Give me some low iq ( literally not figuratively) leaders from history.
Low iq leaders
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Most African leaders I assume
Racist. Most Africans are just as smart as everyone else is.
Pol pot
haha jk guys. Time to go back to my home in reddit.
In 2004 when George W Bush was running for reelection against democratic challenger John Kerry, Kerry played up the idea that he was the "sophisticated intellectual" coming to return sanity to the White House after the invasion of Iraq.
Then everyone found out that not only did Kerry get worse grades in college, he also had an IQ that was lower than Bush's.
>low IQ
The guy is famous here for being a classicist and popular historian. The fuck is wrong with you? Just because his persona is that of a floppy haired tit doesn't mean he actually is one.
Im not dissing him but his iq is literally in the high 70s.
I really dislike this fuck but that's virtually impossible to be true
So when are we going to admit that IQ is a giant meme that means nothing? Its like HDI
Most monarchs.
If you said his iq was in the high 90s, I might've taken you seriously for a second.
You got greedy trying to make him look bad, and ended up looking dumb yourself.
>My iq might be shit, but I'm a different kind of genius :)
That's Boris Johnson.
>I took an online IQ test and got a high score and derive my self worth from it! despite never actually accomplishing anything
>Even though we all knew that the electoral college elects the president, and not the mere majority; I'll still slander the guy who won as illegitimate, although I wouldn't if Hillary Clinton won by the same means.
>Oxford-educated historian versus autistic shitposter who doesn't know how to use apostrophes.
The classic "no u" response, calling card of low-IQ proles everywhere.
Tbf Hillary isn't a literal Hitler KGB deep cover agent that was born in Russia and takes all of his orders from Putin.
Trump is like a smart person, he doesn't pay taxes.
Its okay, with a little bit of extra effort anyone can accomplish great things.
>implying that him graduating with history degree instead of something useful like business or law isn't a proof of his idiocy
I like how the ideas of "a foreign country stealing/manufacturing votes in specific states so that a particular candidate could win" and "a foreign country trying to keep bad news about one candidate off the Internet, while spreading smears another" both now go under "hacking the election".
I mean PBS must've hacked the election when they put out that ultimate puff piece on HRC in September
Not really from history but Justin Trudeau is of the intellectual level of a valley girl.
>2:1 from Oxford
>low IQ
Charles the Simple
Kerry has the Hapsburg chin
I don't understand how anyone can look at dubya and not consider him of below average intelligence.
Also anyone remember /pol/ last summer before the debates when they claimed Trump would come out as a William F. Buckley tier intellectual to btfo Shillary? lol
the African Development proves that.
And don´t try to waste your time with the structural violence argument...
>History teacher
Came here to post this
Nobody claimed he would come across as smart, but he still completely BTFO'd her.
Stay mad, we president now
How the fuck has this not devolved into a Carlos II thread?
well, consider me impressed
I miss goergie. I always found his retardation endearing, and I wasn't particularly bothered by his policies given that I'm not a yank.
Whenever I think about the president of the united states and the US in general, I will always think of George Walker Bush.
No he's president, not you. You're in the same boat as everyone else who's not part of the big club.
kys cuck
Nuh-uh, Trump is a billionare with jewish connections who cares about the little man!
>Doesn't understand memes
I never claimed to be part of that. Also, I am not American but I can certainly laugh at all the left wing butthurt.
>smart people only want the best for their nation
>PBS must've hacked the election when they put out that ultimate puff piece on HRC in September
Link to example?
Trump whooped on H Clinton in 2/3 debates
this guy looks pretty retarded
a literal thug that sees nothing wrong with murdering people just because they may or may not be criminals
>Home in Reddit
Like grades in college and IQ says much about a persons leadership and such?! When we haven't even discover how the brain fully works/ functions. Ignorance? Perhaps?
Is MAGA filtered or something? That would be great again.
My history teacher told us about Pol pot at the beginning of year.
He never had any problems in that class.
Yeah but he's having a greater positive effect than any other retards who were in power in the Flip-o-pines
really makes you think :^)
This fuck
Maybe with a little bit of extra effort you can actually fucking speak English correctly? It's "it's" and 'I'm"
I like your command
>I wirr decrare war on the entire worrd.
Boris Johnson knows Latin, Greek, French, German, and is Oxbridge educated in history. The man knows more than you ever will.
Maybe they are, but in Africa education isn't available for as much like in western developed countries. So there is one thing this other social problem that's accuring around the globe. Power makes curruption. And than you have this thing that makes it even stronger, a huge difference between poor and rich.
You do know Boris knows multiple languages. No UK politician is stupid, they just pretend they are so the public don't know what they're up to.
>muh IQ!
the response of someone who has accomplished dick in his life.
Very few leaders have IQ test results published, it's all retarded estimations based on their education.
No. You clearly don't know anything about him beside the fact that he got tricked by the Prussians. His reign was the most prosperous era of the XIXth century for the french.
