Can the rise of the right in the western world be explained by the boredom from the peace and lack of struggle brought around by our liberal societies?
Can the rise of the right in the western world be explained by the boredom from the peace and lack of struggle brought...
No, it's literally just because of the 2008 financial crisis
No, it has to do with the good times brought around by our liberal societies ending.
>lack of struggle
Francis are you drunk?
Tbh West is boring to live in. There is nothing to live for. No bigger picture or anything. Just consume sleep eat and die
Yes, if you're a slack-jawed simpleton with no imagination and a need for hand-holding.
No, it's just a reaction to mass migration and the threat of demographic replacement.
Without niggers and shitskins the European working class would still be voting for the Social Democrats.
the right-left dichotomy is practically meaningless without defining it.
So when you say "rise of the right" what exactly do you mean?
so much this
Reminder it doesn't matter if Africa's population reaches 5 billion. Africa is a huge continent and room exist for all those people. So long as Europeans don't let them into their countries it won't make difference what the African population is.
I hear you user. Accrue wealth, consume, die. No struggle outside of poverty. I can't distinguish days other than work vs non-work days.
You guys can choose to devout yourself to a religion or some higher cause.
>So long as Europeans don't let them into their countries it won't make difference what the African population is
Europe doesn't have enough will do deny them entrance.
>rise of the right in the western world
They're as "rightist" as the intellectuals from the french revolution.
We're just fresh out of the post-modernist era.
And it's showing. Post-irony, post-truth, the rejection of the monopolised
trivialisation of micro and macro concepts by a few individuals who feel themselves elitist. No more acceptance of the definition those elites hold on "Progress". Doubt in the elites, doubt of the elites. Doubts of the current economic system, doubts on the current global economic system of capitalism
Mass impulsive hysteria against empirical or critical thinking reflected in a post-truist fashion. No more ideals, no more idealistic futures, no more certainty on the future itself. History is now being rejected as being linear. Everything is cause and affect now.
Trump, Brexit, the uncertainty of the European Union.
Welcome to the era that succeeds post-modernism, gentlemen. What a time to alive.
You poor masochistic fucks, always needing "struggle" to stay motivated. Why don't you "struggle" to be the best at tying knots with your tongue, or if that requires too much of your time, read a book. Learn a new language. At least a little bit at a time. Even if you forget it later. Do something with your brainpower, or your body. Something. Anything. ANYTHING YOU WANT.
You can DEVOTE yourself to mastering the English language, cripple.
Nope, it can be explained by mass immigration from brown people and the violence they bring with them
Maybe they'll have terminator robot armies to stop the invasion. Otherwise, yeah, they will have an average age of 70, what will the old fucks do, throw their walking sticks at the niggers?
China might provide a solution for the nigger problem, but the trade off is that Europe will be closed off from access to African resources. The chinks will hoard them , and no one will have power to question.
Maybe I am alone in feeling like this but the left promotes this socialized equality where everyone lives by the same standard. We all have UBI, healthcare, some meme job, house, family, etc...
And I don't like the idea of that. There are dumb people, smart people, lucky people, unlucky people, people willing to work hard, people that aren't, etc... and this creates an environment where one can be better than someone else (money-wise)
And I like that. I want to be better than my faggot neighbor. I want to be better than this old fuck holding up the line at the grocery store.
Am I crazy?
>Am I crazy?
No, just a liberal.
Europe has a Navy, it can stop the invasion, the problem is cultural, if it sank a ship or sent it back to Libya and the migrants suffered, thousands of pics of women and children crying would flood the news and the countries would be pressured into opening the borders again.
Combine this with the effect of social media in Africa. Now every single Senegalese villager in London can send pics through Facebook showing how life in Europe is great, so the whole village migrates too.
I think the only way the African invasion of Europe can be stopped is if Europe funds a Marshall Plan to Africa so niggers don't need to cross the entire world to have a better life.
No that's the most simplistic nonsense I've ever heard about it.
The rise of the right in the West can be expained by a combination of overlaping factors:
1. Rising social inequality as a result of decades of free market policies while China undervalued its currency. Gini coefficients in the West are now at levels close to those before WW2, creating resentment against the elites.
2. Mass migration of third world peoples to Western countries, triggering fears of demographic replacement and increasing pressure on unemployment figures.
3. Factories closing down and replaced by service jobs, also a consequence of China's currency manipulation and the global financial crisis.
