>tfw be a deified holy figure reincarnated for thousands of years only to become a smiley shiteating tool of US foreign policy
What is the shittest religion and why is it Buddhism?
>tfw be a deified holy figure reincarnated for thousands of years only to become a smiley shiteating tool of US foreign policy
What is the shittest religion and why is it Buddhism?
>claims he is the Buddha incarnate
>Gautama Buddha could teleport and do all kinds of shit through meditation
>can't do none of that
It's so embarassing, like someone claiming he's the second coming of Christ and not being able to so much as turn water into booze.
>Buddha reincarnated
Buddhas don't reincarnate, that's the whole definition of Nirvana.
>implying all Buddhists listen to him
He's only significant to a sect of Vajrayana Buddhism. Most Buddhists are just apathetic to him and some consider him a heretic.
>claims he is the Buddha incarnate
He doesn't. The Dalai Lama is supposed to be the incarnation of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, not Guatama Buddha.
I swear to god amerifats think anyone with a nice smile is a saint
Retard alert
>be the leader of a theocratic dictatorship where 99% of population were slaves and brutal punishments such as cutting off limbs were common
>chinese liberate the country and bring order and prosperity to its people
>spend next half of century why screaming about muh chinese oppression and accepting generous donations from rich westerner idiots
>claims he is the Buddha incarnate, Gautama Buddha
No, a line of tulku succession starting with Pema Dorje as an emanation of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
>Buddhas don't reincarnate
>Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
But the fact is that both the Theravada and the Mahayana unanimously accept the Bodhisattva ideal as the highest...Although the Theravada holds that anybody can be a Bodhisattva, it does not stipulate or insist that all must be Bodhisattva which is considered not practical.
>The Dalai Lama is supposed to be the incarnation of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara
Oh, I guess that settles it then, huh?
All bodhisattva have attained all four jhanas and are capable of teleportation and other powers according to Buddhist scriptures.
Yeah, right.
The Dalai Lama is an impostor.
He probably eats dog chops when nobody is looking.
Uh...maybe dog doesn't taste so bad.
Just saying, you know.
Just saying.
Dog is tasty af, mate.
Pork tastes really good.
>Pigs really ARE almost identical to humans, say scientists
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It is almost as if, the closer the species is to the human species, the tastier it is. Just saying, you know.
Just saying.
t. Xiao Ping
Nice non-biased opinion, Deng
He isn't the leader of buddhism, fuck off.
I mean, he's certainly the leader of the Gelug school of Vajrayana Buddhism.
Buddhism is a meme pacifist religion like Jainism.
Sikhism is the only religion I can respect because it isn't blatantly hypocritical.
Which sect of Buddhism is better? Theravada or Mahayana?
Theravada isn't so caught up in ritual, however its drawback is people being civil only to accumulate merit for themselves.
Mahayana is much more for the prosperity of their fellow men, however, the justification for their compassion is divine intervention from the bodhisattvas, leaving them a vulnerable society.
Dude Theravada is the only Buddhist sect left. Mahayana is to Buddhism what Santeria and Umbanda are to Christianity.
Depends on what kind of experience you're looking for. Theravada is the more "Pure" version I guess in that it's pretty much focused on improving yourself through your own effort, but it can feel more like a philosophy than a religion. Mahayana on the other hand feels more like other religions in that the Bodhisattvas act as saints/deities and can be prayed to to assist people. It also is the version that tended to syncretize with local beliefs.
Hey 小粉红,working overtime to get your 50 mao from the Communist Youth League eh?
They can if they choose to. Buddha literally left an orgy once to reincarnate into a tribe of monkeys being hunted for their pelts
The Burmese one where they fight muslims.
That's just being practical
tfw u only made 3 yuan per shillpost