If Celtic incantations and magic protections actually worked, could they have won against the Romans?
If Celtic incantations and magic protections actually worked, could they have won against the Romans?
If they worked then this would mean that gods, magic, are real. And Roman infrastructure for magic and sacrifice were some of the best in the world. Egypt alone sums +1000 points in magic for the Romans. Celts never had a chance.
gods and magic are real. Its just that God was with Rome over the Celtic barbarians.
Well not necessarily. If we factor in all magical incantations and belief in gods/spirit entities as actually affecting history and see how it altered from there (which would be an interesting discussion to say the least), the celts would totally be BTFO.
But what I'm saying is if they were actually protected in battle physically by incantations as they didn't wear much armor, would that edge have been enough to shift the game?
>God was with Rome over the Celtic barbarians
Which one? Mars?
All of them.
From my understanding didn't most celts only wear torques into battle believing that they'd be protected by magic/the gods/whatever?
If that protection actually existed would that have been just as good as roman armor or better?
Dude we would have to see the stats.
Do the celts get 5 bonus defense points for fighting with willies out, while Roman armor only gives 4 defense points?
We can assume celtic cock was large due to their general masculinity, so it could also cause a mild disorienting effect in the Romans.
Factoring potential war fetishes, erect celt cock could also be very distracting.
If we assume their spiritual protection was at par with Roman armor, would their cock tease be enough to best the Romans?
Protruding appendage are generally a disadvantage and that's why you don't see helmet like Axterix's in actual battle
Getting it hard enough to be an advantage, that's still can be grabbed, would be costly
Why won't they simply wear armor
No because there's no way the Celts sacrificed more the the Gods than the Romans
What are debuffs?
For celts -5 morale +1 agulity in cold weather due to shrunken willies
When you go into battle you will live or die. The fates determined your death before your first breath. No amount of armour will cheat them.
Might as well go balls to the walls.
That's why I never wear my seatbelt
fuck I love those comics
This thread shouldn't be here
I think this is better suited for Veeky Forums