What does Veeky Forums think of Sargon of Akkad?
What does Veeky Forums think of Sargon of Akkad?
I don't know much about ancient Egypt
His youtube videos suck.
Cucked faggot who thinks he's smart just because he beats down retards
edgy faggot.
>larps as a figure who's descendants are mostly Muslim
>talks shit about Islam
what did he mean by this?
A pseudo intellectual sjw slapping bong.
Got owned by that SJW Destiny
>be obese
>think your opinions matter
>B-but the Akkadians were white! Just like the Sumerians!
Bit of a faggot, his content is devoid of any value.
Would probably play video games with him, but I wouldn't want our relationship to extend further than that.
otherwise known as Nimrod, as in the Tower of Babel.
they are they same.
also, Santa Clause is a mythological adaptation of Nimrod's legacy.
The king or the youtube cuck?
I am totally left-wing guys!
*proceeds to suck right wing populist dick*
pretentious cunt
hes a literal cuck raising a child that isn't even his
The youtuber? Or the Akkadian?
>think this is a thread about actual historical figure
>realize this board is full of self-called historians who just watch youtube channels of other similar faggots
it's a meme
>"its just a prank bro"
>prank memes
early 2016 called, it wants it's memes back
>worlds first empire
>built Babylon
>introduced Semitic hegemony over the region
Pretty awesome if you ask me
Mods please delete all comments talking about a YouTube shithead and not about Mesopotamia
>what are Chaldean Catholics?
You've got to be kidding me
He's one of those people who has a vision of himself as one thing, a centre-left anti authoritarian sceptic who is trying to bring back debating like it was done in the good old agora days. When all his actions show he is really a right wing ideologue who spends his time bashing left wing ideologues on committing muh fallacies while at the same time producing a video full of muh fallacies.
Christ you people are fucking retarded.
>Mods please delete all comments talking about a YouTube shithead and not about Mesopotamia
Get youtube cancer out of Veeky Forums. Read a book or go suck a dick.
political hack, pretty much debased himself this past year.
Nice thread.
Historical Sargon of Akkad is based. No comment on the youtuber since I never seen his vids, but he sounds like a fag.
>"Das rite brown boy.. we wuz Sumerians n' shieeet. before the ayyyrab man stole ar land.."
"obviously Muslim Iraqis can't be sumerian because cultures never shift and every invasion leads to total population replacement "