Why is Monarchism the superior form of government?
Why is Monarchism the superior form of government?
Theocracy is better desu.
Because I'll be the King.
Libertarian dude looks fun to hang out with.
Monarchism has a good aesthetic though, so I'm on board.
Monarchism is absolute garbage. Even if you throw aside all moral and ethical arguments against kingship, vesting extreme power in somebody chosen by birth alone is incredibly dangerous. Decades of grand strategy and development can be thrown out the window if you get a Kaiser Wilhelm.
Literally garbage-tier
because it puts literal retards in power
His reign was good though.
You're literally just insulting him because he looks funny, which funnily enough would be enough for him to lose a democratic election regardless of ability.
>his reign was good
He didn't govern anything though. He was a drooling imbecile. And if he was a bit less of an imbecile, he could've done massive damage.
Your argument is idiotic.
Based monarchist
still better than king barack hussein
>it was his advisors arguments
Shit argument, you can literally write of any ruler you don't like by saying 'it was his advisors'.
His reign was good, so he is a terrible example of the failures of monarchy.
Go away, Achmed.
Pantheocracy is even better.
Because you fantasize about being the king.
It's not a shit argument when he almost certainly didn't participate in the rule.
I mean, are you retarded?
Was he in any way necessary for those who ruled in his name?
>Guys monarchy is bad and this is why
>*Posts picture of a monarch with an excellent reign*
>Oh yeah well I bet that it was just the people that the monarchy put into power so there! Monarchists btfo
No I don't
>Guys I'm totally 100% sure that the King didn't have any power
>I know this because _____
so you fantasize about being a cuck, even worse tbqh
>implying I won't be littlefinger
Go back to pol you drumpfie
>ad cuck
Not an argument.
>decide to go to the lego shop for build a minfig
>pleasantly surprised as it was £4.99 for three, I thought it would be more since I only knew the dollar princes
>decent part selection, loads of white ruff pieces I've wanted for ages
who /smallvictories/ here?
You can easily overthrow a kingdom but overthrowing a republic is hard as what we can see today.
>think someone other than yourself should be in power
>making you a cuck
isn't democracy a phenomenally cucked system then?
>hereditary monarchy is the only kind of monarchy there is
>Current year
>Not rating Charlie "the economist"
But he participated a lot.He chose very qualified people from the lower nobility which was pretty rare back then and he liked poetry and reading a lot. Most people that lived with him had a good opinion of him and his wife loved him a lot and got depressed because she couldn't give him a heir.All the memes that you listen about Charlie come from Louis XIV propaganda. When Phillip the V inherited Spain he was surprised of how well of Charlie left the kingdom
>boy, sure do I wish someone could get to have complete power over me, my resources and everything else around me without having to have done anything besides being born in the right family!
>monarchist has goiter neck
>monarchist has no eyebrows
>monarchist has combover to hide his receding hairline
you did this to yourself
>boy, sure do I wish someone could get to have complete power over me, my resources and everything else around me
That's not how monarchy has worked historically.
>boy, sure do I wish someone could get to have complete power over me, my resources and everything else around me
>That's not how monarchy has worked historically.
t. someone who doesn't know how monarchy has worked historically
>Monarchism has a good aesthetics
>Believing in equality
Get fucked genetic garbage.
>current year 225
>being a monarchist