This guy : he didn't even tried to be smart, he just sat in his "palace", killing his ministers
Bush and bill a cute. A CUTE
Soviet leader Khruschev couldnt write.
When will having a Mensa-level be at last mandatory to be part of a government?
well, not following the basic human rights usually deliver results pretty quickly
having people killed by deathsquads without any kind of trials may help reducing the crime rates (obviously excluding murder from the crime list) but i think ultimately the cons surpass the pros by a long margin
He is a literal retard.
Sima Zhong was a literal retard whose mental disability combined with the plotting of his ultra-cunt wife and uncles effectively killed the Jin dynasty only a generation or two after it was founded. People kept telling his father "HOLY SHIT YOUR SON IS A RETARD PLEASE DON'T KEEP HIM AS HEIR HE'LL RUIN EVERYTHING" and he didn't because that would mean legitimizing his brother and oh no that means possible plotting.
Yeah, Bush never really struck me as dumb. Being an awkward goof and a shitty leader does not a dumbass make. Jefferson was an awkward ginger autist after all.
Relevant, I guess.
He was a terrible President and neocon puppet whose one moment of good leadership was undone by most everything else. The immediate aftermath of 9/11 was good and I honestly think Gore would've been worse; America needed the kind of comfort that someone who came off as a folksy everyman (even if, of course, he was from the most elite of political famlies) could provide. But that was negated by Iraq, most of the rest of the presidency and Katrina which is one of the shittiest examples of leadership I've ever seen, really only outdone by Obama (especially Obama playing golf while Louisiana was getting flooded).
I do kind of miss his goofy bullshit and it was nice to have a bit of the ol' Dubya back with that moment but I also appreciate that, having been a deeply divisive president, he's largely fucked off since the end of his administration something that I don't see Obama doing sadly.
It's almost as if shitty states require a strong man or some level of authoritarianism to right them.
>he's largely fucked off since the end of his administration something that I don't see Obama doing sadly.
That's a partisan thing. Republicans tend to fuck off, Democrats tend to remain politically active.
Because every star-eyed half-decent-looking Midwest cheerleader comes here looking to become an actor, and we have a ton of Black people and Mexicans, you won't see that in The OC or 90210.
> I should appoint my horse as consul
Nero was the last one
I think this post summarizes best how I feel about Bush (and Obama). What a fucking character.
that might have been a unsubtle dig at the senate, though.
Don't conflate knowing several languages or school-specific education as having practical intelligence. The man plays the fool so he can get away with making underhanded or controversial statements but he is a deeply disreputable individual. the EU ref showed this not only for his Brutus level treachery toward Cameron but his wholly self-centred support for the EU exit not only broke the conservative part in half but placed the nation is deep political and future economic uncertainty. He's not as incompetent as that spastic Gove, but he really is a devious, conceited politician.
When he wanted to focus on the issues he was decent (Iraq Surge, for example). Otherwise he just let his retarded cabinet bully him into stupid decisions.
>Otherwise he just let his retarded cabinet bully him into stupid decisions.
I think that outside of the Iraq War and a few things like banking deregulation that'd help his family out he just DGAF and let the cabinet do whatever, not that they outright bullied him.
>Boris Johnson
>Low IQ
You have low IQ if you think that. The man acts like a buffoon for popularity, literally anybody can see that.
He's one of the most dangerous men in politics for the simple reason that everybody thinks he's the opposite.
Only people who read The Sun think he's an idiot "LOL Boris has wacky hair, he's such a fool, he doesn't know what he's doing!"
He was a shit president but I don't think he meant any harm, he was just doing as he was told.
Everything I've read about him seems to suggest that he was (and still is) a genuinely nice guy who unfortunately became a puppet for neo-cons.
so true
>Most Africans are just as smart as everyone else is.
>muh magical evolution of cognition meme
Never, because what you say isn't true. IQ is pretty well established as at least meaning something non-trivial about general-domain intelligence.
>Who's Thomas Sankara
You do realize that he was goofing off in that picture right?
If you honestly think he is below average intelligence than you are the fucking idiot. Now, he isn't a genius, and he isn't as smart as his dad, who was legitimately fucking smart, nor his brother, but the dude isn't below average.
He was a terrible public speaker though.
That's because republicans tend to have decent family lives, better sex, and loyal, traditional wives.
Democrats feel empty inside, have hyper-fem, nagging wives, and become under-sexed as they age.
>OP says 'most'
>user cites a single person like it refutes OP's statement
I think we found the retard.
Stuff like this just shows he doesn't take himself too serious like other stuck-up politicians.
Boris came out as pro-Leave from the very start. There was no 'deviousness' at all.
Intelligent people know Latin and Greek. This has been known for millennia.
>Brutus level treachery towards Cameron
It wasn't treachery. He's always disliked Cameron, ever since they were at school together.
Well I expect in his heart of hearts he actually is relatively Remain, but he could see where the winds of change were blowing and he's no fool. It's too late for him to turn back now anyway.