow of shipping in international trade.
Since the 1950s, the United States has been the premier nation in scientific exploration and discovery.
The explosive population growth of the United States, mostly from immigration, has lead to the US becoming massive in population, and the US was able to support that population all the way through.
American diplomacy has probably been the most effective since Bismarck (up until recent decades). The US has put forth diplomats, most notably Henry Kissinger (despite being of German origin), who have emerged as champions in the diplomatic arena allowing the US to become the world power it is today.
What America has accomplished is unparalleled in history, and while geography may have not granted them opportunity for major military victories, the US has made itself dominant in pretty much very other realm only to make itself the most powerful military force by far in modern times.
Mobilize one of the worls largest army overseas. War is all about logistics and no one is better at it than america.
Projecting a fully mechanized 4+ million man army, navy, and air force over 3,000 miles of ocean and annihilating a multi-million man army upon getting there, sweeping through western Europe with a casualty ratio of 6:1 in only ten months. While, at the same time, fighting the largest air war in history, bankrolling all their allies, and fighting the largest naval war in history on the other side of the planet.
Objectively, there is only one military achievement in human history that even comes close or possibly surpasses it.
First war shows up after war already over when there were millions of dead on both sides and declares themselves sole victor.
Second war, shows up late and ignores the tens of millions of Soviets dead and claims victory all by themselves again.
>relatively backwards
were they relatively backwards when they had the 2nd largest navy in the world or when they BTFO the British and Americans early in the war?
>Promptly end two World Wars soon after entering them
Whew lad
War is only over when one side quits, and the other side decides to accept surrender; or when one side is completely incapable of waging war and monarchs or politicians are apprehended. Americans were late because it wasnt their problem, but built up their army, navy, and supplies because they knew it eventually would be.
Germans only surrendered to Allies out of spite to the Soviets.
Same thing for the Japanese.
The abombs gave them an excuse to surrender to the allies after the Soviets wrecked their million man army in only a few weeks in Manchuria.
Create the most powerful state in human history
Pic unrelated
>operation overlord
>not impressive
but it still wouldnt have happened unless they got spanked. if Normandy was a failed invasion, if the navy didnt push through the Pacific, if...
Soviets still would have beat Germany if Normandy failed.
Maybe 1946, but it would have still happened.
Except that France and West Germany would be Communist.
>By using technology invented by the Soviet Union
The nature of being so isolated from the rest of the world doesn't introduce much of a possibility for "epic" struggles like the eastern theater of WW2. But we've still had some impressive campaigns in the Pacific and essentially own this hemisphere. What more could we ask for given the constraints.
What if Japan could have followed through with their invasion of Siberia and the USSR would have never had those critical 20 Siberian divisions to reroute to defend the Moscow region
what if Lend Lease hadn't bought their production time while they were moving all of their factories east?
who knows
Talk about a country with a really, really ancient history that has never accomplished anything of military note other than fucking themselves over and over
beaten by Japs, beaten by Viets, beaten by Mongolians, beaten by European missionaries and expeditionaries, every single meme that wanders into China beats their shit in
a child sitting alone in a sandpit can build quicker and better a sandcastle than a child which has to share his sandpit with other children.
Japanese infantry combat doctrine was backwards as fuck and stuck in the 19th century. If America had fought the armies in Manchuria the blowout would have been monumental.
While their navy was one of the best and they gained several impressive victories early in the war US naval doctrine quickly outpaced them and turned their most powerful vessels into jokes.
That's not even close to true. Germany would bankrupt itself trying to maintain 20,000 ICBMs. Most countries on the planet are incapable of making ANY ICBMs at all, let alone hundreds, let alone thousands.
I seriously doubt Germany could make more than a few hundred ICBMs in its current state without outside assistance. It's far more than a matter of money, as you so foolishly assume. Very much of maintaining ICBMs is material science which Germany is not only behind in, but not attempting to pursue with much vigor at all, if any.
enjoy living a meme faggot
The US did fight the Japanese Army on the mainland and did blow them out pretty hard.
All in all the Japanese lost over a million men killed fighting just the US, while the US suffered 160k dead in comparison.
Japan was the second worst performing "modern" country in WW2, only Italy had a worse track record. China did fare quite horribly, which is where most of Japan's great victories come from after all, but when large parts of your armies are fighting with literal bamboo pikes I think it's best if you just ignore them when talking about pathetic performance.
The Kwantung Army wasn't even at full strength by the time the Soviets finally entered into the war. I'm not really trying to undersell the Soviet invasion of Manchuria here, it was well executed and displayed just how far the Soviets had come, but it was the equivalent of a 17 year old roid monkey kicking over a sand castle.
