It's me. I've been thinking about the BAT situation. The way I see it, there are two ways this can go. Lets do some simple math...
Half of this now ~180M market cap is owned by 4 guys and they can't dump anywhere - market cap is effectively cut in half to ~80M with ~190 random guys holding it.
effectively each guy on that half we could say is holding about $500,000. This would be incredibly hard to dump anywhere, even for just one of them. That's what, 200 BTC not accounting for the price lowering from dumping, still a huge volume from ONE of these shit heads.
This leads to a scenario where the price right now is the actual price from the whales locking it out and the original ICO prices and market cap calculations and predictions are in effect totally nullified and buying right now would not mean very much. The problem with this is that the market cap would, you could say, be ~160M at ICO, a terrible start, 10x needs a 1.6 BILLION DOLLAR market cap. 100x on 160M in the current crypto market, consider that a pipe dream... so that is a flaw to this possible scenario.
But, this also means that if a single one of these 200 guys decides to cash out, most likely on a popular exchange where it would have the users and volume to be able to dump 200+ BTC, the price is tanking to probably just about ICO, maybe 2x. This is the other scenario.
What do my anons think of this? I've been following BAT and making threads on it for months now and I want opinions on what I'm saying here from other smartanons. This is what I think the landscape is.
no shitposters, retards asking easily googled questions etc etc.. you will be hidden. definitely not here to play daddy and spoonfeed you noobie information.
BAT will make a shit load of money long term. The team is pretty stellar, and they have a ton of backing, including an advisor from Coinbase. You can worry about it dropping when it hits the exchanges etc, but if you buy and hodl long term you will probably see 100x increase easy by EOY
Jackson Wright
God, Op honestly just explained why you are probably not even going to see 10x and you are spouting 100x. Go die pls
Bentley Roberts
tfw expecting neets on biz to not be retarded shills
Aaron Baker
If we said 100x at the real ICO price, then I guess in 1-2 years anything is possible and the crypto market cap could be much higher with loads of coins having multi-billion dollar market caps. If we're talking at this current price going 100x, that's clearly very hard to believe.
To say that, you'd HAVE to assume all of these other constituents:
BTC and/or ETH, assuming their still in their top positions, would more than likely also be in the multi-billions, probably hundreds of billions. Right now, that's totally ridiculous and if you told everyone that the crypto market is going to have a market cap of 1+ TRILLION, people would start going nuts
The US digital ad industry in 2016 was worth about 70B. With what you're saying, the entire digital advertising industry would have to be on board with Basic Attention Token. Of course, this is leaving out things such as the efficiencies of BAT possibly lowering that, and the speculation of the token itself, but it still shows how far BAT would have to go for this 100x scenario to be realized.
Even the smallest whales will be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the top whales, billions. Not to say that isn't possible, but we cannot determine whether or not they would dump and crash the entire thing at any point for any period of time.
This is why I think that is not happening anytime soon. I cannot say that I am totally unbiased as I don't think anyone can be, as I obviously didn't get my hands on any BAT at the ICO and unless it's a very small world I doubt any of those 200 guys are in this thread, so we are all the same boat right now.
Christian Scott
If you think the crypto market is based on logic or any sort of actual financial analysis, you're not paying attention. BAT is rare, people want it, and once it hits the exchanges, it will explode. Maybe 100x isn't realistic, but it's trading for about $.16 right now, once it hits a major exchange, it will get up to $1 pretty quickly, and honestly $5 doesn't seem unreasonable
Daniel Cruz
YOU are illogical, Bat is not RARE, People DON'T want it...
Noah Cook
BAT will only become interesting if more people have some. Idiowhales bought up everything and there's now what ... 5 guys owning the whole supply.
Have fun trying to trade that.
Jose Brown
OP makes the mistake of thinking that total marketcap for crypto isn't going to go up by much.
Brayden Torres
>people intelligent enough to use some weird shitcoin-based web browser >people stupid enough to not use an adblocker pick one