So... more inequality + resentment against the "elites" + unemployment and closed factories because of the financial crisis + mass migration = Right-wing rise
My two images explain it all
>Europe has a navy
It's the navy. All Europe needs is a strict policy of no immigration and will to follow through with it. What are the Africans going to do? They have no military strength to rival Europe.
What are the blacks gonna do? They suck at actually combat.
The one problem is that you don't realize you are a dumb fuck too.
Whatever you say ;)
You mentioned the present-day situation, but what about the future? There's still more whites than niggers in the world, but what will happen when niggers outnumber whites by a large margin?
>I think the only way the African invasion of Europe can be stopped is if Europe funds a Marshall Plan to Africa so niggers don't need to cross the entire world to have a better life.
The problem is that the globalists DON'T want Africans to have a better life, they want them to remain shit, selling resources for a fraction of market value and make exclusive deals with certain countries. The well being of Africans is not considered, and the solution the globalists have for them is to immigrate to parts of the world that aren't shit.
And now with the rise of nationalist governments in the West, they will unwittingly end this scheme, one way or the other, and it's highly unlikely they will be interested in helping Africa. The US can plunder it's own country, with all problems that entails, but Europe, that depends heavily on foreign commodities, will have an uncertain future with the end with easy access to them.
Nationalists of the past were aggressively imperialistic and invaded shit to take what they needed, but the current breed of nationalists is concerned only inwards and have little interest or understanding about foreign policy.
>The problem is that the globalists DON'T want Africans to have a better life, they want them to remain shit, selling resources for a fraction of market value and make exclusive deals with certain countries. The well being of Africans is not considered, and the solution the globalists have for them is to immigrate to parts of the world that aren't shit.
You're right. The best example of this is the current status of the country that is the darling of globalists: Haiti, the so-called "Republic of NGOs". A country that has completely failed, where political and military power is not held by the state, but by organized crime, and social and cultural services are performed by globalist NGOs.
The globalist program for the Third World is to transform all countries in huge Haitis, so that globalist NGOs can rule together with organized crime gang. Even for the explotation of recourses that's better, it's easier to pay some drug lord than to deal with the bureaucracy and chaotic tax system of a typical underdeveloped country.
And you're right that the current breed of isolationist nationalists in the First World are not able to deal with this, they will close their borders and Soros will continue to destroy the Third World, sending more people to the developed countries.
The only hope is the articulation and cooperation of First World and Third World nationalist movements (like Modi in India, Duterte in the Philippines and Bolsonaro in Brazil), but that's hard for the very racist nature of developed countries nationalism.
This thread just reeks of /pol/ tier faggotry.
Fuck off back to your shithole, fagshits.
What are you going to do, grandpa, toss your meds and your crutches at the niggers?
Even if he didn't do it intentionally(?), it's a nice little pun on religion.
They could shoot them. The blacks are the ones throwing sticks and stones.
That's actually a spot on comment. How do you feel about cliodynamics and the works of P.Turchin?
Hypothesis: 'God' didn't 'die' in America because
>muh frontier Indians = scary God-fearing men
>Americans weren't preoccupied with the intellectual currents that disbanded with the mystical presuppositions of Christianity: e.g. America's religiosity is a 'snapshot' of the Baptists et. al who came before the 1800's.
What you have is a Marxist, 20th-century style cultural revolution against Christian civilization as it stands. Europe didn't have any religious or moral rebuttal against it; Nazism was the only rebuttal to Marxist ideology, as it continued the hypothesis of the 'Superman' who would rise out of the death of Christianity as a moral force capable of exerting a moral force in European politics.
It failed, and Islam seems to be the only force keeping 'degeneracy' n check.
Whereas in America, you have Christianity as a moral force in public life. Not to say that there aren't CHristian democrats in Germany and the 'BIble belt' in Holland. While Christians elected Merkel, there is no argument against the immigrant influx she is creating; 'We are a Christian country' doesn't seem to be a tenable position.
'God is dead' in Europe, but not in America. That is why there was a backlash agaisnt Marxist feminism/identity politics in America, while Europe is following suit with its right-wing reactionary parties. .
>the very racist nature of developed countries nationalism.
Yeah, nationalists of today think they can just close the borders and all problems solved, everything else will stay the same. They'll get a rude awakening when they realize that everyone else can also play this game. No more shady trade deals advantageous to the rich countries. Western friendly puppet dictators only work if a population has positive views about the West.
>Western friendly puppet dictators only work if a population has positive views about the West.
Not true at all.