The Kwantung Army was at half strength, lacking in armor, aircraft, heavy weaponry, trucks, food, ammunition, anti aircraft, ships. It was just a husk, an army in name only. The Soviets didn't even fight the major troop concentrations, the Army was so immobile and under equipped they simply drove around any significant troop buildups because the Japanese had absolutely no ability to counterattack.
It just wasn't a fair fight in any way, shape or form. Russia was a juggernaut at the time, a real superpower. And Japan just was not. Not at all, never anything close to it. It was barely even a regional power, Japan only achieved success due to everyone else in the region being even more pathetic. As soon as Britain and the US sent in actual armies on a war path Japan just crumbled.
I seriously doubt that the Kwantung Army could have ever held in the face of a Soviet invasion past 1943. Even assuming the Kwantung Army stays at peak strength instead of being gutted to fill in losses in the Pacific and China, they still get steamrolled if you ask me.
The soviets also lost the most troops of any country in the world fighting at the time. the only reason it didnt fall was because stalin knew hitler wanted Moscow and diverged all the soviet might to stall the advance until the allies pressed forward enough to make the germans divert their attention to the west
ICBMs are more a matter of scientific and economic achievement. No country has ever launched one for militaristic purposes. Militaristic achievement should be measured by strategic and tactical success
I didn't use combat on the islands as an example because of the typical defense that they were under-supplied/nourished. The IJA just sucked all around.
Chinks don't get to brag about their army when they got fucking BTFO by Viets who were still recovering from the royal assrape the US had unleashed on them.
Wow, a bombing picture I've never seen before!
Any idea where this came from?
>by Germans
>who is Robert Goddard
>Japanese infantry combat doctrine was backwards as fuck and stuck in the 19th century.
t. person who never studied the IJA outside of memes.
The IJA's doctrine emphasized night attacks, very well-trained light infantry with lots of initiative given to lower level commanders, and concentrated armored assaults rather than parsed infantry support platforms. Its doctrine was considerably more modenr than France or Britain's for the first half of the war. Until 1942 (when standards advanced rapidly) their equipment wasn't particularly bad either. In fact, even throughout the war their light AT guns, mortars, and mountain artillery were praised by the Allies for excellent quality.
There was a reason that the Soviets themselves thought that the Japanese could BTFO their Far Eastern Front in 1941-1942 with rough numerical parity. And the Red Army of the time was frankly better than the French or British armies of 1939-1940.
The IJA's performance in those islet battles was great. Completely outnumbered and outgunned with very limited resources, against an enemy with complete air and naval superiority, they almost always managed to nearly break even on casualties taken to casualties inflicted.
>which is where most of Japan's great victories come from after all, but when large parts of your armies are fighting with literal bamboo pikes I think it's best if you just ignore them when talking about pathetic performance.
The 700,000-strong Chinese army that was engaged at Shanghai and Nanjing, particularly the German-trained core, was more or less an actual army rather than a ragtag militia force. Same with the 250,000-strong Chinese army that fought at Northern Burma and Western Yunnan, which was trained, equipped, and partly led by the Americans and even received a few hundred tanks via LL.
Is this image true?
>US has achieved more in the way of warfare
Not warfare. But military technology. They are not one and the same.
US military technology is mind-fucking-blowing
US warfare is so-so
>US warfare is so-so
How so?
>Soviets wrecked their million man army in only a few weeks in Manchuria
Literally never happened. Their army in Manchuria was still combat capable after the surrender. Also, the fighting only lasted 11 days.
they surrendered because the Americans had BTFO their navy and enacted a blockade and their country was literally starving.
You're going to have to define your terms.
Because on a tactical and operational level, the US is very, very good.
It's just that when you get to the strategic level, you start to run into the retards Americans elect to run things.
Like, the actual invasion of Iraq was a marvel. The US managed to invade a country with a military three times the size of their invasion force. They deliberately kept their invasion force to 100,000 men so that the buildup could be camoflaged until Bush gave the final ultimatum.
Then the US managed to bypass most of the Iraqi military, take Baghdad with like a regiment of dudes, and conquer the country in only four weeks with only a few hundred KIA.
The US carried the entire northern flank of their invasion with nothing but air strikes and some ODAs embedded with the local Kurd militias.
It's just that invading Iraq was a retarded thing to do on a strategic level, the actual execution of that retarded move was spectacularly well done. This is a pattern you find in many US wars.
>BTFOing imperial Japan
They were BTFO by the USSR much earlier
They're also probably the Western military with the most NCO's with actual combat experience, which can be invaluable.
Japs were BTFO
Unfortunately, the US has been losing talent very quickly as the military goes back to peacetime mode.
NCOs have higher pay grades, higher pay grades cost money.
Hopefully pre-sequestration military funding and SecDef Mattis will stem the bleeding.
>They were BTFO by the USSR much earlier
>Talk about a country with a really, really ancient history that has never accomplished anything of military note other than fucking themselves over and over
That is true..from one perspective.
From the other perspective - civiizations like China or India had such a huge population and such a huge landmass that they actually had everything they wanted. They didnt have any need to expand their borders outside their natural realm.
And yes they got repeatedly conquered by outsiders..but their huge populations always ensured at the end of the day the conquerors were assimilated and became one of them rather than remaining distinct.
Just surviving for 4000+ years with their civilizations relatively intact is in itself a HUGE achievement. How many other civilizations have managed that ? Not many. Infact other than these two, none really.
>implying unified Chinese or Indian cultures are anywhere near 4,000 years old
I bet you think the Xia Dynasty happened.
in what way is the present PRC in any way similiar to all the other chinese dynasties?
how good is America when it comes to science and technology?
Pretty good.
>engage the absolute dregs of an already depleted army
>have a two-fold advantage in men and multi-fold advantages in every form of materiel
>have drastically superior technology as all half-passable equipment is not being given to the dregs
>15-30% combat effectiveness per enemy division of is literally the norm
>attack with your own handpicked best troops
>still somehow get a bloody nose, don't even obtain a 2-1 casualty ratio, lose hundreds of tanks, have your advances checked in numerous areas as their main army is withdrawn to defensive redoubts, entire divisions literally run out of fuel and have to stop advancing as they are left stranded in the middle of nowhere
>"lel we btfo you"
soviet nuthuggers really are desperate huh. are they going to pull out Khalkin Gol as if it was an impressive performance next?
Depending on who you ask, like 8 of the top 10 universities in the world are in the US.
Apparently the Chinese figured out how to file patents at some point during 2016 though.
For the like hundred years before that the US led the world in patent applications.
Would you guys say America is the most technologically advanced country in the world right now?
As much as people on the internet like to meme about Mississippi as if its indicative of the entire US, the fact is the US is still the world leader in most everything, from medicine to computers to genetics research.
And if not the leader, then certainly on par with other countries.
Although a lot of the scientific community exists beyond borders already, so it's a bit odd to compare "science" between countries with so much of the Western world, and even the East, working together.
US does fund the biggest chunk of scientific spending of course, and that's the most defining metric when you get right down to it.
Well, it has the second highest labor productivity of any country on earth.
It probably produced the most new technology.
It depends on how you quantify it, really.
The PRC's record is pretty good in all honesty. From its guerrilla war against Japan, to defeating the larger and better equipped Nationalists, to the first few months of the Korean War where they routed an enemy with several times their firepower via pure skill, to the quick curb-stomp that was the Sino-Indian War.
What does that have to do with that anons question?
>by using technology from Germany
Just because Einstein wrote a letter to FDR doesn't mean that the Manhattan project was German in origin. Nearly every notable person involved was American. Hell, one was even a fucking woman.
To be fair though America would not of been the economic powerhouse it is without slavery and black labor
mistake, wasn't meant to quote anyone. Was responding to the general meme that the Chinese suck at war.
Not to mention how the German nuclear weapons effort used an entirely different method of producing weaponized uranium iirc
quite ebin
Who was the woman?
>where they routed an enemy with several times their firepower via pure skill
The early 50s isn't 21st century warfare.
Air support was only available when there was good weather, and it wasn't nearly as good as modern PGM air support.
Most of Korea isn't tank country, and it was a pain in the ass to get artillery anywhere.
Most of the fighting in Korea was infantry, and the Chinese won the infantry fighting by weight of numbers.
This is incidentally the last time anyone managed to rout a US army, which is admittedly impressive.
>America would not of been the economic powerhouse it is without slavery and black labor
Slavery was an inherently inefficient economic system for everyone but a handful of aristocrats, the USA boomed after getting rid of it. Its economic strength always came from the north.
Australia is constantly gimped by drop bears, gasoline sniffing abos, coal magnates, and shitty beer. We have nothing to worry about. It's like trying to go for a Technological Victory, but your culture just lets you down every fucking time.
The US did manage to eke out a slight lead over the commies in terms of air to air combat.
Why are Americans still fat though