>Trying to blackmail western nations into giving endless gibs and letting undesirables into their nations
If western nations wanted to they could go Hitler 2.0 in a second. I'd watch yourself.
Stay delusional, /pol/ack
>The only hope is the articulation and cooperation of First World and Third World nationalist movements (like Modi in India, Duterte in the Philippines and Bolsonaro in Brazil), but that's hard for the very racist nature of developed countries nationalism.
Most nationlist movements in Europe desire this. Look at the new right in Europe for example, or Dugins 4pt.
>Thinks people put up with bullshit forever
> Hitler 2.0
You're right. They can start a war with the whole world, overextend themselves and lose, turning their countries into ruins. Just like Hitler.
>They can start a war with the whole world
Your really think the whole world would be against Europe if they decide to purge non-Whites and Jews? Most would support them.
If Europe was "strong", they wouldn't have dismantled their empires. And the US is 50% brown already.
>If Europe was "strong", they wouldn't have dismantled their empires.
Europe was in the empire game for almost 500 years, which is impressive in its own right. This being said, there is a time to look outward and time to be insular. Nothing last forever and Europe reached the point where they needed to be insular. It isn't a sign of weakness unless they let it be. Which they did by letting non-Whites into their nations.
The NWO is preparing for such an event for decades. You will never touch the blessed people again. Just try, nazi motherfucker.
You can be insular when you're self-suficient, otherwise you either kiss foreign asses to get what you need or invade and occupy shit, that's what the globalists do. I have no idea how your nationalists will concile this, as they are staunchly against both.
Modern European nationalist or traditionalist aren't really against 3rd world nationalist or traditionalist. Most support them or are indifferent.
Globalists hate Israel and fight for its dissolution. Pro-Zionist and Israeli Jews are so blind by their hatred of Europeans that they don't realize this.
Hate to tell you, but most of America doesn't have $1000 saved, and most are living paycheck to paycheck.
That's even worse than nationalism, stop LARPing grandpa
>whole argument revolves around the false premise that European authentic right-wingers are against 3rd authentic right-wingers
>Shows himself to be left-winger the whole time.
It's funny you say that. In the 15th century, just before Europe started playing world domination, China was the most powerful country. Just like Europeans, they built ships and started exploring the world. Then they suddenly had a radical change of policy and decided to close themselves from the world, declaring that they wanted nothing to do with foreign "barbarians". Foreigners that caught in China were promptly executed just for being foreign (the Portuguese found this in the hard way). The isolation led to stagnation, allowing Europe to stroll in and take over Asia and the world, including China.
>mfw right wing plebs content with society just consisting of businesses working for profit and for material wealth and status to be the highest aim within society
End me now. I can't even imagine being a class cuck.
For example, Rubio's comment about how we need less philosophers and more business people in the primary.
Fucking rightists are shit-tier. Knuckle dragging shitlords.
Keep it
rise of the right in the western world
>explained simply because of boredom
No and you're an idiot or a leftist trying to revise how your shitty policies brought about current circumstances.
"When I was a Revolutionary Marxist, we were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.
It wasn't because we liked immigrants, but because we didn't like Britain. We saw immigrants - from anywhere - as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.
Also, we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people - usually in the poorest parts of Britain - who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly 'vibrant communities'.
If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots.
Revolutionary students didn't come from such 'vibrant' areas (we came, as far as I could tell, mostly from Surrey and the nicer parts of London).
We might live in 'vibrant' places for a few (usually squalid) years, amid unmown lawns and overflowing dustbins.
But we did so as irresponsible, childless transients - not as homeowners, or as parents of school-age children, or as old people hoping for a bit of serenity at the ends of their lives." - Peter Hitchens
It's because people can't live off of pure *sniff* ideology indefinitely.
This is one of the rare times when people aren't busy dying of hunger, war or working their guts out to put food on the table. It's where you can put your talents to the test and make of yourself what you want. Real estate agent, Cartoonist, novelist, historian, fuck even clowns become famous highly looked up apon for their acts.
But nobody wants to sprout out say from a few. Even the ones with theese dreams remains dreamers.
Why is this Veeky Forums?
guys I'm basically a hiki I just leave the house once a week in the dead of night to buy cigarettes and beer I actively avoid getting too deep in current events and pursue escapism at all times things are gonna be OK right?
Can the rise of the right be explained by the niggers, shitskins and jews ruining civilization again? Yes, it can.
>It wasn't because we liked immigrants, but because we didn't like Britain. We saw immigrants - from anywhere - as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.
seriously whats wrong with him?